Chapter 89
When Jiang Ning ran to the kitchen, she saw Lu Yu sitting by the bar counter with a pale face, the bean-sized beads of sweat on his forehead were crystal clear under the light and shadow.

There was a pool of bright red blood stains on his left thigh, which was particularly glaring under the light.

However, the embarrassment written on his face completely concealed the painful look.

Jiang Ning looked at him in surprise and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Lu Yu: "It's okay."

Jiang Ning: "You look like your aunt now, is that all right?"

Lu Yu struggled to stand up, but failed.

The fact is that when he fell just now, he just sat on the shards of the broken glass, and the sharp shards of glass stuck into his thigh, and the gray home pants on his body were stained with large blood stains.

Jiang Ning's heart trembled violently when she saw the tragic scene, and then immediately stepped forward to help the man up.

"Oh, I'm going, it's really heavy."

"If you don't modify the program for Silver Wolf, you wouldn't have done this."

Lu Yu's tone of voice was a little shaky, but there was still some playfulness and temptation in it.

At present, apart from himself, the only team in the world that has developed an intelligent robot butler that is closest to the human brain is the "Unknown Group".

And his wife who picked it up not only got such a robot, but even changed the program of her own robot!
Jiang Ning ignored him, but threw him on the sofa, and hurried back to the second floor to get a metal medicine box.

"The wound is stuck to the pants, cut it off."

During the speech, the man's trouser legs had been cut open, and the wound was shocking.

In addition to a large opening, there are still some fine shards of glass remaining around the wound.

Jiang Ning gasped, "The wound is so big, it needs to be stitched up."

As she spoke, she took out a debridement kit and a set of suture kits from the lower layer of the medicine box.

"Maybe your hand is born, you bear with it."


After Jiang Ning cleaned up the wound, he gave him an injection of anesthesia, and then began to suture.

The man didn't say a word during the whole process.

After the stitching was over, Jiang Ning realized that he had fainted, his face was almost transparent.

"Lu Yu, Lu Yu?"

She was a little flustered, and while calling the emergency number, she checked whether she had used the wrong medicine on him just now.

The emergency center said it would take about 40 minutes to come, but she directly refused.

It is only a 10-minute drive from Xinghai Bay to the nearest hospital for her.

King was programmed as a nanny and placed at the door of Rococo's room.

Jiang Ning drove the man to the hospital by herself.

When the doctor in the emergency room came out to inquire about the patient's condition, she didn't know anything about it.

"I gave him a stitch and he passed out."

The doctor asked her to think carefully about whether the patient had other abnormalities before the thigh injury.

Jiang Ning shook her head.

At this time, a nurse in the emergency room came out and said that the blood test results came out, acute appendicitis.

The doctor cast a strange look at Jiang Ning.

Acute appendicitis made people faint from pain, but she didn't know anything?
Jiang Ning also realized the meaningful look, so she had no choice but to explain: "When I found him, he didn't say it hurt, I thought it was just his leg."


Soon, Lu Yu was scheduled for emergency appendicitis surgery.

While waiting outside the operating room, Jiang Ning bumped into an acquaintance whom she didn't really know.

"Yeah? Isn't this Mrs. Lu? Who are you with so late?" Meng Yi came from the other side of the corridor and asked in surprise.

His left arm was hung up with a plaster cast, and thick gauze was wrapped around the back of his hand.

Jiang Ning quickly stood up and responded, "Lu Yu has acute appendicitis and is undergoing surgery."

"Hey, I'm finally willing to cut off his broken appendix!" Meng Yi teased.


According to what he said, Lu Yu's appendicitis should not be the first attack, so Jiang Ning asked a few more questions.

Meng Yi chuckled and said, "That kid said 'body, hair, skin and skin are his mother', he doesn't allow any lack in himself."

"Then why doesn't he have long hair?"

After Jiang Ning muttered, she cares about the other party casually, "What's wrong with you?"

Meng Yi waved his hand with a look of displeasure, "Forget it, I met a grandson who was drinking too much at the bar, so it's fine to roll downstairs by myself, I have to take my father with me!"


The door of the operating room was opened, and the medical staff came out with solemn faces.

"Lu Yu's family?"

Jiang Ning hurried forward, and the face of the attending doctor made her heart sink even more.

She suddenly had the illusion that the other party wanted to say "sorry" to her.

In fact, Lu Yu's operation was very successful, but he woke up immediately after the operation and drove the medical staff out of the operating room.

"Mrs. Lu, your husband is going to sue our hospital for operating without his consent." The attending doctor said helplessly.

Jiang Ning was so shocked that she almost couldn't close her mouth, why is there such an operation?

"Mrs. Lu, the operation is over, but he refused to leave the operating room, insisting that we put back what was cut off from him."

Jiang Ning looked confused: "..."

Isn't this crazy?
Such a result was beyond Jiang Ning's expectation. She was a little at a loss, but she could only promise the doctor to get the man out of the operating room first.

Meng Yi was about to leave with the doctor, but was stopped.

He smiled and said, "Hey, Mrs. Lu, Miss Jiang, my hand is still hurt, I have to go back and rest first."

He could already guess the state of the crazy approval in the operating room, so he just wanted to withdraw it quickly.

"Mr. Meng, you are Lu Yu's good friend, at least you know him better than me!"

After the sound fell, Meng Yi was forced into the operating room.

However, in order to reduce the sense of presence, he didn't even dare to breathe loudly after entering.

On the operating table, the man's face was still frighteningly pale under the shadowless lamp.

Jiang Ning got closer, and instantly fell into those eyes that looked like cold pools.

She tightened her scalp, inexplicably making that cold gaze extremely flustered.

After she collected herself, she pretended to be calm and said, "Can you stop messing around? The operation is saving your life!"

If Lu Yu hadn't just finished the operation and couldn't move, he would have smashed up the dead operating room immediately.

"Appendicitis can't kill me." He replied in a deep voice.

Although Jiang Ning was frightened, she pushed the hospital bed beside the operating table regardless, and asked Meng Yi to help get the man onto the hospital bed first.

Lu Yu: "You dare to try!"

An oppressive aura spread in this huge air.

No wonder so many medical staff had no choice but to leave the operating room. After all, even Meng Yi didn't dare to act rashly under such high pressure.

"You are so big, don't be naive, can you?"

Jiang Ning turned to Meng Yi and said, "Don't be dazed, do it."

Meng Yi sullenly said, "Do you think if you can use a strong one, so many doctors can't deal with him just now?"

It's just because I'm afraid that this guy will be agitated, and the wound will collapse during the vigorous struggle.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Ning raised his hands and dropped them.

The deep dark eyes of the man on the operating table slowly closed.

(End of this chapter)

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