Pei Anzhu's face showed just the right amount of shock.

This shock was not fake, but she did not expect that Zhao Boping and the others were actually doing such a business behind their backs.

She walked along this assembly line factory and looked at it step by step——

There are many workers here, who should be locals of Zhaojiacun, both men and women. They all wear hats and masks, uniform clothes, and special gloves.

There are some runes engraved on the gloves to make it easier for them to operate.

Some people held a bunch of bloody meat balls in their hands and put them in a large iron basin in front of them to clean. They carefully scrubbed them back and forth with a large brush to clean away the blood stains on them.

And this bloody mass of flesh is the female fetus that has formed when the mother's body has grown to a certain stage.

But these female fetuses had no chance of being born, so they were aborted midway and were sent here to become part of the Zhao family's witchcraft of childbirth.

After the meat balls are washed, they are handed over to the next step.

Pour scalding hot water on the meatballs to make the skin loose and fluffy, then peel it off easily and set it aside.

The skinned meat ball enters the third stage.

Someone who was good at knife skills cut off the head, cut it open, took out the few brains inside, and placed it in a special vessel engraved with runes and formations.

Then comes the fourth stage, where people who are also good at knife skills, strictly speaking butchers, separate the meat from the bones and flesh, and finally place the bones and meat separately.

After that...

All in all, after a bloody meat ball passed through this assembly line factory, the skin, flesh, bones and blood of the entire body spread out and separated into separate things.

And these things are the raw materials for Zhao Boping and his children's sorcery.

Finally, these things were put into small porcelain bottles of the same size, with labels on them, and data were used to distinguish the grades of these raw materials.

After all, those bloody meat balls are not exactly the same.

Zhao Boping accompanied Pei Anzhu to visit, and continued to explain as he walked: "After these things are processed, they are also divided into upper, middle and lower grades. After all, not all raw materials are exactly the same."

"The quality of meat dumplings that have been in the mother's belly for seven or eight months or at full term is much better than those that have been in the mother's belly for five or six months."

“So, things made with different raw materials have different prices.”

"Mrs. Pei seems to have no shortage of money. How about I take you to see some of the highest-grade raw materials? I think you will like it."

Zhao Boping's tone was full of pride.

He didn't seem to think that using unviable fetuses as raw materials was a cruel thing. In his eyes, those innocent little lives that didn't have time to survive were nothing compared to money and interests.

Pei Anzhu lowered his head, his eyes cold.

She smelled the smell of blood in the air, watched the human-shaped ball of flesh fall apart, and tried hard to control the anger in her heart. Finally, she clenched her fist tightly and said:

"Okay, then please ask Master Zhao to take me to see it."

So Zhao Boping took Pei Anzhu inside, passed through the assembly line factory, and came to a more secret stone room, where several ancient bookshelves were placed -

The shelves are filled with small porcelain bottles. At first glance, it seems that there are hundreds or even thousands of copies.

And this is only what the Zhao family has saved.

If we include those sold by the Zhao family before, we don’t know how many fetuses Zhao Boping and the others have mutilated.

"These are the best." Zhao Boping pointed to the innermost shelf and said, "The raw materials here are all taken from living babies."

"A living body?" Pei Anzhu was shocked and angry, "How can there be a living body?"

Zhao Boping didn't hear Pei Anzhu's suppressed anger, and thought she was shocked, so he explained:
"There are always some people in this world who don't like their daughters and abandon them as soon as they are born. And what we need most is this type of raw material."

"You must know that a stillborn baby is far inferior to a living one. A newborn baby girl who is alive and well, whether skin, bones or flesh and blood, is the most delicate and tender, so the effect is also the best."

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