Long Sword and Jun Wu

Chapter 98 White Amber Essence Soul

Several people heard that the abbot said it was too mysterious, there was a map at one time, and there was no map at another time, they were all confused.

Abbot Huiming smiled faintly, "Back then, Bodhidharma left the "Marrow Cleansing Sutra" and "Tendon Changing Sutra" in Shaolin Temple, and finally decided to seal the Cangmin Sword.However, according to the legend of the ancestors, Zen Master Huiguang drew the map of the sealed place, so there are rumors all over the world that my Shaolin Temple has a map to find the Cangmin Sword. .”

Among the few people, only Pei Min knew about the past, and the others were listening intently. Suddenly, the door of the inner hall was pushed open, and a man in white came in gracefully, "So you are all here."
Li Bai smiled at several people, and then saluted Abbot Huiming.

"You don't need to be too polite, you can see Jun?"
"Yes, I beat him away from the two men in black. He said he couldn't help, so he said goodbye to me and left." Li Bai's voice was a little melancholy.

"Amitabha, you will meet again if you are destined."
"I hope." Li Bai asked the abbot again: "I heard that you have suffered internal injuries, abbot, is it okay?"
"No problem."
Gongsun Ling was a little anxious, interrupted their greetings, and asked: "Abbot, you haven't finished talking just now, what do you mean that there is no map to find the Cang Ming Sword in this world? Then what did those men in black take away?" Where is the Cang Ming Sword?"

Her parents and the whole family died because of this sword that she had never seen before, so she must ask clearly.

Pei Min took her hand and patted her gently to comfort her.

The abbot smiled slightly, "My old man said that there is no map to determine the world in this world."
Chu Yun: "So, the map he mentioned just now was stolen, so the map is fake?"

Huiming: "No, it's just that it was the map of the temples in the Western Regions brought by Jun. For some reason, they thought it was the map for finding the Cangming Sword and took it away."
Li Bai laughed loudly, "Haha, these people have been making trouble for so long, and they don't even know what they are looking for, but it's a pity for Zhong Jun's kindness."
Huiming nodded, "They have been besieging Shaolin Temple since more than ten days ago. I was also injured in order to prevent those people from rushing in. The old man thought, they just waited for today to come out in full force, taking advantage of my injury, holding me hostage, and forcing I handed over the map, but the benefactors appeared, rescued me, disrupted their plan, and happened to be seen by them, so they thought they were done and withdrew."
Gongsun Ling felt relieved, and looked at Huiming, "Abbot, where is the real map? This matter is very important to me, please let the abbot tell you."
Huiming didn't answer, just looked at Pei Min.

Pei Min approached, bowed to Huiming, didn't say anything, just took out a letter from his bosom, and handed it to Huiming.

Huiming took it, quickly read the letter, handed it back to Pei Min, and asked, "So, your master Ye Zhenren agreed to do this?"
Pei Min nodded and said: "Yes, only by returning this divine sword to the imperial court and making other people stop thinking about it will the world be peaceful."
Huiming nodded, "It's really a way to draw salary from the bottom of the axe. Today's saints are really smart."
Pei Min bowed again, "The junior has already got three of the four artifacts, and only the last one is left. Please let the abbot complete it."
Huiming smiled faintly, "My old monk also agrees with your proposal, benefactor Pei, but if you take the map, benefactor, you may be killed."
Pei Min: "Don't be afraid, juniors, those men in black will soon find out that the map is wrong, and then they will come to trouble Shaolin Temple again. Why don't the abbot just tell the world that the juniors took the map away, so they will I will never come to Shaolin Temple again."
Huiming pondered, and then asked: "Have you really thought about it?"
Pei Min: "Yes, this junior has already decided."
Huiming was silent again, and within a moment, he took out a string of Buddhist beads from his sleeve, and there were five Buddhist beads on the bracelet.

If you look carefully, four of the five beads on the bracelet are of normal size, and one is a bit bigger. Each of the beads is crystal clear with a golden luster, and the five beads have a mysterious brilliance. Those who stood were dumbfounded.

Huiming handed the bracelet to Pei Min, Pei Min respectfully took it with both hands, and said softly, "This is, "White Hu Essence"? "

Huiming: "Yes, it is indeed a map, but it has been passed down in the Shaolin Temple for nearly a hundred years. No one knows how it can be used as a map. As for how to find the Cangming Sword with it, it depends on you, Master Pei." good luck."
Pei Min looked at the string of beads in his hand, and was a little dazed. After so many days of tossing and turning, he finally got all four pieces together.

Gongsun Ling also looked at the beads in Pei Min's hand, feeling mixed feelings.

Pei Min and Gongsun Ling bowed to Huiming, "Thank you abbot."
Li Bai came over, looked at the string of beads, and said, "This is amber, right?"
Huiming nodded.

Then he asked Pei Min, "Can I have a look?"

Pei Min handed it to him without hesitation.

Li Bai admired it even more in his heart, picked up the white hu essence and began to look at it.

Chu Yan said happily: "I almost forgot, Taibai, you are in the ore business, and you must know more about these things than us. Can you find out the mystery here?"
Li Bai nodded, "Maybe we can find it."
Li Bai took the beads and began to concentrate on studying, when the door of the inner hall opened again.

Gongsun Wan came in with a bowl of medicine and handed it to the abbot, "Abbot, drink up the medicine."
Huiming took it and drank it. After the treatment just now, he already recognized Gongsun Wan's medical skills.

Li Bai looked up in his busy schedule, and said in surprise, "Eh? I didn't expect you to be good at medicine, little lady?" Seeing her eating and drinking all the time, I thought she was just a naive little lady who didn't understand the world.

Gongsun Wan smiled sweetly, and was about to answer, when Chu Yun spoke first, "She is the master's disciple of Qianjin Valley, and she also cured my father's illness before, her medical skills are unquestionable."
Gongsun Wan blinked and looked at Chu Yun, it was rare that Chu Yun was actually praising her.

Chu Yun saw the way Gongsun Wan looked at him, and his heart skipped a beat.

After drinking the medicine, Gongsun Wan took back the bowl and said with a smile: "Although the injury is a bit serious, I have already prescribed the medicine. Abbot, follow my prescription for a month, and you will recover. I have written the prescription and handed it over to you." Gave it to the Herb Hall."
"Thank you, benefactor."
"Abbot, you're welcome. Our disciples of Qianjin Valley are responsible for saving lives and curing diseases." After saying a few words, Gongsun Wan's nose started to turn up again.

Chu Yun lowered his eyes and was speechless.

Li Bai laughed, and returned the bracelet to Pei Min, "I haven't seen anything yet, let's go back to my house first, I will study carefully, and I will always solve it for you, Brother Wen Zhao."
Several people nodded in agreement, the matter has been resolved, the two sisters Gongsunling are women, it is indeed not suitable to stay in Shaolin Temple.

Several people saluted and said goodbye to the abbot, and walked outside the temple.

Finally collected all four artifacts.Ask for collection, ask for tickets.

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