Chapter 57
The mountains and forests are densely covered on both sides of the official road, and Pei Min and Gongsun Ling headed north from the blossoming Jiangnan.

Suzhou in early March is already welcoming the enthusiasm of early summer, while spring is still cold in the north.

The journey to Yingzhou was not short, and the scenery along the way was even more beautiful, but neither of them was in the mood to appreciate it. They just wanted to go to Khitan quickly and get the third artifact.

Gongsun Ling was worried about her younger sister and wanted to go back and join her as soon as possible.Pei Min wanted to fulfill his master's entrustment as soon as possible, and he had more important things to do in the future. Moreover, he really wanted to see the legendary No. [-] sword in the world.

The two galloped for ten days, and finally came to Youzhou City.

Although it is almost April, the climate is getting colder as you go north. If you go from Youzhou to Khitan Yingzhou, the temperature must be even lower.Pei Min's Hunyuan Jue has deep internal energy, but Gongsun Ling couldn't bear it.

On the way, Pei Min bought two black and red capes at a clothing store, and put one of the red ones on Gongsun Ling.

Gongsun Ling looked at the bright red cloak on her body, couldn't help laughing, and said, "Thank you. But Senior Brother Pei, why do you like such bright red and green colors?"

Pei Min was taken aback, "I see that your skin is fair and you look good in red clothes, so that's why."
In fact, Gongsunling's usual clothes are very simple and elegant. It was Pei Min who remembered the last time she was caught by the two sisters of the Ying family and returned to Yanshan Villa, where she was forced to wear bright purple dance clothes and dance gracefully. Her skin was as white as fat. , lined with bright and magnificent colors, like peonies blooming in the snow, bright and incomparable.

Gongsun Ling looked at the black cloak in Pei Min's hand, and joked, "You bought yourself a black cloak!"
Pei Min glanced at the black cloak in his hand, smiled and said, "I'm not good-looking, so it doesn't matter what I wear."
Hearing this, Gongsun Ling carefully considered his face. His skin was not fair, but it would not look like bronze or dark. His brows were as quiet as distant mountains. His eyes were piercing and clear like the light of the sun and the moon. His nose was high. He is as tall as a pine, and the curvature of the corners of his lips when he smiles makes people feel like a spring breeze, and one will forget his tall and straight figure and superb martial arts.

Gongsun Ling shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Pei, you are underestimating yourself. In fact, you are very good-looking. There are many young ladies secretly watching you in the inns and restaurants along the way. Haven't you noticed?"

"Is there?" Pei Min's ears turned red from being told, he was so focused on his way that he didn't pay attention at all.

Gongsunling covered her mouth and laughed, she found that Senior Brother Pei was too pure and simple, it was very interesting to tease him.

Pei Min was a little awkward. He had lived with a group of big bosses on Taihe Mountain for many years, and no one had ever cared about his good looks. At this moment, he was praised by the pretty Gongsun Ling, and he was really at a loss.

"Are you trying to comfort me? When it comes to good-looking men, I think Mr. Ying is the best." Ying Wuming is indeed the most handsome person he has ever seen, so beautiful that even Gongsun Ling almost mistook him for a woman.

Thinking of this, Pei Min felt a little depressed.

Gongsun Ling thought for a while about Ying Wuming's appearance, she did have an alluring appearance, and at the same time, she was elegant and untouched by the world.

She shook her head, "Different beauties, Young Master Ying is as celestial as a willow, as beautiful as a willow, and you are more smoky, like the rising sun, bright and full of vigor."
In fact, she faintly felt that Ying Wuming was a little dark inside, he should be a person with deep thoughts.

After Gongsun Ling finished boasting, she went straight forward. While looking for the inn, she asked herself and answered, "I don't know what happened to Xiao Wan and Jian He. Did she treat Mr. Ying's injury? Xiao Wan is very talented in medicine, so it should be nothing to think about." questionable."
After hearing this, Pei Min's mood brightened for some reason, and he hurriedly led the horse and followed behind Gongsun Ling.

He was overwhelmed by Gongsunling's words, it was the first time someone praised his appearance, he was still a little uncomfortable, he only knew how to smile, and for a moment it was as bright as the morning sun, and there were many young ladies on the road who were full of love and peeped at him.

Seeing that it was getting dark, the two found an inn to stay.At night, Gongsun Ling took a walk in the backyard to admire the moon. The night in the north was colder, so she grabbed her cloak tighter.

Gongsun Ling turned her head and saw that it was Pei Min who was still holding Zhang Bubo.

"So you're here." Pei Min approached with a smile.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

"Remember this? Qianjingu's inner breath method."
Gongsun Ling nodded.

Pei Min unfolded the cloth, "I have finished studying the picture above, it is indeed the method of regulating the inner breath and unblocking the meridians, let me teach you."
"Now?" Gongsun Ling looked around, this is not her backyard!
Pei Min smiled and said, "It's okay, I looked around, and there's no one here in the backyard."
Gongsun Ling nodded, she really needed to strengthen her internal energy.

Pei Min explained to Gongsun Ling all the mental methods and body shapes on the cloth and silk. Gongsun Ling was also smart and had a high understanding, and quickly grasped the essence.

After finishing the twelve movements, and the inner breath circulated in the body for a big circle, Gongsun Ling's whole body became hot, and his whole body was filled with energy.

She simply took off her cloak, but she didn't feel cold at all.

Gongsun Ling was overjoyed, excitedly said: "I don't know what kind of mental method this is, it has such an effect in just a short while."
Pei Min also felt comfortable physically and mentally, "When I go back to Mount Taihe, I'll ask Master, he will definitely know."
Gongsun Ling only felt that she was full of energy, and her whole body was full of inner strength. She couldn't help pulling out the soft sword on her waist, and with a "shua" shake, the soft sword stretched forward.

On a cold night in the north, in the backyard of a small inn, a bright figure danced with the moonlight with a three-foot green sword in his hand, walking with fantastic steps.

Pei Min watched with a smile the whole time, as if he wanted to take every frame deeply into his heart.


The next day, the two got up in good spirits, dressed up and left the inn, left the gate of Youzhou City, and headed for Yingzhou.

Walking on the open official road, the two were very interested, laughing and discussing the mental pattern on the cloth.

"This mentality must have a lot of origin, otherwise, no one would have put a lot of effort into soaking it in potion, even the fire would not burn it, and it would be hidden in the Cholong Green Cauldron." Gongsunling recalled Gongsun Wan's words at that time .

Pei Min nodded, "I just don't know what kind of relationship this mentality has with that divine sword Cang Ming."
Just walking and chatting like this, the two of them climbed over half of the mountain, the forest was full of pines, and the breeze was refreshing, which made people feel refreshed.

In the pleasant world, the two suddenly heard a loud scream not far away.

Pei Min and Gongsun Ling were startled, "It seems to be a woman."
Pei Min nodded, "There is a corner ahead, go and have a look."
The two riders galloped fast, and when they turned the curve, they were taken aback when they saw the scene in front of them clearly. Pei Min had quick eyes and quick hands, and quickly stopped his and Gongsun Ling's horses.

 The two people who are full of enthusiasm are asking for collection

(End of this chapter)

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