Chapter 214 The Assembly Line Factory

Zhao's garden is very big.

Under the leadership of Zhao Boping, the two walked through the hand corridor, passed by the unique and magnificent gardens, and came to a place among jagged and strange rocks.

Pei Anzhu recognized at a glance that the location and layout of this strange rock were based on the Five Elements and Bagua to prevent unsuspecting people from entering by mistake, and the method was very similar to the alley of the small clinic.

This is enough to prove that there is an inseparable connection between the two.

"Madam, please cover your eyes." Zhao Boping stood at the door of the strange stone, handed over a black blindfold, and explained, "Mrs. Pei, don't be surprised, this is the rule for all guests who come to my place."

Pei Anzhu nodded, she understood, it was to prevent leaks.

However, this move could protect against ordinary people, but it was not enough against her. With just one glance, she could see all the strange stone formations in the garden.

But she didn't say anything. She just blindfolded her eyes and was led by Zhao Boping through the rockery rocks of various shapes to the real entrance.

There was only a click, as if some mechanism was opened, and then they entered a secret passage.

Pei Anzhu vaguely felt that the environment inside was different from outside. After walking for about 2 minutes, Zhao Boping stopped:
"We're here, Mrs. Pei can find a blindfold."

Pei Anzhu took off his blindfold and instantly had a panoramic view of the situation here——

What appeared in front of her was a huge space, which seemed to be the size of three football fields. Judging from the direction, it was located underground in the back garden of Zhao's house.

The building here is very hidden, with no windows visible to the naked eye. There are only a few unknown vents to maintain the air circulation here.

Even so, the smell of blood lingers here.

More importantly, this place looks like an assembly line factory. The entire site is divided into six small areas, each of which performs its own duties.At this time, Zhao Boping introduced:

"Ma'am, this is where you choose your male fetus."

"This..." Pei Anzhu still had a hesitant look on his face and asked, "What are they doing? Do you have any explanation?"

After hearing this, Zhao Boping smiled confidently and said:

"Mrs. Pei, please come with me. I will explain to you slowly."

"I wonder if Mrs. Pei has heard of a little story? It is said that the Western god imitated Nuwa to knead clay to create a human being, but he wanted to create a perfect human being, so when mixing the clay, he kept adding Some liquid representing human attributes.”

"Add some looks, add some wisdom, add some bravery, add some strength, add some martial arts, add some background...and so on, all kinds of liquids gathered into water mixed with mud, and he finally made a perfect piece of soil for him to carve a human form. "

"And our Zhao family does similar things."

"Although he is not as capable as the Western God, he can still achieve [-]% to [-]% of the effects by using certain Xuanmen secret techniques."

"And what you see here is the processing factory I built to add attributes to the fetus."

"In this world, everyone has different personal attributes and luck, so we sent people to collect babies or fetuses from all over the world that could not survive."

"After gathering them here, use certain methods to peel off their appearance and intelligence, and finally form a brand new embryo according to the customer's requirements. After dripping with the customer's blood, they will be injected into the customer's uterus and conceived by them. "

"Then, after the clients have conceived for ten months, they can have a custom-made child that is exactly what they want, just like a normal pregnancy."

(End of this chapter)

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