This knowledge surprised the three of them. They didn't expect that there was another powerful person wanting to fight for the Excalibur. It seemed that things were even more troublesome.

Although these men in black were blocked by the three of Gongsun Ling and the hall master, unexpectedly, four or five of the gangsters in the square broke through the club attack of the Luohan hall monks and rushed to attack the abbot. .

The abbot resisted with his palm and knocked one person flying, but the other person swung a big knife and slashed at his leg. The abbot didn't dodge, and blood spurted out. The abbot's breathing was unstable, his face was pale, and he half-kneeled on one foot in an instant. go down.

The four of them, Pei Min and Gongsun Ling, were too busy dealing with the man in black to save the abbot.

The remaining three put their knives on the abbot's neck, but they didn't seem to want to kill him.

"Ah!" Gongsun Wan was squatting on the side, took out a handful of melon seeds stolen from Li Bai's house, and ate while watching the battle. Seeing the situation over there, she couldn't help shouting and jumped up.

She threw away the melon seeds and rushed towards the abbot, holding three shurikens in her hands, she stayed close, and the shurikens flew out, each of which hit the chest of the three people with anesthesia on it, and the three fell down on the spot .

The man wielding the big knife saw that there were reinforcements, the big knife came towards Gongsun Wan's direction, just as the small silver sword in Gongsun Wan's hand was about to be released, a sword behind the man had pierced through the middle of his chest.

When the person fell down, Chu Yun frowned and looked at Gongsun Wan.

Gongsun Wan smirked at him ingratiatingly, pointed to the injured abbot, then she didn't dare to look at him anymore, and walked towards the abbot.

Chu Yun had no choice but to go over and stand beside them to protect them.

Gongsun Wan supported the abbot to sit on the ground, bent his injured leg, and inspected the wound.The wound was deep and the bleeding was not stopping. She quickly poured Jinchuang medicine powder to stop the bleeding, and took out a clean cloth bandage to bandage him.

After Gongsun Wan finished bandaging, Gongsun Ling and Pei Min also cleaned up the other men in black, and hurriedly gathered around the abbot and Gongsun Wan.

"Xiao Wan!" Gongsun Ling called out worriedly.

"I'm fine, I just ran here because the abbot was injured." Gongsun Wan took out a pill and asked the abbot to swallow it.

The abbot was a little hesitant and didn't answer.

"My name is Gongsun Wan, and I'm Qianjingu's disciple." Qianjingu enjoyed a great reputation, the abbot was relieved and swallowed the small pill. "Thank you."
Both Pei Min and Gongsun Ling asked about the abbot's injuries with concern, and the abbot only kindly said that it was okay.

Gongsun Wan asked bluntly, "I said, aren't you the abbot of Shaolin Temple? Why are you so good at martial arts? A few people can cut you down."

The abbot's expression was very stiff, Pei Min always pretended he didn't hear it gently, Chu Yan closed his eyes, and couldn't bear to watch.

Gongsun Ling rubbed her forehead, and called out helplessly: "Xiao Wan." After that, she didn't know what to say.

The head of the Luohan hall ran over to care about the abbot's injuries after finishing off the last man in black, just in time to hear these words.

"In the past ten days, many people from the rivers and lakes have rushed to Shaolin Temple to grab the so-called divine sword every day. The abbot led us to resist, and we have already been injured. In today's battle, the disciple is called the abbot to recuperate in the inner hall." Don't come out, just let the disciples come, but the abbot insists on fighting together." The hall master said with a sigh.

Gongsun Wan smiled awkwardly, grabbed the abbot's hand to feel his pulse, and after a while, frowned, "I did suffer from internal injuries, not minor."
Pei Min looked at the people in the square and suggested, "We'd better get rid of them before we can heal the abbot."
Everyone agreed that except for the abbot and Gongsun Wan, the other four returned to the square again to help the monks in the Arhat Hall.

After a few quarters of an hour, those Jianghu people finally collapsed and ran, and the square was finally quiet.

Hall Master Arhat came back to the abbot, and saw Gongsun Wan injecting needles on his hand, "I'll do a simple treatment first, and then I'll go into the inner hall to check the injury carefully later."
Hall Master Arhat looked at her serious eyes and expression, and admired her very much, "Thank you, benefactor."
He turned to the abbot, "Abbot, disciples go after those men in black."
The abbot closed his eyes and nodded.

Hall Master Arhat led the monks into the gate of the temple and began to search for those men in black.

Gongsun Ling knew that the group of them could only be regarded as outsiders, and it was inconvenient to go into the temple like this, so they first surrounded the abbot, watching Gongsun Wan heal him, while protecting him.

An hour later, Gongsun Wan's treatment was almost finished, the abbot also opened his eyes, scanned the people around him, and raised his hand to salute, "Thank you, all benefactors."
Pei Min and the others returned the salute.

Hall Master Arhat also brought people back, "Abbot, the men in black have all run away. They turned the temple into a mess. The disciples are incompetent and failed to catch them."
The abbot shook his head, "It doesn't matter. Are there any disciples injured or injured?"

"A few were injured, but fortunately they were not serious. The juniors from the Herb Hall are healing them."
The abbot nodded, "Help me up."
Hall Master Arhat rushed to help him, the abbot stood up, raised his palm again, and said, "Old abbot of Shaolin Temple, Huiming. This is Master Arhat Zhixiu."
Gongsun Ling and others called Jianli again.

Huiming: "Thank you for your help, everyone, please follow me in."
With Zhixiu's support, Abbot Huiming walked slowly into the hall, and Gongsun Ling and others also slowly followed behind him.

A few people entered the hall, and found that it had been turned into a mess, and several monks were cleaning it up.

Zhixiu helped the abbot into the inner hall and half leaned on the slum.

Gongsun Wan stepped forward to take the abbot's pulse again, and said to Zhixiu: "I want to prepare some medicine for internal injuries, where is the herbal medicine hall you just mentioned?"
Zhixiu looked at the abbot, who nodded.

Zhixiu took Gongsun Wan out, leaving only the abbot and Pei Min in the inner hall.

Huiming's face was still a little pale, but it was much better than before, he asked with a light smile, "You guys have come from a long way, and you've given your all to help, presumably it's because of that Excalibur, right?

Both Gongsun Ling and Chu Yun looked at Pei Min, Pei Min looked at the abbot, and nodded sincerely, "That's right, my junior, Pei Min, is a master of the Taihe Sword Sect. Today I really came here for the Excalibur Cangmin."
Huiming said: "So you are Ye Zhenren's disciple, no wonder your swordsmanship is so superb."
Pei Min saluted: "Don't dare."
At this time, another monk entered the inner hall and said, "Abbot, the map has been taken away."
Huiming just nodded to show that he knew.Waved him to go out first.

Gongsun Ling was a little uneasy, and asked, "The map? It can't be the map to find the Excalibur, right?"
Huiming nodded unexpectedly: "Exactly, it is the map where the legendary sword Cangmin can be found."
The expressions of Gongsun Ling and the three of them changed in shock, "What! What should we do then?"
Huiming laughed softly, "Amitabha, there is nothing in the world. There is nothing in this world that can determine the world. How can there be such a map?"
There is nothing in the world, where is the dust, please collect it. Ask for a ticket.

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