Chapter 75 Are you the one who attacked me?

The night at Jingshan Palace was unnervingly quiet, and the villa manor this night was not destined to be so peaceful.

Lu Liting called Lu Yan and Lu Yu to his study.

He also said that he met an expert who said that his health improved because the Lu family had a lucky star.

The bride married by the third young master was a blessing for the Lu family, and it was a lucky star, but the location of the lucky star was not suitable.

Inside the antique study.

Lu Yu sat cross-legged on the chair made of huanghuali, with a wisp of smoke lingering between his fingers on the armrest, looking lazy and evil.

"Grandpa, let's get to the point. Why did I marry Ning Ning and marry the wrong position?"

Lu Liting sat opposite him, his whole body was shrouded in half of the light and shadow, and the dim light outlined his thin face with sharp edges and corners.

There was seriousness on that calm and prestige face.

He said in a deep voice, "I know you like that girl, but she's not the most suitable one for you, you two don't match up."

"I don't think we fit anywhere, except Bazi!"

Lu Yu puffed out the smoke ring and smiled wickedly.

He looked foolish on the surface, but in his heart he was as clear as a mirror.

If he really wanted to say that he and Jiang Ning were not suitable, the old man would have told him during the day.

But he had to wait until now to call Lu Yan together, didn't he have other deep meanings?
Lu Yan also smelled something unusual.

Shouldn't it be
Without waiting for him to think too much, Lu Liting said bluntly: "That girl's horoscope is more suitable for Ah Yan!"

When Lu Yan heard the sound, a cold light burst out from his eyes.

Heart said: Good old man, you can even say such nonsense in order for Lu Yu to inherit the Lu family.

Recently, he heard a rumor from Lu Zhifeng that the old man had arranged a child marriage for the heir of the Lu family when he was young.

I had already forgotten about it, but a few days ago, the current head of the Lin family approached the old man with a token.

"Grandpa, aren't you ignorant? Ning Ning agrees with elder brother, do you want elder brother to marry my wife?" Lu Yu's face turned a bit sullen.

"Ayu, why did you talk to Grandpa?" Lu Yan shouted, "How could Grandpa mean that?"

Lu Liting: "That's what I mean!"

Lu Yan: "."

Lu Yu stood up, put the cigarette in his hand into his mouth, bit the cigarette lightly and said, "Then you are boring, you can't continue talking, let's go!"

At this time, he felt that some of the incense that he had inhaled before was being amplified, and he had to clear his mind as soon as possible.

"A Yu!"

Lu Yan stood up, but before he could continue to say something, a sense of dizziness made him stagger.

Lu Liting was still sitting in the wheelchair expressionlessly, completely unaware of the abnormality of the two grandsons.

"Since Jiang Ning's only purpose is to marry into the Lu family, I think Ah Yan is the best choice for her compared to Ah Yu!"

Lu Yu, who had already reached the door, was stopped by these words.

He turned around, his eyes showed the coldness and indifference that rarely appeared in front of the Lu family.

"Grandpa, are you trying to force me to turn against you?"

Lu Liting believed that among his grandchildren, Lu Yu's personality was actually the closest to his own.

He could see the other party's forbearance in the Lu family, and felt that his ambition was hidden under his dandy appearance.

He is also willing to fulfill his ambition.

"You won't turn against me for a woman." The old man replied with a serious face.

Lu Yu smiled and responded, "Don't think you know me well!"

After speaking, he opened the study door and walked out without hesitation.

Soon, the pattern on the handmade carpet in the hallway quickly turned in front of my eyes.

Lu Yu supported the wall, taking every step carefully.

Coming out of the main building, not only did the cold wind in the middle of the night not lower his body temperature, but it seemed to rekindle the weak fire.

Lu Yu immediately realized that his state was not right.

He hurriedly took out his cell phone from his pocket while he was still awake, but before he could dial Luo Li's number, he was dragged into the green belt next to him by a force.

While resisting, a strong force knocked him unconscious again.

When he opened his eyes again, there was a sleeping girl beside him.

Lu Yu was startled and immediately sat up.

Fortunately, the girl beside him was not unfamiliar to him.

She was only wearing a bathrobe, the loose neckline had slipped to her shoulders, and there was a new mark on her fair neck, but the pink color looked like someone had pinched her.

Lu Yu felt as if his head was about to explode. The harder he tried to recall what happened last night, the more messed up his brain became.

A moment later, a scream alarmed the entire manor.

Jiang Ning was also awakened from a deep sleep, but what came into view was the man's slender figure and thin waist under the backlight.

Then switch from a hazy back to a moving eight-pack
When Lu Yu heard the rustling sound behind him, he immediately turned and walked to the end of the bed, staring at the girl who just sat up.

"What happened last night?"

Jiang Ning gathered her bathrobe, "It's a bit complicated, in short, it's almost a chaotic sex incident."

"It was you who attacked me last night?"

"if not?"

Mentioning this, Jiang Ning involuntarily stroked her neck and said softly, "If I don't attack you, I'll be strangled to death by you!"

"I thought it was the maid, the phantom is very powerful." Lu Yuwen responded in a loud voice.

Jiang Ning got out of bed and was about to explain what happened last night in detail, but there was a heart-piercing crying sound outside, and the sound seemed to be in the opposite room.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor outside.

bang bang bang-

"Yingying? Is it Yingying? What happened?"

It was Qin Shu's voice.

Lu Yu and Jiang Ning looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

Immediately, the two walked towards the door together.

Qin Shuzheng took several maids and servants and smashed the door of the guest room loudly.

"Aunt Qin, did you have guests at home yesterday?" Lu Yu leaned against the door frame and yawned.

Qin Shu turned his eyes down, and then his face turned pale.

How could he be in the room?
"Ayu, did I disturb you? I'm sorry, a daughter from a distant cousin came to see me yesterday, and I temporarily put her in the guest room. I don't know what happened this early in the morning."

Lu Yu jokingly smiled, "It's not bothering me, it's my baby!"

Jiang Ning poked her head out from behind him, and said coquettishly, "Husband, what's the matter?"

In an instant, Qin Shu's face turned from white to green.

Hearing the hoarse cries in the guest room, her hand hanging by her side suddenly trembled.

In the guest room, a man with no thread on his body was running around in a panic.

After finally finding the trousers in a pile of messy clothes, the heavy door was suddenly kicked open.

A group of people headed by Qin Shu rushed in.


Seeing the girl curled up on the bed, the woman's voice seemed to freeze suddenly.

Immediately, the whole person seemed to have been drained of all the strength in his body, and he walked out of the bedroom weakly, and collapsed in the corridor after a few steps.

Jiang Ning was a little curious, what did the bully who entered the guest room last night look like?

So she pretended to be ignorant and stepped forward to help Qin Shu up, then walked into the guest room curiously to find out.

The next moment, her pupils shrank suddenly, and even her breathing stopped for a second or two.

(End of this chapter)

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