Chapter 18
As soon as this remark came out, the big man on the table was almost silent, and everyone was silent.

Hearing these words, Pei Min also looked at the table over there.

Xu Lu saw that everyone was afraid to speak, so he continued to speak, "This "Ghost Seeing Sorrow", named Ying Wushou, is the eldest son of the Ying family who is respected by everyone in the Jianghu.

"It is said that he holds a silver sword in his hand, and with just one move." Xu Lu said, he cut his hand across the neck, "It can make you blood spatter five steps and kill you on the spot, but his sword, It’s bloodless.”
"The "Yinque" sword, a descendant of "the world's number one swordsmith" Chu Bonian, was forged by Chu Shan (shàn), the old man of the Chu family. It was later obtained by Ying Youqian. Invincible all over the world. "A short old man in brown clothes said, everyone saw that he was about fifty years old, so he really had a lot of experience in the world.

Xu Lu took a look at him and praised, "Mr. Mo is indeed well-informed."
The little old man named Mo Lao cupped his hands casually, and stopped talking.

Xu Lu continued: "Ying Wuchou inherited this "Silver Tower", but he did not inherit the chivalry and courage of the Ying family. Who is Sun Zhentian?The Khitan royal family! "

"Sun Zhentian? But that Sun Zhentian who is known as "Ten Miles of Silent Soul Returns to Heaven"? "A young man in white asked two tables away.

Unknowingly, nine out of ten times the entire restaurant hall was listening to Xu Lu talking endlessly about this man who everyone in the world had heard of.

"That's right, young people do know about this person who shocked the party 30 years ago!" Na Mo replied.

The young man in white patted his head, and said a little embarrassedly, "I've heard people from the older generation talk about it."
Xu Lu took a sip of his wine and continued, "After this "Ghost Seeing Sorrow" finished his studies and left the mountains, he spent a period of time in the rivers and lakes, killed many famous martial arts masters, and became famous for a while.But two years later, he disappeared from the rivers and lakes again. Guess where he went? "

This time, no one answered him, Xu Lu said proudly, "He joined Princess Taiping's subordinates."
This sentence aroused everyone's amazement.

"Princess Taiping? Are you not mistaken?"

"How could such an arrogant and ruthless person be willing to be a woman's minion?"
"He doesn't want to be the princess' consort, does he? Hahaha!"


For a moment, everyone was amused by these words and couldn't breathe.

Xu Lu stood up and said, "Don't believe me, it is said that he joined the princess in order to find a magical weapon from the previous court, but no one will know if he found it."
"Yeah! Then you are talking nonsense!" someone complained.

"Hey! After Princess Taiping was gifted to death, all the people under the door died and fled. Who knows where this "ghost sees sorrow" ended up? "

When Pei Min heard Xu Lu's words "the magic weapon of the former dynasty", he couldn't help stopping his chopsticks, and the mutton sandwich on the other hand was almost crushed by him.

Gongsun Ling also noticed this sentence, his face darkened instantly, and his hands clenched into fists.

"You've been talking about it for so long, what does this "ghost-seeing sorrow" have anything to do with the fact that some sects in Jianghu have been wiped out recently? "A slender man didn't understand and asked Xu Lu.

Xu Lu hated iron for being weak, looked at the man with contempt and said: "The heads of those sects, the thin sword wounds on their necks and hearts were all killed by one move. Do you think it has anything to do with it? Now everyone It is rumored that this "Ghost Seeing Sorrow" who has disappeared for many years may have reappeared. "
As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the dining hall!
The person who was smiling happily just now didn't even dare to breathe out.After a while, everyone was discussing in low voices, asking if there was anything in their sect that "Ghost Seeing Sorrow" was looking for, so as not to be unlucky and be wiped out all over the sect.

"But what exactly is he looking for?"
"Who knows!"

"Old Xu, didn't you say that he joined Princess Taiping in order to find a magic weapon from the previous court? What kind of magic weapon is it?"
"I want to know, still using it as a bodyguard for others? I have already become the leader of the martial arts alliance."
The others snorted and laughed a few times in disdain, did not have any hope for him, and began to speculate wildly.

Everyone talked about each other, but they didn't have a clue. At the end, the big guy started drinking again, punched, and left this important incident behind.

Gongsun Ling looked at Pei Min, and asked in a low voice: "Senior brother Pei, you said that what "Ghost Seeing Sorrow" is looking for is the same as our goal? "
Pei Min thought for a while, and then replied in a low voice: "I don't know, I can't be sure now. But Master mentioned to me before that some people want to use the name of the Excalibur to make trouble. What happened was not simple."
Gongsun Ling's eyes dimmed slightly, and when he heard about those small sects that had been exterminated, he thought of his own family, and a sense of sadness and resentment filled his heart.

Pei Min was still thinking about what the group of people said just now, and didn't notice Gongsun Ling's strangeness.Gongsun Ling was in a gloomy mood, pressed her temples, stood up and said to Pei Min, "Senior Brother Pei, I'm full, I'm going back to my room to rest."
Pei Min lowered his head, still holding the chopsticks in the air, and only gave a slight "hmm" to show that he understood.

Gongsun Ling was depressed and didn't care much, so she walked towards the stairs.

At this time, several young sons walked in from the door of the inn.The clothes on several people's bodies are not vulgar, and they look like they are from some rich families.

A few people walked in with sloppy manners and giggling, one of them was already half drunk and complained: "What are you doing in this small restaurant? Go to Ruyi Restaurant!"

The young man in the lead was dressed in an indigo brocade robe, and said with a smile: "The mutton buns here are authentic. I want to try it. After eating, I will go to the Ruyi Restaurant for a drink."
The others no longer had any objections, and followed the man in blue.

Gongsun Ling was also walking forward in a depressed mood, and didn't notice that someone walked in, and the two people bumped into each other.

Seeing a beautiful woman walking towards them in front of them, the man in blue stopped hurriedly, and Gongsun Ling also stopped quickly.It's just that the drunken man reacted slowly and didn't stop, he was about to bump into Gongsun Ling head-on.

Gongsun Ling quickly leaned back, tapped her toes, and flipped neatly backwards. Since she was still in mourning, Gongsun Ling was wearing a long white dress, and as her socks fluttered, a scent of fragrance lingered in everyone's nostrils.The skirt is like a flower just blooming, like snowflakes.Everyone watched her flip and dance like a fairy, and finally fell back to the ground lightly, and they were all crazy.

Not only the people at the next table, but even the young masters were stunned.

 The rivers and lakes are dangerous, please save your life

(End of this chapter)

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