As the owner of Jingshan Palace, Lu Liting could of course know immediately what happened in the East and West rooms last night.

Unfortunately, this result made his blood pressure soar.

Lin Ying was the woman he planned for Lu Yu to divorce and remarry, but why did she get mixed up with Lu Yan?Still doing such ugly things!
And Lu Yi, why was he suddenly given by the bodyguard.
"Old Tian, ​​take me to the boss first"

The old man said halfway, but immediately changed his words: "Forget it, let me go to the third place."

Compared with the granddaughter-in-law who has not entered the door, the granddaughter is more important.

In the east auxiliary building, the air pressure is as low as the deep sea.

Lu Zhijie sat on the sofa, although his face was gloomy, it was still difficult to distinguish his true emotions at this time.

He was playing with a pair of lion heads in his hands, and his gaze fell sharply on the man opposite him.

"How long have you been with Yiyi?"

"Six years." Mo Liangsheng replied.

"Any thoughts about Yiyi?" Lu Zhijie asked again.

The man obviously didn't expect him to ask such a question, so he froze in place for a moment.

After hesitating for a moment, he said, "Don't dare, I made a mistake this time, and I am willing to accept the punishment."

"Yes, I will definitely not let you go, I will call the police now!"

Qin Shu on the side lost control of his emotions and rushed forward to slap the other party with all his teeth and claws.

Half of her anger stems from the failure of her plan; the other half probably stems from lifting a rock and hitting her daughter in the foot.

Lu Yu pulled her back, and said with a half-smile, "If you want to ruin Yiyi, no one is stopping you from calling the police."


Lu Zhijie cast a glance at his son, with a bit of surprise on his face.

I didn't expect this idle boy to have such a careful side.

Immediately, he stood up and walked up to Mo Liangsheng and asked, "How are you as a bodyguard?"

"Sanda eight-level silver dragon."

"Okay, you will follow me from now on." Lu Zhijie nodded and said.

His decision surprised everyone, including Mo Liangsheng himself.

Qin Shu was the first to object.

"No, absolutely not, I can't let this kind of person stay in the Lu family!"

"If you don't stay at Lu's house, I have other plans for him." Lu Zhijie responded calmly.


"Qin Shu, you used to be kind to others, and you had to forgive others. How come you are so harsh on Xiao Mo?"

Qin Shu was so angry that her face turned pale. She said angrily, "Lu Zhijie, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? Now it's your daughter who was ruined by this beast. How can you ask me to forgive others?"

"So? Call the police and send him to prison so that everyone knows that your daughter was raped?"

"At least let him get the punishment he deserves."

"How do you know I won't punish him? Yiyi is my daughter, isn't what I did for her own good?"

Qin Shu was speechless for a while, but she knew in her heart that Mo Liangsheng must not be allowed to stay by Lu Zhijie's side.

If one day he exposes the truth of the matter, then everything she has deployed for so many years will be in vain!
She couldn't figure it out even if she wanted to break her head——

How come a man who is a Sanda eight-dan man didn't win a mere Jiang Ning?And it's still when the other party has been drunk all night!

At this moment, she was only concerned about her own affairs, and she didn't know what happened to Lu Yan and Lin Ying.

Until Lu Liting entered the door.

Sitting in a wheelchair, he said in a deep voice: "Why was the girl from the Lin family in Jingshan Palace yesterday? Who asked her to come here?"

Qin Shu's heart skipped a beat, and she replied in a low voice, "Dad, it was Yingying who contacted me and said she had something urgent to ask, so I let her come home."

There is some relationship between the Lin family and the Qin family, and both of them were married to the Lu family by their ancestors.

In terms of seniority, Lin Ying can be regarded as Qin Shu's cousin and niece.

Lu Yu extracted a piece of information from their conversation——

The old man made a baby marriage for the heir of the Lu family, the one that Qin Shu was going to put on his bed last night.

At this moment, Qin Shu heard about Lin Ying and Lu Yan, and he collapsed on the sofa.

how so! ! !
Second floor room.

Jiang Ning wrapped Lu Yi's distressed body in a clean bathrobe, and comforted her softly beside her.

"It's hard for anyone to accept this kind of thing, but since it happened, we can't undo it. We have to face it bravely. After all, life must go on."

She knew that in the eyes of the person involved, it was purely standing up straight and speaking without pain in the back, but now she really didn't know what to do besides persuasion.

She was heartbroken and regretted that she hadn't figured out the situation last night.

But now that things have come to this, she can only find a way to do her best to make up for this girl!
Sending Lu Yi back to the bedroom, Jiang Ning closed all the half-shading gauze curtains.

"Yiyi, close your eyes and go to sleep, the nightmare will be gone when you wake up."

Lu Yi's mood seemed to have stabilized a lot. She asked in a crying voice, "Sister-in-law, will I be pregnant?"

Jiang Ning hesitated for a few seconds, then patted her head with distressed eyes.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

She finished and left the bedroom.

The atmosphere in the living room on the first floor was still cloudy and treacherous, but Mo Liangsheng had already left.

When Lu Yu heard footsteps, he immediately looked away.

"How is Lu Yi?"


"Well, we have nothing to do here, I'll take you to school!"

After Lu Yu finished speaking, Lu Liting immediately showed dissatisfaction, and said in a deep voice, "I have something to ask girl Jiang Ning alone!"

Jiang Ning's eyelids twitched, and her brain immediately started spinning at high speed.

Lu Yu wanted to prevent their meeting alone, he could guess what the old man was going to say.

It's just that the old man ordered him to shut up before he could speak.

"I just want to ask your wife something, what are you stopping!"

Jiang Ning cast a comforting look at the man, and then took the initiative to push Lu Liting's wheelchair up.

"Grandpa, where are we going to talk?"


"it is good."

Luo Li's aircraft hovered in the manor, and at this time followed it and flew towards the backyard.

After a while, Lu Liting took the initiative to pull down the brake of the wheelchair.

"Girl, why did you marry A Yu?"

Jiang Ning stopped, "Because I like it."

"Like A Yu, or do you like Mrs. Lu's identity?"

"like it all."

This answer surprised Lu Liting a little.

She was quite straightforward.

"Since you are so frank, I will say something directly."

"You say."

"A Yu is my chosen successor, but if you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight. This requires sacrifice. You are what he must sacrifice."

Jiang Ning didn't make a sound, but secretly slandered in her heart: You are the thing!

The old man turned his head and saw that she didn't intend to speak, so he continued.

"Since you have married into my Lu family, I can't treat you badly, and to be honest, I really like you, so if you are willing to divorce Ah Yu, I will marry you to Ah Yan!"

The moment the voice fell, Jiang Ning and the aircraft not far behind her staggered at the same time.

These words simply refreshed her three views!
Can you still play this kind of game these days?

"Grandpa, are you serious?" Jiang Ning asked a little funny.

"You think I'm going to joke about it?"

"Well, then I have to think about it!"

Immediately afterwards, something seemed to fall to the ground and made a "click" sound.

Jiang Ning glanced behind her, only to see a wisp of white smoke rising not far away.

Lu Liting didn't pay attention to the small movement, but asked seriously: "How long do you need to think about it?"

"Well, think about it, I don't like second marriages very much!"

"Are you kidding me?" The old man was a little angry.

"Grandpa, then I also want to ask, is this your meaning or my husband's meaning?"

"I can help him make the decision!"

"You can't. I understand the principle of 'If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight'. The key is, is Lu Yu really willing to wear that crown?"

"Of course he would."

"If he is willing, you shouldn't be the one who told me this!" Jiang Ning said mercilessly.


Rowley, who was hiding in the car, was going crazy.

He made a mistake and dropped the Fetion device, which resulted in many key information not being recorded.

It seems that after all, I can't escape the fate of cleaning the toilet!

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