Chapter 3 The first live broadcast

Pei Anzhu planned to broadcast live on Shuyunguan.

In Shuyun temple, there is a second-hand computer bought by an old Taoist priest, and a network cable is installed, which is specially prepared for the original owner.

Just so that the original owner will not feel bored when he comes back every winter and summer vacation.

Shuyun Temple is located on a mountain in Pingcheng, near the place where the old Taoist priest and movie king had a car accident. The location is remote and the road is not easy to walk.

But Pei Anzhu followed the memory of the original owner, found the correct route, and arrived successfully.

After returning to Shuyunguan, she immediately turned on the computer, searched for detailed strategies related to the live broadcast, and registered an account on the dolphin live broadcast platform after making sufficient preparations.

The nickname used her previous dao name: Qingzhu Xianjun.

The name of the live broadcast room is also very simple and rude: [Fortune-telling and divination, straight-talking]

Before opening the live broadcast room, she took into account that the original owner had never set foot in the field of metaphysics before, and she was afraid that someone would find something wrong and cause suspicion.

So among the old Taoist's pile of old outfits, he found a mask of the Nuo God.

Putting on a mask, it covered the stunning face of the original owner.

Then turn on the live broadcast and wait for someone who is destined to come to your door.

In modern society, information is developed, and the live broadcast industry is booming. Every day, countless new anchors pour into this field, just like a drop in the ocean.

Pei Anzhu's newly opened live broadcast room is also like gravel, no one cares about it.

But she is in no hurry.

Before starting the live broadcast, she had roughly calculated for herself that today's opening will be auspicious, as long as she waits patiently, she will definitely gain something.

But for the next half hour, the studio was empty, deserted and miserable.

Fortunately, the dolphin live broadcast platform has certain support and preferential treatment for newcomers.

After the live broadcast lasts for half an hour, the name of the live broadcast room will appear in the "Potential Newcomers" push column on the homepage.

It was also at this time that people came in one after another, and the live broadcast room gradually gained popularity.

Pei Anzhu saw that these are all potential customers in the future, and they must maintain a good relationship, so she greeted everyone:
"Hi, everyone, I am Immortal Lord Qingzhu."

"Welcome to my live broadcast room."

"The Internet is connected by a thread, cherish this relationship, everyone passing by, don't miss it!"

"Is there any embarrassment in your life? Are you confused about the future? Do you feel uneasy about fate?"

"Welcome to chat with me, Immortal Lord Qingzhu, straight out of the iron mouth, to guide you in the maze, and to be a beacon on your life path!"

Pei Anzhu's tone was gentle, and she squeezed her throat while speaking, determined to use clip voice, so that netizens who just entered the live broadcast room could feel her sincerity and enthusiasm.

But in the end, the bullet screen was full of question marks, and some people even made rude remarks:
——If you don’t understand, just ask, what is the anchor barking?
As soon as Pei Anzhu saw this, his heart stopped, and his temper immediately came up.

She has lived in the realm of comprehension for so many years, and the last thing she sees is anyone talking cheaply in front of her.

After all, Pei Anzhu's prowess is just like her reputation as a "metaphysics genius", unrivaled in the entire cultivation world.

So, she replied to the netizen in an exaggerated tone:

"Oh, my God! May I ask what kind of animal you are, you can't understand human speech, but you can only understand dog barking? Have all animals learned to surf the Internet now?"

Barrage:……? ? ?
——Is this the rookie studio?This anchor seems to be engaging in a very new interaction?

— Live fortune-telling?The anchor took the mysterious metaphysics script, right?This Nuo God mask looks decent, which shows that the team has worked hard!
——Wearing a mask like a ghost, and taking a fairy-like name, you can't do it, the anchor, you're completely different!
——I bet fifty cents worth of hot strips, someone will come to the anchor for fortune-telling in a while, and the anchor will definitely be very accurate, and then attract more people!

——Upstairs, you know the script!

— Liar?Feel like some kind of big cult brainwashing site?

Most of the bullet screens are distrustful.

The vast majority of viewers believe that this is a means of attracting people's attention.

Pei Anzhu just pissed off someone, and he was in a good mood. Faced with these normal complaints, he was not so harsh. He just explained:

"The anchor is a serious anchor of metaphysics, fortune-telling and word testing, to determine the past and the future, if you have an idea, you can come and try it!"

This time her throat was not clamped, and she used her original voice.

Pei Anzhu's voice was very nice.

Cold and misty, as if coming from the distant clouds, like a fairy, but gentle and firm, with a little soothing power, people can't help but trust.

Many viewers who accidentally clicked into the live broadcast room stayed for this young and pleasant voice:
——Holy shit, the benefits of this voice control!

——You can tell by the voice that she is a beautiful young lady. When she becomes popular and shows her face, she will attract a lot of fans!

——Miss, don’t tell your fortune, you have such a beautiful voice, show your face and sing a song, I will reward you with a colorful pearl!
——That's right, the live broadcast of metaphysics is very cool, and it's not easy for this person to stand up. You can change the channel, and the voice is aimed at you, it will definitely be popular!

Pei Anzhu looked at the comments of netizens and explained with a smile:
"I'm a metaphysics anchor. I live broadcast fortune-telling and divination. I don't get involved in other entertainment businesses."

Among the ridicules and barrages persuading her to change channels, there was only one exception:

——Anchor, help me figure it out, am I going to die today or tomorrow?
Seeing this, Pei Anzhu thought:
The first predestined person appeared.

Judging by his tone of voice, this is a man who has lost hope in life.

Pei Anzhu adjusted the volume of the microphone, and spoke again:

"This friend named [Petri dish is my wife], maybe you are depressed, but you met me, no matter today or tomorrow, you will not die."

"Meeting is fate, do you want to have a try?"

At this time, [Petri dish is my wife] said on the barrage:
"Okay, just try it, I don't care anyway."

"But I know that there is a fee for fortune-telling. I don't know what your price is, but I only have 1000 yuan in total. I'll give it to you. I won't refund the more or make up for the less."

"You can reward a sea view villa." Pei Anzhu said, "Today's fortune-telling netizens are all at this price, a sea view villa is a fortune teller."

The price of a sea view villa is exactly 1000 yuan.

After the voice fell, the netizens suddenly boiled:
——The price is not cheap, and the anchor doesn't show his face, isn't this pure deception?
——Brother Petri dish, don’t be fooled, isn’t it delicious to go out and eat hot pot with 1000 yuan?Do you have to give it to this liar?
——Don't persuade, if you don't persuade a ghost who seeks death with good words, this person will not listen to advice!
——I’m the only one who thinks, [Petri dish is my wife] is the anchor’s babysitter?Otherwise, whoever dares to ask someone to ask for a thousand?


There was a lot of discussion on the barrage.

Among them, a netizen named [Bringing Four Dogs and Killing Five Pigs] felt that the live broadcast of fortune-telling was too childish, so he shared the live broadcast room on his Weibo with the text——

Bring Four Dogs to Kill Five Pigs V: Come and see the new tricks of liars!Don't regret it, you will be the next one to be fooled! [Live room link]
He is a game blogger with over [-] fans. As soon as Weibo was released, more people flooded into the live broadcast room.

(End of this chapter)

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