Chapter 2
Those girls were intimidated by Pei Anzhu's move.

They froze in place, not daring to move.

Although Akun was a little apprehensive, he still held his neck and said forcefully:

"I'm a reporter, and I'm obliged to shoot news material!"

Pei Anzhu glanced at him from top to bottom, his eyes were contemptuous, as if he was looking at some garbage:
"Are you a reporter?"

"A reporter with a treacherous face and a dark mind?"

"Journalists who use prying eyes on other people's privacy to gain attention and profit, and exaggerate and fabricate lies in order to attract traffic?"

"A reporter who will instigate and incite others to make trouble at the emergency scene?"

"When you touch the upper and lower lips, the red mouth, the white teeth, and the bloody mouth open, you can turn black and white, and point a deer into a horse. If you don't learn how to shut up again, I'm afraid you will damage your morality!"

Her tone was light and airy, but everything she said hit A Kun's deathbed, making him indistinguishable.

Akun's phone fell to the ground, and the camera shifted, so they couldn't see their faces.

But the netizens in the live broadcast room could hear Pei Anzhu's voice:
——Who is this woman?How dare you say that about Ah Kun?
——If there is no Ah Kun in the entertainment industry, how much fun we would have lost!Although Akun snoops on privacy and does everything he can to gain traffic, he can let us eat fresh melons!

——I agree with the above, I praise Ah Kun!

——Akun, where is your violent temper?Hurry up and scold her!

Ah Kun couldn't see the barrage for the time being, but he was stabbed in the lung tube by Pei Anzhu, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment, his face changed, and he said directly:

"Smelly woman! What kind of onion are you? Meddling your own business here?"

"Let me tell you, I rely on my mouth to eat this bowl of rice! If I want to shut up, there is only one situation, that is, enough money!"

"Got it? SB!"

Netizens in the live broadcast heard the conversation between Pei Anzhu and Akun, and left messages one after another:

——Brother Ah Kun is as genuine as ever!

——It’s been a long time since I heard Ah Kun swearing, I still miss it!
——Who is this woman?The voice is quite pleasant, Akun cursed a few more times, should he be scolded and cry?
——Smelly fans, Akun is a piece of trash, and you guys are not good things either!It's obviously Akun's fault, but he still has the face to scold others when he incites others to make trouble at the emergency scene?
——Go upstairs, this is Akun's live broadcast room, I don't like to watch it go out!


It is said that fans follow the true master, but Akun is not a good person, so how can his fans be any better?
For a while, the live broadcast room was full of smoke, and they began to scold Pei Anzhu for meddling in his own business, and scolded the audience who told the truth, using extremely disgusting words.

Pei Anzhu looked at A Kun fixedly, and immediately laughed angrily.

In terms of talking, she hasn't lost yet.

So she rolled up her sleeves, glanced at A Kun, and began to reply:
"Open your mouth, old man, shut up SB, you are really a dung beetle yawning and spraying dung all over your mouth!"

"Eat this bowl of rice by mouth? Don't be ridiculous, dung beetles eat Xiang!"

"Shut up if you have enough money? You like money so much, hurry up and dig yourself a hole and lie down. I'll burn it for you. You can have as much as you want!"

"If you don't practice closed-mouth meditation, I'm afraid you will easily suffer retribution!"

Akun looked at Pei Anzhu in shock, his lips trembled, but he couldn't think of anything to reply, so he could only say:
"Hmph, I don't have the same knowledge as women!"

After saying this, he picked up the mobile phone on the ground and saw the bullet screen in the live broadcast room:
——666!There is actually someone who can swear better than Ah Kun, I have learned a lot!
——Swear words without dirty words, learned!
——Hahaha Akun, you are being bullied, low EQ: shut up!High EQ: I suggest you practice closed mantra!This sister is a talent!

——Akun, you just confronted her!With us here, what are you afraid of!

Akun wanted to be tough, but the opponent's combat power was too strong, he couldn't be tougher!

So, he resentfully prepared to leave.

At this moment, Ah Kun's foot slipped and his body staggered.

The selfie stick came out of his hand and hit his mouth in a strange direction, knocking out two of his teeth in one fell swoop.

The phone fell to the ground again, face up, and the camera clearly recorded Akun's appearance at this time:

Blood flowed from the mouth, and the lips were swollen.

"Hmm..." Ah Kun covered his mouth, his face grim in pain.

Pei Anzhu shrugged, and said lightly:
"Look, let me just say, have you been punished?"

Akun gave Pei Anzhu a hard look, picked up the phone, and exited in embarrassment. He had to fix his mouth first.

After he left, Pei Anzhu's eyes fell on the group of girls, and he wanted to say something to them, but when he thought that they were also incited, he immediately held back his words.

The group of girls had seen Pei Anzhu's force value when she kicked the phone away, and her powerful ability to speak out, so they took a few steps back.

One of the girls said:
"Yes... I'm sorry, we are also mad, and we will not dare to do it again next time!"

After saying this, they ran away in a hurry.

At this time, the nurse not far away shouted:
"Is the family of the old Taoist here? Are there any family members of the old Taoist?"

When Pei Anzhu heard this, he hurried over and responded:

"What is wrong with me?"

Seeing Pei Anzhu, the nurse looked her up and down, and said with a smile:

"The little girl is very lucky. There are so many people in the two cars, and only you are intact, with a little scratch."

"By the way, who are you, the old Taoist priest?"

"It's my grandpa." Pei Anzhu checked the original owner's memory, and it was indeed his grandpa.

"Okay, come with us in the ambulance, we will take him to the hospital for treatment, and we will need your signature at that time." The nurse said again, "He is in a very serious condition, even if he survives, he must stay in the ICU for a long time." Please remember to complete the hospitalization procedures and pay the fees.”

Pei Anzhu nodded, feeling a little worried.

She has received the memory of the original owner and has relevant common sense.

Long-term living in the ICU ward is not affordable for ordinary people.

She didn't have so much money. After all, the old Taoist priest had always been poor, and the original owner was a college student who had just graduated, both poor and white.

Pei Anzhu sighed, if it was in her original world, she wouldn't have to ask, there are many people who come to her with rare treasures, thousands of gold and jade, and beg her for a fortune-telling.

but now……

Just when Pei Anzhu was frowning, Akun's face flashed in her mind, and she suddenly had a flash of inspiration:

yes!live streaming!
I am worried that there is no place to get money to pay for medical expenses. Isn't this a ready-made channel?

She is a metaphysical genius!

With her straight-talking, fortune-telling and ghost-catching skills, as long as she opens the shop, she won't have to worry about no customers!As long as there are enough people in the live broadcast room and enough rewards, wouldn't that be enough for medical expenses?

Thinking of this, Pei Anzhu felt at ease.

When she got to the hospital, signed, completed the formalities, made sure that the old Taoist priest was safe, and watched the old Taoist priest enter the ICU, she said to the nurse:

"Sister Nurse, please allow me a few days for the expense, and I will raise the money."

After speaking, she left the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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