Chapter 90 I Sealed It

When Lu Yu woke up again, the smell of disinfectant filled his nose.

He struggled to lift his heavy eyelids, and what he saw was a large piece of dazzling white light and a large area of ​​white.

"Are you awake?" A familiar voice rang in my ear.

Wei Lan put away her mobile phone and got up from the stool beside the bed, then leaned forward and looked at the state of the man on the hospital bed with great concern.

Lu Yu's brows were connected with the word Sichuan, and his calm eyes were like two dry wells.

He looked at the other party as if looking at an ordinary object and said, "Why are you?"

"Otherwise, who do you want to see?" Wei Lan asked angrily.

"Where's Jiang Ning?"

He vaguely remembered that the girl lightly pressed somewhere on his neck last night, which caused him to fall into a coma until now.

"She left when I came, but within a few minutes, do you want to call her back?"

"never mind."

Even if she came back, his appendix would not come back.

Lu Yu closed his eyes slightly again, and began to try his best to recall the faint memory of last night before he lost consciousness.

After a while, he turned sideways and touched his thigh, and it was indeed covered with thick gauze.

It seemed that she had stitched herself?

Does she really know medicine?


When Jiang Ning returned to Xinghai Bay, the living room on the first floor of the villa was still in a state of silence.

There was a pile of bloody gauze next to the sofa, and the tools in her medicine box were still scattered on the coffee table.

After finishing these things, she went upstairs to see if Rococo had gotten up.

As soon as he reached the corner of the stairs, a sharp siren sounded from the guest room.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Ning hurriedly ran towards the source of the sound.

Diu diu diu...

The golden robot walked out of the room backwards, then fell flat on its back with a bang.

Luo Keke followed out with a water gun in both hands, walked around the fallen robot and said with disgust on his face, "Why aren't you waterproof? Cousin's silver wolf is much better than yours!"

Jiang Ning: Careless!

Although her heart was bleeding, she still solved the little guy's eating and drinking problems first.

Rococo blinked his big eyes while drinking chocolate milk and asked, "Auntie, how did Silver Wolf become a fool?"

Jiang Ning glanced back at the stairs, then smiled triumphantly and said, "It was sealed by me!"

The little guy looked disbelieving, "The silver wolf belongs to my cousin, how could it be sealed by you?"

Jiang Ning thought for a moment, then got up and walked towards the stairs.

She originally thought that one mountain could not accommodate two tigers, so she first set Lu Yu's robot to the door god mode, and it was enough to keep King, the housekeeper.

In the end, who would have thought that her King would be folded in the hands of a water gun?
Three times, five divisions and two divisions, Silver Wolf's program was adjusted again.

The big silver head shook for a moment, and then bowed down to the girl in front of him.

"Hi Goddess, is there anything I can do for you?"

Jiang Ning: "Help me clean up the kitchen."

Robot: "Yes!"

Jiang Ning: "Second idiot?"

Robot: "Goddess, I am here!"

Jiang Ning: "It's okay, watch out for broken glass."

Robot: "The goddess is really warm, but the glass can't hurt me."

Jiang Ning just wanted to see if the robot's built-in program had been completely changed. Now that the robot recognized its new name, there would be no problem.

She secretly thought: It is convenient to be able to automatically recognize voice commands, why didn't she think of it at the beginning?
Rococo's jaw almost dropped to the ground as he watched from the sidelines.

"Aunt, Silver Wolf..."

"I just told you that it was sealed by me, and now it will be mine after it is unsealed, so just call him Ersha from now on."

After a while, Silver Wolf went out to throw out the garbage and came back, and rubbed against Jiang Ning again as if flattering him.

"Goddess, bad guys invaded last night, I taught you a lesson!"

The sound fell, and the metal object on its chest slowly moved away to the sides, revealing a cool high-definition monitor.

The picture played on the monitor completely restored the whole process of Lu Yu being thrown more than a dozen somersaults in a row last night, and each somersault was not the same.

Jiang Ning: "..."

Rococo: "Wow..."

Meanwhile, the hospital.

Lu Yu was sitting on the hospital bed and was taking a drip with one hand, while holding the phone in the other hand and trembling slightly.

Originally, he wanted to extract the monitoring of Xinghai Bay last night, but he happened to see the real-time footage.

One big and one small sat at the dining table, staring at a projection wall with serious expressions as if they were watching a blockbuster movie.

And the high-tech products he developed with painstaking efforts have now become a clown for others to enjoy?
Not only that, but he also cheated his "father"!

A feeling of oppression hit his chest, and he secretly thought about what kind of troublesome work he would assign the girl to the company after she arrived at the company!
After taking a long breath, he resumed extracting the surveillance footage from last night.

Under the light and shadow of the crystal lamp in the living room, the girl lowered her head to sew stitches for him with all her concentration.

That focused appearance seems to be gradually overlapping with the little girl in memory who gave herself CPR...

Lu Yu was in a daze for a moment, but his thoughts were distracted by the ringing mobile phone in an instant.

Pei Xiangnan called——

"Fu Xiaoning of Fu's family in State S died a long time ago!"


At noon, just as Su Nian stepped into the Xinghai Bay Villa, he was knocked to the ground by Erha who jumped out sideways.

She howled and cursed, and asked Jiang Ning loudly what kind of thing Jiang Ning had raised.

Erha circled around her several times, then swaggered towards the backyard.

Jiang Ning came over and picked up the shopping list on the coffee table and stuffed it into her bag, and said casually, "Lu Yu's dog is called Snow Wolf."

Su Nian was a little surprised, "Hey, don't you really want to raise such a dog to flirt with girls?"

"My cousin never takes Snow Wolf out."

As the sound fell, a small head with Nezha hair combed suddenly poked out from behind Jiang Ning.

Su Nian raised her eyebrows, "Uncle?"

"Can we talk about this later? My procurement task is still quite heavy today. Let's hurry up, shall we?"

Jiang Ning slipped up Rococo with one hand, and pushed Su Nian out the door with the other.

As soon as the three of them walked out the door, they were blocked by a champagne-colored commercial vehicle.

Wu Fei got out of the car with a smile, and politely said to Jiang Ning: "Ma'am, I have bought all the things according to your instructions, please check to see if there are any omissions!"

Jiang Ning was full of question marks, "When did I ask you to help me buy something?"

Wu Fei: "Ah, President Lu ordered it."

Jiang Ning was wondering how Lu Yu knew what he wanted to buy, but the other party had already started moving the big and small bags into the house.

Su Nian couldn't help complaining: "Jiang Xiaoning, you invited me to eat dog food, right?"

Jiang Ning: What the hell!

Seeing Wu Fei coming in and out, she didn't even have a chance to say a word.

After finally finding a gap, he hurried forward to stop the other party.

"Special Assistant Wu, what are these?"

(End of this chapter)

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