Chapter 1
Under the clear blue sky, Pei Anzhu was wearing a snow-white plain dress, running wildly.

She ran and cursed:

"Dog! Why are you targeting me?"

"Why is it thick and big on me, but thin like a bean sprout to others?"

"Why is seven times a night not enough for me, but impotence and premature ejaculation for three seconds for others?"

"I'm so pitiful, tender and helpless, can this fragile little body withstand the ravages of a dog like you?"


After Pei Anzhu's words fell, Tianlei, who was chasing after her, fell silent for two seconds.

It thought that it was a serious thunder, a professional "thunder" who specially set the threshold for those monks who embarked on the immortal journey.

Why was it scolded by Pei Anzhu like a beast in clothes that forced a little girl?

Hi, never mind!
Geniuses always have to endure greater tests than others, and Pei Anzhu, as a metaphysics genius who is rare in a hundred years, naturally endured much more thunder than others.

So, Tianlei condensed for a while, as if he wanted to take revenge on her bad mouth, and slammed down on her with great momentum.

The clear sky suddenly turned dark, giving the illusion that it was about to collapse.

Pei Anzhu was struck by lightning and lost consciousness.

Waking up again, she vaguely heard voices from the side:
"The car accident was too serious. The luxury car over there is fine, but this bun is deformed."

"Multiple abdominal organs of the injured were strongly impacted, accompanied by a large amount of internal bleeding, and the head was severely injured, and the craniocerebral injury was relatively serious."

"It needs to be rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. Even if you can save your life, you have to stay in the ICU ward for a month before you can fully recover."


Pei Anzhu opened his eyes, and what he saw was a car accident scene.

Suddenly, a strange memory surged up and eroded her mind. Thanks to her strong spiritual sense, she quickly absorbed and accepted these memories——

She was originally a peerless genius who used metaphysics to enter Taoism in the Cultivation Continent, and she was the No. 1 choice in people's mouth who could "climb to the immortal rank and enter the gods".

At a young age, his cultivation base has already reached the state of half-step ascension, and he only needs to pass through the thunder calamity before he can ascend.

Unexpectedly, after being hit by a dog called Tianlei, she passed away and traveled to the scene of a car accident in an unknown country in a parallel time and space, where she possessed a fatherless and motherless orphan girl.

The original owner was abandoned in the countryside since he was a child, and was picked up by an old Taoist priest of Shuyun Temple and brought up.

The old Taoist is not good at academics, relying on a little bluffing outfit passed down from his ancestors, plus some tricks to fool people, earn a little money, stumble along the way, and pay for the original owner to go to university.

No, the original master graduated from university and was able to stay in the big city to find a good job. He planned to take the old Taoist priest to the city to retire.

Unexpectedly, there was a serious car accident on the road, the old Taoist was seriously injured, and the original owner died on the spot.

Coincidentally, Pei Anzhu came from another world and used the original owner's body to resurrect his body, and saw the old Taoist priest who had been knocked to the ground.

Pei Anzhu: ... Gan!

She silently raised a middle finger in her heart.

If she had the chance to go back, she had to find a way to tear up that piece of shit from Tianlei!
Otherwise, I'm sorry for her to go to another world like this!
Pei Anzhu suppressed the anger in his heart, and sighed:
People in Taoism pay the most attention to cause and effect.

She took up the original owner's body and was lucky enough to live a new life. She owed the original owner a cause. She must also fulfill the original owner's filial piety to the old Taoist priests and fulfill the original owner's last wish.

So, she subconsciously made a trick to stabilize the fragile three souls and seven souls of the old Taoist priest.

Let him persist to the hospital and complete the rescue operation.

At this moment, there was a commotion not far away.

Pei Anzhu followed the sound, but saw a middle-aged man in his 30s holding a selfie stick and talking into his mobile phone:

"Old friends, like and follow to not get lost, Akun will take you on the highway!"

"This is the front line of Akun Entertainment. I heard that actor Zhu Yanzhou was filming in the mountains and encountered a car accident when he was leaving. Now I have arrived at the scene of the accident."

"All fans who wish the best actor, do you want to know the latest news about the best actor?"

"Give me all the presents!"

Behind this man, there are a few young girls who seem to be around 20 years old.

They looked worried, looked in the direction of the luxury car, and chatted:

"I don't know what happened to Brother Zhou!"

"I hope my brother won't get hurt, as long as he breaks a little skin, I will feel sorry for him!"

"Brother Zhou is the number one face in the entertainment industry, don't hurt his face, otherwise many movie fans will be sad!"

"Amitabha, God bless..."

Ah Kun looked at the group of girls, and then looked at the live broadcast on his mobile phone. Suddenly, his eyes rolled, and he thought about it, and sighed pretendingly:

"Oh, I wish the film emperor, this is really a disaster."

"If it wasn't for that Taoist priest driving past here, Zhu Yingdi's car would be able to avoid the rocks, and it wouldn't overturn."

On the surface, these words sounded like sighs and hypotheses, but in fact the tone was subtle.

The malice emanating from him is quite uncomfortable.

Pei Anzhu learned from the memory of the original owner that the car accident was an accident.

The two cars were heading towards each other on the narrow winding mountain road. When they made a wrong turn on a curve, both of them were in the blind spot of each other's vision.

In order to avoid the boulder rolling down the mountain, they turned the steering wheel outwards at the same time, and they collided with each other, and then fell down the cliff at the same time.

It was a normal traffic accident.

Being told by A Kun, it seemed that Zhu Yanzhou's car accident was all blamed on the old Taoist priest.

Sure enough, when the girls heard this, their worries about their idols immediately turned into anger:

"That's right, it's all the fault of that stinky Taoist priest, why do you want to go this way?"

"I hurt our brother, if I see him, I will tear his skin!"

"If there is something wrong with my brother, the stinky Taoist priest is the murderer!"

"Then what are you waiting for? That smelly Taoist priest is here too, let's go teach him a lesson now!"


As they talked, they walked in the direction of the old Taoist priest, apparently wanting to vent all their grievances about their idol's injury on the old Taoist priest.

But the man named Akun was so excited that he pointed the camera of his mobile phone at these little girls:
"Want to see how they avenge Best Actor Zhu? Tiezi, get all the gifts!"

"Thank you for the colorful pearls sent by 'Zhouzhou Little Mimei'!"

"Thank you 'Kick that Good Leg of the Lame' for the superb luxury car!"


"From now on, I will be where the actor is, and I will not sleep when the moon does not sleep. I am the little baby who brings you the first-hand information about eating melons!"

Seeing that things were about to get out of control, Pei Anzhu rushed over:

Go to Nima!

Ever since she was sensible, no one dared to attack the person she was protecting in front of her face!

She even dared to be tough with Tianlei, so she was still afraid of this little bastard?

So she kicked Akun's cell phone away, stopped those girls at the same time, and cursed at Akun with cold eyes:

"Shut up my mother!"

"If you continue to stir up trouble, incite them to make trouble, and delay the doctor's rescue of the wounded, believe it or not, I will kill you?"

(End of this chapter)

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