Chapter 88

The bathroom door slammed shut.

Jiang Ning hurriedly went to the cloakroom on the side to change clothes first.

Immediately, she looked at the extra black suits in the cloakroom and the black leather shoes on the shoe rack, and her whole body was messed up in place.

What is he... kidding?
A video connection beep pops up on the computer in the room.

Jiang Ning hurriedly changed into a set of pajamas that were split up and down and ran out to hang up the video. Unfortunately, after she finished hanging up, she realized that it wasn't her computer that was ringing.

The screen was divided into seventy or eighty small windows, and a curious face appeared in each window.

She muttered "Damn it", then frantically looked for the close button.

The close button has not been found, but someone called from the bathroom——

"Jiang Ning... Jiang Ning... I forgot my underwear!"

Jiang Ning's heart was full of grass and mud horses, and when he was in a hurry, he simply closed the notebook.

On the other end, the Stargate Entertainment conference room.

The executives of various departments who were temporarily summoned to the company's meeting were stunned. They saw a Donald Duck flash on the screen in front of them, and then the screen went black again.

So, the reason for going from meeting to video conferencing is...?
"Xiao Wu, where did Boss Lu go?"

"Wu Special Assistant, who is the newcomer Jiang Ning the CEO is talking about?"

"That's right, he called us to a meeting so late, and he went to a private meeting with the female star?"

Wu Fei wiped off his sweat, and explained with a sneer: "The president really broke his stomach temporarily, and he is already at home now.

"Besides, Jiang Ning is just the old mother of the president's family. Minister Meng, please pay attention to what he says!"

As soon as this Wu Fei finished explaining, the voice of the old lady came from the PA device——

"It's none of my business that you didn't take your panties!"

Minister Meng: What an arrogant old lady!
In the bedroom, Jiang Ning thought everything would be fine after closing the computer cover, but she didn't know that Lu Yu's computer had special settings.

She stood at the door of the bathroom with her arms folded and shouted loudly: "If you want to mess around like this, I have reason to believe that you came to my house to play hooligans this night."

The bathroom door was suddenly opened, and a large piece of flesh color rushed into the eyes.

Jiang Ning screamed and averted her gaze.

Lu Yu came out wearing a small bathrobe, glanced at her lightly, and then walked to the cloakroom.

"What are you hiding? I'm not naked."


At the other end of the video conference, Wu Fei was almost scratched by the eyes of seventy or eighty people.

He roared in his heart: "Mr. Lu, if you don't accept me again, you will lose your business!"

Lu Yu changed into a pair of soft home pants, but his upper body was still flesh-colored.

A head of wet hair dripped water continuously, dripping down the graceful jaw line, and slowly flowing through the strong abdomen, and finally submerged in the mermaid line...

Jiang Ning involuntarily indulged in the man's beauty, and there was a little starlight in the beautiful almond eyes.

When the man's sight fell, she dodged in a panic, swallowed hard and said, "You... What's the matter with you? And why did you leave your luggage in my room?"

"I sleep……"

Lu Yu suddenly shut his mouth in the middle of speaking, and at the same time turned his gaze to the closed computer on the desktop.

"Did you touch my computer?"

"I...then what...wrong connection." Jiang Ning said with a guilty conscience.


"But don't worry, I covered it right away, and I never showed my face!"

Lu Yu turned on the computer, and the screen was filled with colorful faces.


Knowing that the call just now had not been terminated, Jiang Ning's face immediately turned pale.

Lu Yu sat back in front of the computer, his face so gloomy that he was completely different from just now, and his tone of voice was extremely cold when he spoke.

"Forget what you just heard, if you let me know and spread a word, you will bear the consequences!"

In an instant, the entire bedroom was like a glacier collapsing, and the cold air rolled in.

Jiang Ning tiptoed to the table and picked up her computer. At the same time, she hung a bathrobe on the corner of the table to signal the man to put it on, and then left the room very lightly.

Lu Yu slowly picked up the bathrobe and put it on, and followed the girl with his eyes.

When the bedroom door was closed, his face darkened again.

The video conference lasted until nearly eleven o'clock in the night, and the theme was still the reality show around Tudou Channel.

Huo Tian, ​​director of the planning department, said that Tudou TV has already officially announced all the celebrity guests, so Stargate no longer needs to arrange artists, but said to select two amateurs from among the employees to appear on the show.

After hearing this, Lu Yu simply and rudely asked the legal department to step in, "Sue Tudou TV for breach of contract."

Ji Meng from the public relations department interjected, "President, I have a suggestion."

Lu Yu raised his hand to signal her to say.

"Among the major David TV channels, Tudou TV has the highest ratings, and in recent years, it has created a lot of hit variety shows..."

"Say the point!"

Ji Meng smiled awkwardly, and then said bluntly: "It would be a great loss for the company to break up with Tudou TV, so it's better to accept the other party's suggestion and choose two amateurs to go up."

This proposal attracted a lot of doubts, and Lu Yu did not agree with this approach.

Amateurs can choose anywhere, so why should they choose Stargate employees?

Who are they looking down on?

"Mr. Lu, there is no need to choose from among the employees! Isn't this just a chance for the company's trainees!"

This made many people nod in agreement, and Lu Yu also said that he would think about it again.

"The morning meeting on Monday will be rescheduled, and the meeting will be adjourned."

After the video conference ended, Lu Yu finished processing several emails before leaving the bedroom.

In the dark corridor, a beam of warm orange light leaked from a guest room with the door ajar.

He walked lightly towards the light source.

Pushing open the door, a fresh lemon scent hits the nostrils.

Borrowing the light from the night light, one can vaguely see one big and one small sleeping on the big bed in bold and unrestrained positions.

Rococo put one leg on Jiang Ning's neck, and Jiang Ning had two long legs, one on the bed and the other on the ground, holding the other leg of the little guy in his arms.

I am afraid that only these two people can sleep in this difficult sleeping position.

In the quiet air, two even and long breaths came and went, and it seemed that they had entered a deep sleep.

Lu Yu stood at the end of the bed and watched for a while, then stepped forward and gently covered the two of them with the quilt that was half hanging on the edge of the bed.

"Auntie, don't think your cousin is old! My cousin *#%#*+>^*%#~~."

Lu Yu was stunned for a long time before realizing that the little guy was talking in his sleep.

He secretly laughed: Tch, what a dream!


In the middle of the night, Jiang Ning vaguely heard the sound of broken glass from downstairs.

Her heart sank, and then she carefully moved the little guy wrapped around her to the side, and got out of bed by herself.

First floor living room.

Lu Yu couldn't control the robot butler, so he had to pour water by himself, but his hands slipped.

When Jiang Ning went downstairs, Silver Wolf was still standing at the stairs in a strange posture, while her King had entered sleep mode.

She quickly adjusted King to wake-up mode, and the shining golden robot began to patrol the living room.

Soon, King's mechanized voice came from the kitchen——

"Goddess, a man fell down and his ass is still bleeding!"

A certain man frowned: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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