Chapter 14 Cursed

Sister Song and Xiaoman sat down at the stone table.

Pei Anzhu poured tea for them, and then said:

"Tell me about all the things you have encountered. If you explain clearly, I can prescribe the right medicine."

So, in the following time, Sister Song told all the situations that the team had encountered in the past half month.

Occasionally, there are omissions, and Xiaoman will make up for them, without missing any details.

After listening, Pei Anzhu nodded clearly:

"Zhu Yanzhou has been cursed."

"Curse?" Sister Song and Xiaoman said in unison, their faces full of shock, it was the first time they had heard of such a thing.

Pei Anzhu patiently explained to them:
"If I'm not mistaken, the one in Zhu Yanzhou should be a very common bad luck spell."

"As the name suggests, people who have fallen under this spell will be unlucky, and they will bring unlucky people around them, and as time goes by, the degree of unluckyness will increase until it is life-threatening."

"The casting method of the bad luck spell is not complicated. It only needs any of his hair, nails or blood, plus some simple Taoist methods, to succeed."

"The advantage of this method is that it kills a person subtly without showing any trace."

"When the cursed person was unlucky at the beginning, he would not think that someone was harming him. He would only think that his water was retrograde and his luck was bad. When the situation became more and more serious, when he realized that something was wrong, it might be too late."

Just like Zhu Yanzhou.

His unlucky days definitely didn't end in this half month, but he definitely didn't take it to heart.

After all, how can life be completely smooth sailing?

And no one will feel that someone is going to harm him because he choked on drinking cold water, right?

It was his ignorance in the early stage that made Zhu Yanzhou fall into trouble a little bit like a frog that had been boiled in warm water.

And the people around him, also under the influence of this bad luck, everything went wrong.

Until this time, in a car accident.

After listening to Pei Anzhu's explanation, Xiaoman suddenly realized:
"No wonder, those of us who stayed with Brother Zhou for a long time have more unlucky times, while those who stayed in Mocheng are in better condition."

"Also, when people are unlucky, there is really nothing to do except admit that they are unlucky. If it is not a coincidence that we met Master Pei, then we are afraid..."

She didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but Sister Song understood.

I'm afraid that only when Zhu Yanzhou died quietly, could they see the slightest clue from this weird bad luck.

Sister Song's face became serious, and she asked very directly:
"I have two questions."

"First, Master Pei, can you solve the situation of Ah Zhou? How long will it take to solve it?"

"Second, according to what you mean, he should have been harmed like this. Can you help me find the person who harmed him?"

As expected of an old fritter who has worked hard in the entertainment industry, Sister Song's question hits the core.

Although she spoke directly, her attitude towards Pei Anzhu had changed from distrust to respect.

Even though the girl in front of her looked very young, she still used the honorific title.

Pei Anzhu smiled calmly:
"I don't pay much attention to such unpopular things as the bad luck curse. It's just a matter of convenience to solve the curse."

"As for the person who killed him..."

"Cause and effect are the most important thing in Xuanmen, and any means must pay a price. If I undo the spell on Zhu Yanzhou, the caster or the mastermind will definitely suffer backlash."

"This kind of backlash is not a small fight, but a hundred times and a thousand times. When the time comes, whoever is unlucky will be the suspect."

Having said that, Sister Song immediately laughed.

She took out a signed check from her bag, handed it to Pei Anzhu, and said:
"Then ask Master Pei to help Ah Zhou."

"I came out in a hurry today, and I didn't think that the matter would be so serious. There is not much money here, only 20. It was originally intended to be used as incense money for the noble Taoist temple."

"But when Ah Zhou wakes up, I will give Master Pei another thank you gift."

Pei Anzhu pushed the check back, and under Sister Song's astonished gaze, he slowly opened the WeChat payment code:
"What's the age, how troublesome is the procedure to return the check? We have to keep pace with the times."

"I'm short of money at the moment, and I prefer to watch dishes off the plate. Zhu Yanzhou is a film king. He's worth a lot and earns a lot, so I want 200 million."

"But don't worry, since I have received the money, I will act according to the rules. Not only will I undo the spell on him, but I will also dispel the bad luck from you guys."

"This business is done. From now on, you will be regular customers. You will have the priority with me. Whether it's fortune-telling, character testing, or drawing talismans to exorcise evil spirits, you will be treated favorably."

As soon as Pei Anzhu opened his mouth, he turned 20 into 200 million, a tenfold increase.

200 million is not a small number.

The working capital of the studio that Sister Song can mobilize at will is not too much, but it is exactly 200 million.

She looked at Pei Anzhu's calm and determined eyes, and suddenly guessed, did this young master have calculated this point, so he set such a price?

do not care!
In the current situation, money is not important, the important thing is that Zhu Yanzhou can wake up, and he can earn back as many as 200 million in the future.

What's more, Master Pei is sincere.

She clearly stated her intention of needing money, which is much more frank than those who pretend to be false and ask for money in different ways.

After Sister Song made up her mind, she transferred 200 million to Pei Anzhu on the spot, regardless of the down payment.

If you care about every detail, you will inevitably appear stingy and will make people look down upon you.

Pei Anzhu was in a good mood after earning money, so he stood up and said:
"I'm going to pack some things. After the two of you drink this cup of tea, we'll set off."

Five minutes later, Pei Anzhu locked the gate of Shuyun Temple, and took Sister Song and Xiaoman to the back mountain. There was an open space with an SUV parked on the ground.

Xiaoman was surprised and said:
"Can I drive here directly?"

If they had known that there was still a road that could lead directly to the back mountain of Shuyun Temple, they would not have parked their car at the foot of the mountain, and then climbed such a long stone step with their legs limping.

Pei Anzhu smiled and nodded:
"There is a road, but most people can't find it, so get in the car."

She also found out after driving by herself.

The location of Shuyun Temple is ingenious. From the front, it is located halfway up the mountain, and you need to climb stone steps to go up.

But on its back mountain, there is clearly another way down the mountain, which is hidden.

The hiding here is not simply covered by something, but someone used a blindfold to make people subconsciously ignore the existence of this road.

Ordinary people driving up the mountain road will not be able to reach Shuyun Temple. When they get halfway, they will only feel that there is no way ahead and choose to turn around.

But Pei Anzhu is not an ordinary person, she saw through the blindfold at a glance, and then found a shortcut up and down the mountain.

It's just that I don't know who built this road, and I don't know who set up this blindfold.

Even the old Taoist priests don't seem to know its existence.

After all, his own second-hand broken bread car was always parked at the foot of the mountain and never drove up.

Pei Anzhu discovered that there are still some secrets hidden in the Shuyun Temple, but now is not the time to study these secrets.

(End of this chapter)

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