Chapter 17
Gongsun Ling blushed, and walked up to Pei Min, "I'm really sorry, Shaoxia Pei, I... I'll give you a new bandage!"
Pei Min smiled wryly and shook his head, "No need, Miss Gongsun, you are already very tired, I'll do it myself!"

Gongsun Ling lowered her head and blushed even more, so she had no choice but to stand aside and dare not speak anymore.

Pei Min washed the wound and scraped the pus, sprinkled the golden medicine given to him by his seniors, and then wrapped it up with a cloth.

Gongsun Ling sat aside and sighed and laughed at herself: "I'm not my father's biological daughter. My father is the best doctor in our town, but I can't even heal a small wound, and I can even take the wrong medicine." He said with a wry smile After a while, the eye sockets were a little moist.

Seeing that she was depressed and felt sad and blamed herself, Pei Min immediately comforted her and said, "No, Miss Gongsun, didn't you say that Dr. Gongsun has always loved you very much? Even if you are not his own flesh and blood, affection cannot deceive anyone." Yes, I believe he must be sincere to you and treat you as his own daughter."
After Gongsun Ling heard these words, a trace of warmth and sweetness poured into her heart after suffering for two days.She no longer thinks about those cruel facts, she wants to do more practical and useful things.

Gongsun Ling wiped away her tears, raised her head, smiled slightly at Pei Min, and said softly, "Thank you, Pei Shaoxia."
Now Pei Min was a little shy. He scratched his head and said, "You...don't call me a young hero, I'm not a knight either."
Gongsun Ling saw that he was blushing a little, a little amused, and restrained himself and said, "Then what should I call it?"
Pei Min thought for a while, and said, "I should be a little older than you, so you should call me brother."
Gongsun Ling nodded, "We are considered to be from the same school, so I will call you Senior Brother Pei, and you don't want to call me Lady Gongsun. My single name is Ling, and everyone calls me Ling'er."
Pei Min said: "Okay, I'll call you Junior Sister Ling."

A few days later, the people from the funeral home brought the coffins and built the coffins for Gongsun Yin and the others to bury.

Gongsun Ling knelt in front of the grave, crying heartbroken.Pei Min looked at the tombs of his father, Gongsun Yin, and mother, Zhang Zhilan, engraved on the tombstone. He thought of his father and grandfather, and his eyes were flushed with grief.

In the end, the two kowtowed three times in front of the twelve graves, and then returned to the Gongsun Medical Hall.

Stepping into the medical hall, Gongsun Ling stopped Pei Min, "Senior Brother Pei, I have something to tell you."
Pei Min looked at her, "Say it."
Gongsun Ling pulled out the piece of jade, and said: "This golden phoenix jade, my mother said it was left to me by my biological father, I..." After a pause, he adjusted his mood, and continued: "I want to check I can't find out who my biological father is, so I can't give this piece of jade to you right now."
Pei Min nodded and said, "That's natural."
Gongsun Ling said: "But don't worry. Ye Guoshi is also my half-master, and the savior of our family. I will go with Senior Brother Pei to find the remaining artifacts."
"I'm going to find my sister first and tell her the bad news. After my sister is settled, I will search for the Excalibur with Senior Brother Pei."
Pei Min thought this was the best way, and nodded in response: "Okay, then let's find Lingmei first, where is she?"

""Thousands of Gold Valley". "

In the morning of the second day, Pei Min made more than a dozen sesame seed cakes and set off for the "Thousand Gold Valley" together.

""Thousand Gold Valley" is located in the outskirts of Yangzhou, if we go here to ride a fast horse, we should be able to arrive in five days. "Gongsun Ling said to Pei Min while packing her bags.

Pei Min nodded, "The horse will carry the two of us, it should be slower, and we should be able to arrive in six or seven days."
Gongsun Ling said embarrassingly: "I don't know how to ride a horse, but I've hurt Senior Brother Pei."
Pei Min smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, Master doesn't like to ride a horse either. If he travels, he walks on both feet. He said that only in this way can he appreciate the beauty of the mountains, rivers, and land."
Gongsun Ling said: "That being said, it is still a lot more convenient to know how to ride a horse. Later, Senior Brother Pei, you can teach me how to ride a horse!"

Naturally, Pei Min said, "Okay. It's a coincidence that this time, there is also the "Valley of Gold" in the place where Master told me to go. It seems that Lingmei may be able to help this time. "

After packing up, the two got on the horse together. Although the two men and women were different, but the situation was urgent, Gongsun Ling also sat in front of Pei Min generously, and the two rode together to the outskirts of Yangzhou.

After walking for two days, the two of them arrived in Jiaxing. They spent the two days sleeping in the open air. Pei Min was fine, but it was not easy for Gongsun Ling to suffer with him, so he suggested: "Junior Sister Ling, the weather is not good. It's early, shall we find an inn here for dinner and rest?"
Gongsun Ling is not a weak boudoir lady, but after two days of biscuits, no matter how delicious they are, she is tired of eating. She really wanted to eat something different, so she readily agreed.

The two entered an inn, asked the shopkeeper for two rooms, and sat down in the hall to have something to eat.

In the peaceful and prosperous age, there was a bustling scene, and the restaurants in the inn were crowded with seats.

When the wine was hot, the high-spirited discussions at each table reached the ears of the two of them in an endless stream.

"Hey, have you heard? I don't know what happened recently. Several small sects in Jianghu have been wiped out, and their insides have been turned upside down. I don't know what they are looking for?" A man with slender eyes and wearing a black martial arts uniform The tall and thin man suddenly said this.

On a large rectangular table, sat about ten big men, each of them was armed, and they seemed to be wandering people.

"What? No way, then will our little mighty Escort suffer as well?" Another middle-aged fat man in red martial arts uniform asked in surprise.

"What are you looking for? What are you looking for to destroy people's houses?" A man in gray clothes and a gray turban asked curiously.
"Hey, you don't know that! Ask me, Old Xu, the most accurate."
"His grandma, what are you so proud of? People in the world are panicking now. You know it, so why don't you tell me quickly." A big man with a beard and a machete on his waist drank wine. , while glaring at the thin man named Xu Bafang, said angrily.

The thin man named Xu Bafang flinched, his tanned face was a little uneasy, he looked around, and people from the other tables also looked at him, expecting him to answer the recent incident in Jianghu. Weird thing.

Xu Bafang's original name was Xu Lu, he was in his late forties, he was a nursing home in a small business, he was not very skilled in martial arts, but he often had to escort caravans to travel all over the world, he was well informed, so he was the first to get the news of any incidents in the rivers and lakes. Know.

Seeing so many people waiting for him, Xu Lu knew it would be better not to speak, so he pretended to clear his throat, and said slowly, "Do you still remember the "One Sword Wuhen Ghost Sees Sorrow" that shocked the world more than ten years ago? "

(End of this chapter)

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