When Jiang Ning pushed the old man back to the villa, there were many more people in the living room.

When Lu Yan heard that the old man was here, he brought Lin Ying to look for him, and Lu Zhifeng and his wife followed along worry-free.

Qin Shu seemed to be concerned about pulling Lin Ying to ask questions, but in fact the anger in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

Lin Ying also looked timid.

Seeing the old man enter the door, Lu Yan was the first to go forward and admit his mistake.

"Grandpa, I drank a little too much last night, so I... I was obsessed with ghosts, and I... I felt very uncomfortable when I heard you said that Miss Lin would marry A Yu."

Hearing the sound, Lu Liting's already gloomy face became almost dripping.

"What do you mean by that?"

"When I was 19 years old, you took me to Miss Lin's birthday party. Since that day, I have always liked her for more than ten years."

After Lu Yan finished speaking, he knelt down in front of the old man, "I'm sorry, Grandpa, I know I'm not good enough for Miss Lin, but I really can't control my feelings!"

Hearing this, Qin Shu immediately cast a questioning look at Lin Ying, who dodged her gaze.

As an outsider, Lu Yu suddenly yawned.

"You guys are busy, I'm taking my wife to school!"

He just wants to leave Lu's house as soon as possible, and use his way to find out what happened in Jingshan Palace from last night to now.

Lu Liting was in such a state of desperation that he didn't bother to stop him for a while.

Inside the silver ghost, Lu Yuqing leaned on the back seat with his eyes closed and didn't ask a word.

Jiang Ning felt guilty for what happened to Lu Yi.

"I'm sorry" suddenly sounded in the quiet air.

Lu Yu opened his eyes and looked beside him, "I'm sorry for what?"

"The bodyguard named Mo Liangsheng was locked in the guest room by me. His original target should be me. I didn't know that Lu Yi would be in the guest room. I thought it was inside."

"Who do you think it is?"

"That girl named Lin Ying must have been prepared by Qin Shu for you, right?"


Lu Yu didn't deny it, he guessed that Qin Shu had the ability to do things like that, so he specially sent a message to Lu Yi to ask her to go to the guest room to pester the young lady.

If he had to say who cheated Lu Yi, he couldn't escape the main responsibility.

Jiang Ning was dumbfounded after hearing this.

Lu Yu continued to speak in a cold tone: "Although what happened to Lu Yi is distressing, but if you want to blame it, you can only blame her insidious mother."

Soon, the car stopped at the gate of Yunda.

Before getting out of the car, Jiang Ning hesitated to speak, and finally just said "goodbye" lightly.

"Jiang Ning." Lu Yu called to stop her.


"I'm going to Xinghai Bay tonight, wait for me!"


As soon as Jiang Ning entered the school gate and walked not far, she saw Jiang Tianhua walking towards him.

Her heart couldn't help but sink, guessing various reasons why the other party came to school.

After a while, Jiang Tianhua stopped in front of her, and then apologized to her inexplicably.

Jiang Ning had a question mark on her face.

After asking, she found out that the other party was invited to the school by Zhao Yali, because Jiang Ying lied about harming her classmates.

"Jiang Ying made the mistake, you don't have to apologize to me for her." Jiang Ning said indifferently.

She didn't want to have too much interaction with the other party, so she left after leaving this sentence.

In the next second, Jiang Tianhua's helpless voice came from behind——

"So, you must have Yingying apologize to you in person before this matter is over?"

Jiang Ning didn't know that because of her incident, the entire Jiang's group was being punished.

The raw material supplier terminated the supply contract, but the partner demanded to deliver the product ahead of schedule. If it could not be implemented, Jiang's long-term cooperation agreement for the next five years would be lost at once, and the loss of profit would reach tens of millions.

An anonymous email was delivered to Jiang Tianhua's e-mail at the same time, the content was very simple——

[Let Jiang Ying apologize to Jiang Ning in front of the whole school! 】

Jiang Ning turned around with cold eyes.

She hooked her lips, and asked back with a half-smile, "Jiang Ying did something wrong, shouldn't she apologize?"

"Jiang Ning, how did you become so vicious? Who did you hook up with? What do you want to do? To bring down the Jiang family? In order to bring down the Jiang family, are you willing to degenerate?"

During the speech, Jiang Tianhua's eyes showed a bit of contempt and hatred.

Jiang Ning has seen this kind of emotion from Ye Lan before, but now no matter who looks at her like this, she can still feel calm.

"Is it that cancerous young master from the Lu family who everyone hides?" Jiang Tianhua asked again.

Jiang Ning showed a naughty smile that she learned from "Master Tumor".

"Mr. Jiang, are you sure you want to call Lu Sanshao that? Since you think I'm getting involved with him, aren't you afraid that I'll blow some pillow talk?
"For a crazy critic like Lu Yu, if I sleep with him a few times, maybe it won't be too difficult for the Lu Corporation to go bankrupt!"

Jiang Tianhua's face turned pale when he heard this, "You really are hopeless!"

He left angrily.

Jiang Ning turned indifferently and walked in the opposite direction.

Instead of going to class directly, she went to the dean's office to submit the internship application form.

Just after finishing a class in the afternoon, she received a notice from the head of the department asking her to go to the Academic Affairs Office to go through the formalities.

Not long after Lu Yu returned to the company, he received a call from Liu Shiyan, who told Jiang Ning to report to Stargate next Monday.

"Old guy, you did a good job, waiting for you to deal with that Jiang Ying."

"Can't you be kinder? Anyway, Jiang Ying is also an excellent student, so it would be unfair to be punished for this kind of thing?"

Lu Yu smiled, "Injustice? If Jiang Ning failed to prove that she had handed in the leave slip, which resulted in credits being deducted and unable to graduate, wouldn't she be wronged?

"Jiang Ying harmed someone subjectively, so she was punished. Is this called injustice?"

Liu Shiyan was speechless.

Lu Yu: "Before Jiang Ning leaves Yunda, I must take care of this matter!"

"What's the relationship between Jiang Ning and you?" Liu Shiyan asked curiously.

"I'm just standing on the side of justice."


After talking on the phone with Liu Shiyan, Luo Li was called into the office.

Lu Yu asked him for the data card in the aircraft, and then connected it to the computer.

The abnormal situation that happened inside and outside Jingshan Palace last night was clearly restored, including when Lin Ying arrived at the west side building and how she got to the east side.

While browsing the images, he casually asked, "Where is the image in Madam's room?"

"Folder S." Luo Li replied truthfully.

Lu Yu clicked on the folder, and the first half of the screen was normal, but then the screen suddenly went black when there was a knock on the door.

"It's the villa that tripped." Luo Li explained from the side.

The picture after that was shot by infrared rays, so it is not particularly clear.

Lu Yu squinted his eyes, and could vaguely see a tall figure kneeling on the bed.

There was a crackling sound of bones and joints being pinched in the office.

Luo Li explained again: "Madam is a master, so I didn't suffer."

Lu Yu rolled his eyes coldly, and the other party shut up.

There was no long fight in the blurry picture, the girl pressed the other party on the bed with a few moves.

Immediately afterwards, there was a picture of the girl dragging out the man who looked like a lump of mud with a grim expression.

"Madam is quite good at fighting, but her strength is a little weak, hehehe!" Luo Li couldn't hold back his voice again, and said with admiration on his face after he finished, "I heard that this guy is a Sanda eight-level silver dragon, so what about the lady who took him down?" Isn't it a nine-stage golden dragon?"

Lu Yu: "Let Wu Fei come over, and you can take over for him to clean the toilet!"

Luo Li seemed to be waiting for this sentence, and left the office immediately after the other party finished speaking.

Sweeping the toilet is much better than watching the boss go crazy!
When Wu Fei walked into the office with a relaxed face, the screen in front of Lu Yu happened to show Jiang Ning and Lu Liting talking in the backyard.

Jiang Ning said that he would consider Lu Liting's proposal.

"Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, the toilet is blocked and I'm working on it, so I smell a little bit, hehehe."

Lu Yu raised his head with a gloomy face: "You know what you are doing here? Get lost!"

Wu Fei: "."

The screen went black, and Lu Yu's face also went black.

In the next second, he directly picked up the car keys on the table and got up, blowing out of the office like a gust of wind.

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