Chapter 20
Gongsun Ling wanted to say something more, but the shopkeeper of the inn suddenly came out from nowhere, stuffed a few Tongbao into Pei Min's hands, and said anxiously: "Hero, heroine, I will refund the rent to you. Hurry up and go!"
Pei Min stood blankly with Tong Bao in his hand, and Gongsun Ling was also puzzled by the shopkeeper's actions, "Why, shopkeeper, do you want to sit on the ground and raise the price?"

The shopkeeper shook his head, and not only returned their rent to them, but also stuffed a handful of Tongbao into Pei Min's other hand, "Hurry up and leave! Do you know who that young master is?"
The two of them naturally don't know.

"He is Cai Yang, the son of our Cai Ming Mansion. He is used to going his own way, bullying the weak, and being arrogant and domineering. After suffering this loss today, he will never let it go. Before he finds help, you should leave quickly." Let’s go to Jiaxing.” The shopkeeper’s voice trembled a little.

Gongsun Ling didn't have the slightest fear after hearing this, and said angrily: "Then we can't go anymore, if he dares to come, I will teach him a lesson, he will find his teeth all over the place."
"Oh, my aunt! These officials and officials are not the ones to be offended by us ordinary people. The little ones still want to do business in Jiaxing safely, so don't make trouble." The shopkeeper was very anxious. Khan, earnestly persuaded.

Gongsun Ling hated these bullies the most. She raised her eyebrows and was about to refute a few more words, but Pei Min grabbed her arm. Gongsun Ling looked at him, only to see him slightly shaking his head.

Pei Min looked at the shopkeeper and said, "I see, thank you for the advice, shopkeeper, we'll leave right away." He said and returned the Tong Bao that the shopkeeper gave him too much.

The shopkeeper didn't dare to accept it, "Take it as a gift from the shop to the two of you, let's go."
Pei Min forced it back to him, and smiled slightly: "You don't get paid for nothing." Yu Bi took Gongsun Ling's arm and walked out of the inn, mounted his horse and galloped away.

After the two left, there was a lot of discussion in the dining hall.

"Hey, did you see that? That young man used a pair of chopsticks and knocked down a person with just one move!" said one of the gangsters at the table.

"Of course I saw it, the young man is very skilled in martial arts! I don't know what sect he is from?"

"Are all those who fell on the ground dead? You only need one move to kill people, so you won't be with that "Ghost Seeing Sorrow" right?" "

As soon as these words came out, everyone began to show fear, but after a while, the thugs who were lying on the ground woke up one after another, and slowly stood up.

"Yeah? Not dead?"
"Not dead, not dead, just passed out."
"Then it has nothing to do with "Ghost Seeing Sorrow"!"You were almost scared to death just now! "

"That's right! You see, that young man doesn't even want the money from the shopkeeper, he can't be a fool!"

"What a fool, people call it integrity." A girl in the boudoir couldn't listen anymore and retorted.

"That's right, he has a handsome appearance, high martial arts, and an upright personality. He is obviously a hero." Another woman joined in the maintenance with bright eyes.

"Bah, what a hero! You don't need money, what is it if you're not a fool?" The big man in the rivers and lakes was not to be outdone.

"Even if you are a fool, you are so cute!"
Pei Min led Gongsun Ling to gallop out of the city, and finally left Jiaxing in front of the city gate at dark.

Walking to the outskirts, they found a ruined temple at random, and the two went in, planning to spend the night there.

Pei Min got angry, and apologized to Gongsun Ling: "I'm really sorry, Junior Sister Ling, I'm going to make you sleep in the wilderness again."
Gongsun Ling shook her head, "I don't care, but, Senior Brother Pei, why did you escape in such a hurry? Are you afraid that the two of us can't beat that Cai Mingfu?"
Pei Min shook his head, smiled and said, "No."

"It's easy to fight, but it makes the inn suffer innocently. After the two of us fight, we can clap our hands and leave, but the inn will continue to survive. The owner of the inn is just an ordinary person. There must be old and young in the family. We can't get involved People!"

After Gongsun Ling finished listening, she didn't say anything, but just looked straight at Pei Min.

Pei Min didn't speak again, and started the bonfire with a stick of firewood.

After a while, Gongsun Ling looked at Pei Min and smiled, "Senior Brother Pei, has anyone ever told you that you are a fool?"
Pei Min raised his head and looked at him puzzled, "Master and Third Senior Brother have said this several times." Scratching his head, he said again: "Am I really stupid? Why?"

Gongsun Ling laughed again, shook his head, but smiled silently.

The two spent the night in the ruined temple, and continued to Yangzhou City the next day.

Passing by Yipingli Town on the way, Gongsun Ling said to Pei Min: "Brother Pei, wait for me for a while, I'll go shopping." After speaking, he entered a clothing store on the street.

Pei Min stood at the door of the store and waited.After about a cup of tea, a handsome and beautiful young man in white clothes who was dressed in snow walked out of the shop and stood in front of Pei Min.

Pei Min didn't pay much attention to it, and kept staring at the door of the clothing shop.

The beautiful young man in white still stood motionless in front of Pei Min, gently twirling his long hair at the sideburns with his fingers, and looked at Pei Min with a smile.

Pei Min finally felt that something was wrong, and turned to look at the young man in white in front of him.

After looking carefully for a while, Pei Min exclaimed "Ah!" and took a step back.

"Does it look good?" Gongsun Ling raised the corners of her mouth and asked Pei Min proudly.

Pei Min looked at Gongsun Ling, who had turned from a beauty into a son, and felt an indescribable strangeness in his heart, so he could only nod his head and said, "It looks good."
Gongsun Ling was already tall and tall, but dressed up in men's clothing, she looked even more handsome and refined, which did not violate harmony.Hearing the praise, he gracefully imitated the man and lifted the hem of his clothes, turned around and walked forward, "Let's go!"

Pei Min led the horse and hurriedly followed.

After holding back for a long time, I still couldn't help asking: "You. You were originally a man? Before that, you used to disguise yourself as a woman to hide your identity?"
".", Gongsun Ling was so choked that she stopped in a hurry, and turned her eyes to look at Pei Min in disbelief.

Pei Min also swallowed nervously, really afraid that she would answer "yes."
Gongsun Ling couldn't help poking Pei Min's forehead lightly with her finger, shook her head and sighed, "Senior Brother Pei, Senior Brother Pei, don't you admit that you are a fool?"
Pei Min: "", so is it "yes" or "no"?
After driving for half a day, the two came to Suzhou City. There are many lakes and rivers in Suzhou, so they had to dismount and take a boat.

In the evening, the two walked to Binhu Prefecture, where the setting sun was shining on the magnificent and boundless Taihu Lake, sparkling and dazzling golden.

This side is already at the junction of mountains and lakes, and there are few people.The road was wet, and it was difficult for the two of them to ride together, so Pei Min asked Gongsun Ling to sit on the horse and control the reins, while he led the horse below.

He had never spent so many days with a woman, and his heart was always very tense.Now that Gongsun Ling changed into men's clothes in order to avoid being molested by Deng Tuzi, he felt a little relaxed.

 Ancient costumes are necessary, women disguise themselves as men, please collect
(End of this chapter)

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