Long Sword and Jun Wu

Chapter 19 Heroes Save America

Chapter 19 Heroes Save America
Seeing that Gongsun Ling is so pretty and graceful, the somewhat drunk young man couldn't help laughing lewdly and said: "Hey, when did we have such a graceful and graceful lady in Jiaxing?"

As he spoke, he walked forward, looked up and down at Gongsun Ling unscrupulously with a pair of squinting eyes, and said in a nonchalant manner: "Little lady, what's your name? How much silver can buy you for one night?"

Gongsun Ling frowned when he heard his dirty words, and said with a low expression, "Get out of the way!"
The drunk young master looked even brighter under her angry face, "Hey! You have a big temper, what's the point of being noble? Are you afraid that I won't be able to pay the silver taels?" The thief smiled and stretched out his hand to touch Gongsun Ling's face .

Gongsun Ling was furious, seeing that dirty hand was about to touch her, and was thinking about how to teach this person a lesson, when suddenly she heard a sound, something flew over, hit the drunk young master's wrist, The hand missed, and Gongsun Ling took a step to the side.

The drunken son squinted his drunken eyes and saw that it was a mutton bun. He said angrily: "Who doesn't have eyes? Dare to interrupt my business!"
While speaking, a dark blue figure flew in front of the little lady, holding a pair of chopsticks in his hand.

The drunken young man looked him up and down, and said with a sarcasm, "Where did you come from, a country idiot? Do you still want a hero to save the beauty?"
Pei Min frowned, and said to the man seriously: "Young master, please respect yourself."
"Bah, it's your turn to teach me a lesson, my lord?" The drunk lord put his hands on his waist and snorted coldly.

These people are all well-known rich and evil men in Jiaxing City, and ordinary people can't afford to offend them. The innkeeper was so frightened that he hid aside and dared not say a word.The others have been around the rivers and lakes for a long time, and they have long understood the truth of "don't mind your own business, and live a long life", so they all sat quietly, drinking and watching the theater.

The thugs brought by the son also entered the restaurant lobby and stood behind them, waiting for the master's order, and then went forward to teach others a lesson.

The blue brocade robed man in the lead was astonished at Gongsun Ling for a while, then came back to his senses, took a step forward, and put his hand on the shoulder of the drunk young man.The drunk son saw that his boss had come forward, so it was not easy to steal his limelight, so he stepped aside embarrassingly.

The young man in blue took a step forward, ignored Pei Min, looked at Gongsun Ling, and said in his mouth, "It seems as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow blows like a flowing wind. This little lady is very skilled."
Gongsun Ling saw that this person was more well-dressed, and praised her with "Luo Shen Fu" out of the mouth, thinking that this was a more serious son, his face softened, and he was about to thank her.

Unexpectedly, the man in blue then said: "This girl has a light and elegant figure, I really appreciate it, how about this, the little lady will offer you a month, how about it?" He said calmly and confidently. He looks like he feels that everything in the world can be bought with money.

Seeing this man's arrogance, Gongsun Ling became even more angry, and said in a low voice, "Get out!"
The young man in blue looked downcast, feeling that he had lost face, and said grimly: "Don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine, this young master likes it, and I have never failed to get it." He said and thugs at the guards behind him After winking, a group of people rushed towards Gongsun Ling.

Gongsun Ling was extremely angry, and retorted: "Then pay with your life!" After speaking, he was about to go forward to teach the group of people a lesson, but was pulled back by a hand, and then he saw a blue shadow approaching He jumped forward and pointed the chopsticks in his hand at the leading thug. Before the thug could scream, he fell to the ground with his head up, his eyes turned white and he passed out.

After Pei Min knocked down the first thug, he stepped back a little bit, and stretched out his hand to protect Gongsun Ling, with an attitude of "Whoever dares to step forward, sir, I will not be polite."

Gongsun Ling turned her head and looked at Pei Min's side face, and saw that his originally calm and gentle face showed an anger that was greater than her own, and her heart couldn't help but rippled a little bit. When he arrived at Cloud Nine, he stood aside and watched quietly, with a slight smile on his lips.

The rest of the thugs rushed halfway, and saw that the man in front was knocked down by a young man with chopsticks without even making a sound. They were all frightened and stopped, looking at each other, not daring to move forward.

Those thugs and villains don't understand, but the gangsters at other tables can see clearly, just now the young man stabbed the Shenting acupoint on the forehead of the thug with chopsticks, and the thug fell unconscious instantly, it seems that this young man His internal strength and strength are not weak.

Seeing that his subordinates were too frightened to step forward, the young man in blue scolded angrily, "Why are you still standing there! I raised you for nothing, my young man? Come on!"
The thugs didn't dare to delay any longer, they all raised their fists and rushed towards Pei Min, and many even picked up knives and sticks.

The people at the table next to them had moved aside a long time ago, and many boudoir women covered their mouths with their hands and exclaimed when they saw the bullies take out knives and sticks.

Still holding the chopsticks, Pei Min stepped forward and touched the Tianding acupoint on the necks of those people, pierced the Yamen acupoint on the back of the other with his backhand, and knocked one down with one hand.The knives and sticks in the hands of the thugs were all lying on the ground before they were effective.

Before everyone could react, Pei Min jumped up and landed in front of the young man in blue, and pressed his chopsticks against his throat.

"Wow...!" Those women finally couldn't help exclaiming, but they were all happy that these bullies were finally dealt with.

Pei Min looked coldly at the young man in blue, and the young man in blue looked down at the pair of chopsticks, his throat slipped, cold sweat trickled down his cheeks, and the arrogance he had just now disappeared.The other villainous thugs who followed beside him all fell down without landing, and the boss of his own side was strangled in the vital points, and they were all frightened into silence, even the drunk young master woke up from fright.

Pei Min suppressed his anger and said, "Can you get out now?"

The young man in blue had a look of fear on his face, but his mouth was still stubborn, "You... don't be complacent, I you. Do you know who this young man is?"

With a cold face, Pei Min replied solemnly: "You don't even know who you are, so you still want to ask me?"

As soon as the words fell, Gongsun Ling couldn't help but chuckled softly.

the fool
The young man in blue was choked and speechless, so he took a step back embarrassingly, and said weakly to Pei Min: "Stinky boy, you have the ability to wait and don't leave, I will never let you go." After finishing speaking He turned around and fled in despair, and the other villainous young men who followed him saw that the boss had run away, so they also quickly walked out of the inn gate.

Gongsun Ling walked to Pei Min, smiled and said, "Thank you!"

Pei Min turned to look at her gentle smile, the anger on her face instantly dissipated, leaving only some shyness and slightly reddened ears, and stammered: "No, you're welcome."
 The words and sentences of Luoshen Fu are really beautiful, please collect them

(End of this chapter)

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