Chapter 18 Time Management Master
[Never forget each other when in love] The young lady pursed her lips with a stubborn expression.

Obviously, if Pei Anzhu couldn't produce conclusive evidence, she wouldn't believe it.

So Pei Anzhu asked:

"Do you have a photo of your boyfriend? It would be best if there is a date of birth."

The young lady seemed anxious to prove what Pei Anzhu said was wrong, so she hurriedly took out her mobile phone, found a photo of her boyfriend, and said his birthday.

Pei Anzhu carefully looked at the man in the photo, and made some calculations based on the date of birth, and then said:

"Go out now, take a taxi and go eastward for about two kilometers. If you come across a place surrounded by green trees and running water, stop."

"There, you'll see the evidence I gave you."

[Never Forget Each Other] The young lady took a deep breath, took her mobile phone and keys and was ready to go out:
"Immortal Lord Qingzhu, I read Weibo and knew that you helped the police catch the criminal. I thought you would not be a liar, so I came to you."

"But if I go where you say and see no evidence, then you will lose all trust with me."

"I won't hang up the live broadcast, and I don't believe that my boyfriend is the kind of person you said. You want to prove it to me, but I also want to prove it to you. I didn't love the wrong person."

While talking, the young lady locked the door and left the house.

She was lucky, a taxi passed by the moment she arrived at the gate of the community, so she got in the car and said:

"Master, you drive two kilometers east, and I'll get off there."

It was the first time the driver heard such a place name, and asked with some doubts:
"Are you going to Bihu Park?"

"Ah?" The young lady didn't know. "Two kilometers to the east, is it Bihu Park? Is it surrounded by lush trees and running water?"

The driver laughed when he heard the words:

"You live so close, haven't you been to Bihu Park? It's very famous there. It's a famous dating site for couples in this city. There are mountains and waters, trees and flowers. It's so beautiful!"

The young lady was confused by the driver's words.

Now her mind is full of the words "holy place for couples to date".

So, the place where Immortal Qingzhu asked her to go is a famous dating place for couples?
Even the barrage became lively:
——666!When I heard the words couple dating, I had a bad premonition!

——Miss sister’s boyfriend, he shouldn’t be alone in a holy place for couples to date, right?If not alone, who is he going on a date with?

——Think carefully and fear!
——Wow, there is an exciting feeling of going to catch rape!
——This live broadcast room is getting more and more interesting!Follow decisively, I will squat when the anchor starts broadcasting!


It's only two kilometers, and it's a quick drive.

[Never Forget Each Other] The young lady got out of the car, paid the fare, and walked into the gate of Bihu Park.

As the taxi driver said, Bihu Park is beautiful and well planned. The whole park is divided into different corners, each corner has a different theme.

But without exception, these themes are all about love.

Between different theme corners, there are rows of broad-leaved bushes separating them, which not only block the sight, but also isolate the sound to a certain extent, ensuring the privacy of the young couples dating.

The little sister walked on the cobblestone path.

Every time you stray into a corner, you will basically disturb a couple who are talking about you and me.

She apologized repeatedly in embarrassment, and the audience in the live broadcast room ate melons happily, and even started a heated discussion:
——Holy shit, that couple kissed so intensely just now!
——I saw it too, the corners of her mouth are drawn!
——The couple on the stone bench under the tree just opened up. If the young lady [Never Forget Each Other] hadn't strayed in, they would have started making humans in broad daylight, right?

——I can’t see it, it’s too tired and crooked!
——The upstairs is envious of other people having girlfriends, are you still single?
—Damn, life is already hard, why do you expose me?
--Ha ha ha ha!

[Never Forget Each Other] His face was red when he saw it.

"Go to a place with water." Pei Anzhu reminded her fearing that she would stray into more places by mistake and disturb others' love interest.

Only now did Miss Sister remember that the very first thing Immortal Qingzhu said was:
Surrounded by green trees and running water.

The place where there are trees and water is the right place she is looking for.

After walking for about five or six minutes, the young lady finally came to the water's edge. This is a lake named Bihu, and the whole park is named after it.

As soon as she arrived at the destination, she looked around, but she didn't see her boyfriend.

The young lady was about to speak, but her eyes froze.

She turned on the rear camera, and she just held it up stupidly, and all the scenes in front of her were captured by the camera, and she could see everything at a glance——

Not far away, there is a man and woman who are kissing.

The woman turned her back to the young lady and couldn't see her face clearly, but the man was facing her. It was her boyfriend who had been in love for two years.

The clothes he was wearing were the latest models that my young lady bought him last month.

The people in the live broadcast room had seen photos of her boyfriend before, and now they saw this scene, and suddenly became excited:
——I rely on it!Her boyfriend cheated on her!
——This is stepping on two boats!This guy is such a scumbag!

——Sister, rush up and slap him twice, and then say goodbye to him!
——Miss Chongya, why don’t you keep them for the New Year?

A group of persuading people in the live broadcast room.

But the young lady in [Never Forget Each Other] just stood there blankly. Although she couldn't see her face, she could vaguely hear her sobbing.

she cried.

No one could bear this scene, especially her boyfriend who had trusted her so much before.

At this time, Pei Anzhu spoke again:

"Miss, if this evidence is not hardcore enough, then don't leave for now, just follow your boyfriend, and you will open the door to a new world."

When Pei Anzhu spoke, she used some means quietly, and she mixed in some Qingxin Sutra.

Therefore, the words she uttered have the effect of calming the mind and calming down, and can also soothe the young lady's emotions, so that the young lady will not get too out of control.

Sure enough, the young lady came to her senses and decided to do what Pei Anzhu said.

So, in the next few hours, the young lady saw what a real "time management master" is——

At 25:[-], in Bihu Park, he had a date with a woman and kissed them.

At 45:[-], he left Bihu Park, took a taxi to the commercial street, bought a bouquet of roses, went to the train station, picked up a girl who came back from other places, and gave her the roses.

At 10:30, he sent the last girl home, then went to the movie theater, and went to the movie theater with a girl hand in hand, and 10 minutes later, he excused the company to work overtime and left the movie theater.

At [-]:[-], he went to the pharmacy, bought a few boxes of cold medicine, delivered them to a certain high-end office building, handed them over to a girl, and then the two met to go to the shopping mall for lunch.


[Never Forget Each Other] The young lady can't keep up anymore.

Because she discovered that that scumbag met so many girls, none of them were repeated! ! !
It turns out that what Immortal Qingzhu said was right!
While he was picking himself up from get off work and making brown sugar water for himself, it didn't delay him delivering medicine to other girls, having dinner with other girls, or asking other girls to watch a movie! ! !
In the life of this scumbag 24 hours a day, she is nothing more than a dispensable filler!

(End of this chapter)

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