Long Sword and Jun Wu

Chapter 56 Willingly

Chapter 56 Willingly
Gongsun Wan held a few small swords in her fingers, she couldn't put them down, "Is this used as a hidden weapon?"

Chu Yun nodded: "Well, the silver needle is too small for you, your internal strength and wrist strength are not enough, sometimes you may not be able to restrain the enemy, so I want to add some weight to the silver needle, but it will end up like a small iron rod, So, I decided to make it like a sword, with weight and sharpness, it is the most suitable for you to defeat the enemy."
After thinking about it, I added, "It suits you better than a long sword."
Gongsun Wan was very satisfied, and had already left the matter of wanting a long sword to the sky.These little silver swords are small and easy to use, and they are indeed the most suitable for her.

"Thank you, Brother Chu." Gongsun Wan happily accepted it, and looked at Chu Yun with big round eyes, "You can build these in less than three days?" It is really not an easy task to make such a shape in just two days.

On the surface of Chu Yun, he said calmly, "It's a small matter, let's take it as a reward for the Wuling stone you gave me." In fact, this is really not an easy task. Although he is good at forging swords, but making such a small sword shape It's the first time he can be used as a hidden weapon. Fortunately, he has high talent and superb craftsmanship. He hurried back to the sword-making house in Xihui Village the day before yesterday to make it.

"Try it." Chu Yan led her to the courtyard.

Gongsun Wan excitedly took out three small silver swords, aimed them at a tree, and with a bang sound, all of them were embedded in the tree trunk, penetrating three points into the tree.

"Wow! It is indeed much more powerful than the silver needle." Gongsun Wan was overjoyed, and went to the tree and took down the little silver sword.Although there is a full box, it is still necessary to save some.

Just thinking about trying a few more times, suddenly a pigeon flew down from the sky and landed on Chu Yun's arm.

Chu Yan skillfully removed the bamboo paper from the pigeon's legs, and when he opened it, his eyebrows were deeply furrowed.

Seeing his appearance, Gongsun Wan asked with concern, "What's the matter, Brother Chu?"
Chu Yun only replied softly: "It's nothing, there is something at home."
Then he bid farewell and returned to his guest courtyard.

Gongsun Wan looked at his back, inexplicably worried.

In the next few days, Gongsun Wan continued to be her little doctor, and Ying Wuming was more than half healed, able to walk around her yard with a stick, and Ye Pianzhou had Qianjingu's excellent trauma medicine, and the wounds healed well. No signs of festering.

Gongsun Wan often went to see Chu Yun in the afternoon, and saw him receive news from the carrier pigeon several times, and his face became more and more serious.

Today, Ying Wuming was able to stand up and walk around the villa on his own, and the injury was indeed more than [-]% healed. Ye Pianzhou was also very happy to see it, and both of them were very grateful to Gongsun Wan.

Ying Wuming gave Gongsun Wan a jade pendant, Gongsun Wan took it, and saw that it was engraved with the words "Give what you ask".

"What is this? Hanging on the body?" Gongsun Wan has never liked to wear accessories on her body. The most things on her body are bottles and cans of medicine.

"Miss Gongsun, I don't want to thank you for your great kindness. I hope that in the future, I can use meager efforts to serve the little lady like a dog. When Wuming sees this jade pendant in the future, no matter what the little lady asks, Wuming will go through fire and water for you. It will be done." Ying Wuming made a promise.

"You are generous." Chu Yun looked at him coldly.

"You didn't do much this time, did you?" Ying Wuming sneered back.

"Hum." Chu Yun took a few glances at the jade pendant, then turned around and walked back to his courtyard.

Gongsun Wan hurriedly thanked Ying Wuming, put away the jade pendant, and followed Chu Yun back to his guest residence.

As soon as Fu arrived in the yard, another carrier pigeon landed. Chu Yan didn't even open the letter this time, so he frowned and thought.

Gongsun Wan asked Chu Yun: "Brother Chu, do you have any difficulties?"

Chu Yun looked at her for a while, then smiled faintly, "It's nothing, it's just that there is something at home, I have to go home."
Gongsun Wan didn't believe that nothing happened, "Is the situation not very good?"
Chu Yan continued to say indifferently: "It's nothing serious, but I can't accompany you here to wait for your sister, but don't worry, I will let Wuming and Pianzhou treat you well, and you can stay here at ease. I think your sister will be able to come here soon." I came back to find you, so don't run around during this time."
"Liar, every time you receive a letter you frown deeply, how can it be nothing serious." Gongsun Wan has no experience in the world, but she is not stupid.

This time Chu Yun bowed his head and did not answer.

Gongsun Wan has always been a hearty and generous person, she hurriedly took out the jade pendant: "Can this help you? Mr. Ying and Master Ye should be your old friends, right? If you ask, they will definitely help you, right?"

Chu Yun shook his head, "These two wounded soldiers can't do any more trouble."
"It's okay to lie to me. Even they can't help you. You must be in trouble. Brother Chu, although I have angered you and teased you before, I have already regarded you as my friend in my heart. My friend is in trouble now. I How could you not help? Brother Chu, we have lived and died together all this way, you will not still treat me as an outsider, will you?" Gongsun Wan thought he was very proud and said loudly.

The corner of Chu Yun's mouth twitched a little, did she really dare to say that her "friends" were all used for teasing?Also, when did they live and die together?
Chu Yan lowered his head and thought for a while, finally sighed: "This time it's a matter of my family, it's not a small trouble, I don't want to involve you."
Gongsun Wan waved his hand, "What are you talking about, am I, Gongsun Wan, a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death? I have decided. I will accompany you home, Brother Chu, and help you solve the trouble."
Chu Yun frowned: "But."
Gongsun Wan became impatient: "What else? Brother Chu, why are you more mother-in-law than a woman?"
Chu Yan pursed his lips tightly, and after a while, he gritted his teeth and decided: "Okay, you can follow me home, there is indeed something you can help with."
"What is it?" Gongsun Wan asked expectantly with his eyes shining, as if they were going somewhere to play.

"My father has recently suffered from a strange disease. He has a splitting headache every day. Recently, he often falls asleep. Many doctors can't cure him."
"Poisoned?" Gongsun Wan pondered for a while, then shook her head, "There are many causes of the same symptoms, and the specific thing is to see the patient, check the pulse, and ask carefully to find out."
Chu Yun nodded: "That's right, I'm going to leave tomorrow."
Gongsun Wan asked again: "Then, Brother Chu, where is your home?"
Chu Yun: "Not far away, Luzhou, Longquan Mountain."
As soon as she was discharged from the hospital, Gongsun Wan hurriedly went to Ying Wuming to ask for money and medicine. She had to make proper preparations, buy more saltpeter and sulfur, and make more dynamite packs.She knew that the troubles in Chu Yun's family were definitely not limited to her father's illness, and she was always prepared to be prepared.

The next day, Gongsun Wan gave Ying Wuming the last injection early in the morning, and took a big bag and Chu Yun to bid farewell to Ying and Ye. "
"Take care and act carefully." Ying Wuming glanced at the excited Gongsun Wan, and hesitated to speak.

"I will." Chu Yun's expression was light.

"Let's go, brother Chu." Gongsun Wan couldn't wait to get on the horse, and urged Chu Yun, more anxious than him.

After the two of them galloped away, Ye Pianzhou finally couldn't help asking: "Aren't you going to tell that young lady Gongsun the truth?"
Ying Wuming glanced at him and smiled: "He is willing, why should we be villains in vain."
 Successfully kidnapped a miracle doctor, please collect it

(End of this chapter)

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