dong dong dong.
A knock on the door interrupted their gaze.

Lu Yu walked out slowly and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was a girl he didn't know, holding a small bone china soup bowl in her hand.

Probably frightened by the aura of the man in front of her, the little girl's hands trembled a little.

"Husband, ma'am asked me to give it to the young mistress, sober up soup!"

Lu Yu glanced at her gravely, and found that this girl was somewhat similar to Jiang Ning in terms of body shape and appearance.

This should not be a coincidence.

"Why sober up so late, we're all asleep, don't."

"San Sanshao, but this is Madam's confession." The little girl murmured.

Lu Yu took the small bowl from her impatiently, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go."

After speaking, he slammed the door shut and locked it.

When she returned to the house, Jiang Ning was already lying on the big bed that had been made.

Lu Yu asked her with a smile: "Do you dare to drink the hangover soup that Qin Shu sent?"

Jiang Ning was a little tired, but she managed to sit up and study the hangover soup.

She took a spoonful and put it under her nose to smell it, then closed her eyes and searched for something in her brain.

Soon, the name of a drug similar to anesthetic appeared in her mind.

"You smell a bit like my snow wolf." Lu Yu teased from the side, and then asked her if she smelled anything.

Jiang Ning's drooping long eyelashes lifted, revealing those semi-blurred eyes.

She squinted her eyes and said seriously, "Aren't you going to tell me about Qin Shu?"


"Guess what's in the soup?"

Lu Yu's eyes lit up, "What?"

"In State S, this drug is called 'Drunk Night', and its efficacy is close to that of an anesthetic. But the difference is that when you wake up after taking the drunk night, you will forget what happened in the 8 hours before taking the drug."

After Jiang Ning finished speaking, she found that the gaze from the other side was a little more vigilant.

Indeed, such things as drunken nights are unlikely to be understood by a college student.

She quickly explained: "I studied medicine in State S, and I've heard of it."

Lu Yu was still staring at her, trying to see something unknown from her indifferent eyes.

He remembered the information about this girl that Pei Xiangnan had sent before.

At the age of 6, he was sent to a private school in Jincheng, S Country. At the age of 9, he ran away from the school. At the age of 12, he lived in S Island and was adopted by an old man who scavenged waste. At the age of 18, he was admitted to Huazhou University.

The fact that she was transferred to Yunda as an exchange student was not the original arrangement of the school, but because she almost beat up a girl at school.

In order to minimize the impact of her violent incident, the school allowed her to come to Yunda as an exchange student.

It stands to reason that the school has every reason to expel her for her behavior, but the school did not do so.

There may be some unknown secret behind this.

What kind of place S continent is, no one knows better than Lu Yu.

There is the darkest underground force in the world, the world's top secret service organization, and the birthplace of various black technologies and new things.
Lu Yu couldn't help but wonder if she had something to do with these things?
That's why when I saw her for the first time, I felt that she was wandering in the middle ground between good and evil.

However, although the girl's eyes at this time were a bit blurred, they were not mixed with those dark things.

Jiang Ning seemed to see through his heart, and knew that he must be full of curiosity about herself now.

"Don't look at me like that, what you have to deal with now is not me, but the big hole that Qin Shu or others have dug for you!

"At the same time, you have to think about why the opponent wants to attack me? Why do you want to give me a drunk night?"

Lu Yu was silent, and began to replay what happened after he entered Jingshan Palace in his mind, not letting go of any details.

After thinking for a moment, he remembered the incense that Jiang Ning had extinguished before, and asked the other party what it was.

"Phantom." After Jiang Ning finished speaking, he explained, "It's also a coincidence. I came into contact with this Western Regions fragrance when I was in S State."

Lu Yu: "."

He didn't bother to ask how the other party knew these things, he just asked her if this kind of scent had special effects.

"Since it's the fragrance, how can it not have special effects? Phantoms are to make the things you see unreal and real, and they can also arouse the primitive instinct in your body."

"You can put it bluntly."

"It works the same as what I spit out before."

Lu Yu frowned again.

I haven't figured out who hit Jiang Ning at the dinner table, but now someone is doing it here again?

"Lu Yu, this should be aimed at you." Jiang Ning said: "If it is aimed at us, they don't need to give me a drunken night."


"So Lu Yu, maybe for a while"

Before Jiang Ning finished speaking, there was another knock on the door.

"Is it over? Are you letting me sleep?" Lu Yu said angrily.

"A Yu, it's Tian Bo who sent the message to ask you to go to Grandpa's study, and Ah Yan is also going to go." Qin Shu's gentle voice sounded at the door.


Jiang Ning glanced at the time, thinking that if the incense in the room hadn't been extinguished, then it should be effective at this time.

When the man left, she grabbed his arm and whispered, "Be careful with women."

The corners of Lu Yu's lips curled slightly, "Worried about me?"

Jiang Ning shook off his arm, put one hand on her forehead and walked to the bed, "Tsk tsk, Zui Ye has taken effect!"

Lu Yu looked at her with an unconscious smile in his eyes.

Her reminder reminded him of the girl who brought the hangover soup just now, and he probably knew what his opponent was up to.

"Jiang Ning, now I can only tell you that Qin Shu is a vicious and dangerous woman, so be careful."

Jiang Ning has already lay back on the bed.

She wanted to ask more, but the only answer was the sound of the bedroom door being closed.

At the same time, in the villa manor.

Luo Li was lying in the car, monitoring the entire manor through the tablet computer, including every building in the manor as long as the monitoring was installed.

Lu Yu sent him a message 5 minutes ago, focusing on the second bedroom on the south side.

So now he has perched the craft on the balcony of his bedroom.

Although no problems have been found so far, in order to better protect his wife, he took off the aircraft again and hit the glass door lightly.

Jiang Ning was startled, and quickly turned over and got out of bed vigilantly, then followed the sound to the balcony door.

The glass door was opened, and an aircraft the size of a butterfly broke in through the tiny gap.

"Ma'am, Ma'am, I'm Luo Li, the boss sent me to protect you."

Hearing this voice, Jiang Ning finally set her gaze on her left shoulder.

She frowned slightly, not knowing whether she should respond or not.

"Ma'am, can you hear me? Hear a squeak!"

When Jiang Ning was about to speak, there was another knock on the door and Qin Shu's gentle voice——

"Lingling, are you asleep?"

Luo Li at the other end of the aircraft vaguely heard this sound, immediately restarted the aircraft and found an inconspicuous place to perch.

Jiang Ning didn't have time to judge the current situation, she just remembered that she should have swallowed the hangover soup sent by the other party.

She didn't respond to the voice outside the door.



Lu Yu locked the door when he left, but at this moment the door lock was making a very soft noise.

Jiang Ning's heart beat, every pore of her body was full of vigilance.

She felt imperceptible steps approaching the big bed, accompanied by a faint scent of tea.

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