Chapter 13
The Yuncheng Police Department called Pei Anzhu for the bonus.

A serial robbery and murderer with a bad nature like Cao escaped for more than 20 years, and his bonus gradually increased with the extension of time.

Accumulated up to now, a full 38 yuan.

After the tax was deducted from this money, it was still more than 30 in Pei Anzhu's account.

She went to the hospital as soon as possible, renewing 15 yuan for the old Taoist priest, and told the nurse to use the best medicine, so that the old Taoist priest must recover as soon as possible.

After leaving the hospital, she went to Pingcheng for a stroll and did a few things by the way——

First, she went to a garage.

In that car accident, the broken second-hand van driven by the old Taoist collided with Zhu Yanzhou's luxury nanny car, and both fell off the cliff.

After the police dealt with the scene, both vehicles were towed away for repairs.

Pei Anzhu had to go back and forth between the hospital and Shuyun Temple almost every two days, and it was inconvenient to not have a car. In addition, she had money now, so she wanted to buy a new car.

So, she went to the car repair shop and sold the old second-hand car for depreciation.

Immediately afterwards, I bought a 8 to [-] yuan transportation SUV at the nearby car dealership. After completing the formalities, I drove away.

Fortunately, the original owner passed the driver's license test when he was in college.

Pei Anzhu inherited the memory of the original owner, and he is no stranger to driving. Although he was a bit unfamiliar at the beginning, he quickly got used to it.

It would be much more convenient to have a car, so Pei Anzhu went to the supermarket.

She bought some daily necessities.

Although she occupied the body of the original owner, she is two different people from the original owner after all.

Other things are fine, but she still has to buy new ones for personal items such as underwear, toothbrushes and towels, otherwise she will always feel awkward.

In addition, she also bought some rice noodles, grain, oil and various ingredients.

Because she planned to settle down in Shuyun Temple temporarily.

She is not the original owner.

Although he has the memory of the original owner and knows all the knowledge the original owner has learned in college, he does not intend to engage in the job chosen by the original owner.

Being in the old business and live broadcasting fortune-telling is not only quick money, but also free.

What's more, the old Taoist priest is still lying in the hospital. In this case, she has no way to leave the old Taoist priest in Pingcheng alone and run elsewhere by herself.

Therefore, Pei Anzhu has already resigned from the job interview in the name of the original owner.

Until the old Taoist fully recovers, she has to stay in Shuyun Temple.

It is convenient to take care of the old Taoist nearby, and at the same time, there are many ancient books left by the ancestors of the old Taoist in this Taoist temple, which is also convenient for her to understand the Taoist situation in this world.

Finally, she went to an ancient street in Pingcheng.

There are many shops in the ancient street, with blue bricks and black tiles, antique, the names of the shops are all authentic plaques, and there are lanterns hanging on both sides.

The road surface is paved with bluestone slabs.

Once stepping in, the whole person seems to have traveled through time and space, and across the era.

Pei Anzhu didn't come here to see new things like foreign tourists, and he didn't go to various antique shops to pick up leaks like those Taobao shoppers.

She went straight to her destination, found a shop selling cinnabar and yellow table paper, and bought a lot of raw materials for drawing symbols.

After all, how could a mature master of metaphysics not know how to draw symbols?
After the purchase was completed, the bonus that had just arrived in Pei Anzhu's hand was spent in an instant, leaving only tens of thousands of dollars in his hand for emergency use.

But she doesn't care.

The old Taoist has enough money to live in the ICU for the time being. After all, she will definitely have income before the next renewal.

Pei Anzhu drove back to Shuyun Temple with a lot of things he just bought.

After tidying up the original owner's room, moving the location according to her own habits, and setting up a spirit gathering array in the room, she finally settled down completely.

Two days later.

Pei Anzhu woke up early in the morning, intending to clean the steps in front of Shuyun Temple.

But she habitually pinched her fingers and immediately smiled:
It's open today, and there are guests coming.

She turned around and made a pot of tea, and sat at the stone table in the yard in front of the courtyard, waiting for the guests to arrive.

Shuyun Temple is located on a mountain more than 200 meters above sea level.

There are lush trees on the mountain, dense and lush, and the branches grow wanton, full of wild charm.

Facing directly below the gate of Shuyunguan, there is a long stone step.

Winding up from the foot of the mountain, passing through the dense trees in the mountain, looking from a distance, it looks like a winding path leading to seclusion.

If someone stands at the foot of the mountain and looks up, they will be able to see the bluestone steps looming among the trees, and the ancient Taoist temple that is mostly hidden.

Low-key and mysterious, with clouds and mist curling up, it looks like a fairyland.

There are two people in the forest, climbing up the steps.

It was two ladies who came, one of whom seemed to have a leg injury, and was supported by another to barely climb the steps.

After wasting some effort, the two finally stepped into the gate of Shuyun Temple.

Pei Anzhu looked at the person coming, and greeted with a smile:
"meet again."

That's right, it was Sister Song and Xiaoman who came.

Sister Song looked at Pei Anzhu in astonishment, the surprise on her face was completely uncontrollable:
"why you?"

Pei Anzhu nodded and joked:
"Of course it's me. Sister Song didn't expect that she would avoid me a few days ago, but now she comes to my door on her own initiative!"

Sister Song was a little dumb for a moment.

She also didn't expect that the Taoist temple Xiao Man mentioned was actually the place where the old Taoist priests lived.

Xiaoman didn't know about the past between Sister Song and Pei Anzhu, so she took the initiative to say:

"Miss, we are here to worship God, don't worry, we know the rules, we will donate incense money according to the normal procedure, I wonder if you can take us there?"

Hearing this, Pei Anzhu laughed even more heartily:
"Worship God, you might as well worship me."

"God may not bless you, but I can solve your troubles."

Xiaoman looked at Pei Anzhu in shock, wondering why this young lady was suddenly so arrogant.

Pei Anzhu seemed to have seen her thoughts, and asked back:
"What? Your sister Song didn't tell you, did I remind her?"

"Since you have come to your door, it means that you have nowhere to go. With the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, you choose to pray to God and worship Buddha to get psychological comfort. Am I right?"

Sister Song looked serious and exchanged glances with Xiaoman.

From each other's eyes, they saw a wave of wavering and a desire to give it a try.

If it's just bad luck, that's fine.

But the point is, after Zhu Yanzhou was in a coma in a car accident, he never woke up.

The doctor gave Zhu Yanzhou a comprehensive examination. From head to toe, from inside to outside, there was no injury at all, and no reason could be found.

The day after tomorrow is the cover shoot of "Glamorous Man".

If Zhu Yanzhou doesn't wake up, then the resources he managed to save will be wasted. It is very likely that because of his breaking the appointment this time, the fashion industry will criticize him in the future.

Pei Anzhu looked at Sister Song and Xiaoman's expressions, and made an inviting gesture:

"Why don't you two sit down and talk?"

(End of this chapter)

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