Pei Anzhu's initial thoughts were simple.

In order to repay her kindness and resolve the cause and effect, she agreed to the Pei family's happy marriage, and then because the Feng family was a large spiritual mountain for cultivation, she decided to keep a low profile and practice quietly in the Feng family.

If everything goes well, she can "make a fortune silently"——

Externally, she broadcasts fortune-telling live to make money and merit.

Internally, she meditates and practices, and with the resources of this spiritual mountain, I believe it will not be difficult for her to achieve the level of cultivation she achieved in her previous life.

But the premise of everything is that no one in the Feng family will offend her.

Like the old lady of the Feng family, she usually didn't have any discipline or guidance for her. She only asked Aunt Xiang to arrange her food, clothing, and daily life, and occasionally talked to her for a few words. She was happy to give this old man some face.

But if someone like Feng Yiyi is blind and speaks arrogantly in front of her, then don't blame her for being rude.

Ms. Yao Fangling's lips trembled with anger and she was speechless for a moment.

At this time, Feng Shenghua, the head of the Feng family, spoke. He frowned and said to Yao Fangling with a look of disapproval:
"Have you forgotten the Feng family's traditional rules?"

"Our Feng family has been able to accumulate such wealth and status from generation to generation. Is it possible that we relied on bullying and looking down on others?"

"Our ancestors have long taught us to treat people with sincerity and convince them with virtue. When you join the Feng family, regardless of whether you have children, daughter-in-law or son-in-law, you must maintain an upright body and a clear mind. Only in this way can you ensure the long-term prosperity of the Feng family."

"But look at you, look at the good daughter you taught. In this position, she can obviously be benevolent and win people's hearts, but she still wants to act like a nouveau riche and look down on her elder sister-in-law who grew up outside."

"You need to remember that the Feng family's reputation and upbringing depend on everyone being careful in their words and deeds, gentle, courteous and thrifty when going out, rather than making rude remarks based on their family background."

"In these years, you have done quite well outside. I didn't say these words, but today it was Feng Yiyi who made the mistake first, and you helped last, so don't blame me for speaking harshly and losing face."

"Today is a family banquet, and there are no outsiders here. I am telling you and the rest of the Feng family to listen. Keep it in mind for me in the future!"

After saying these words, Feng Shenghua's eyes slid over the faces of Feng Jingrun and Feng Yiyi one by one, and finally landed on Pei Anzhu.

Then, he lowered his voice and said apologetically:

"Feng Yiyi doesn't understand etiquette and bumped into you. I will punish you accordingly according to the family rules."

"Of course, you didn't swallow your anger and compromise. I'm very pleased. We keep our family members away so we won't offend others, but we're not afraid of them either."

"I believe you are a well-measured child. I won't offend others unless they offend me. Just don't be wronged or bullied outside. If you need support from the Feng family, don't be polite."

"If you don't come to the main house often, you go to see your grandma more often. You have a bad temper, which is very similar to her when she was young."

The old lady of the Feng family heard about such a large number of lawsuits, and then she smiled and said:

"You're a narrow-minded person, and you're planning to marry your mother? Anzhu is my granddaughter-in-law, so I will naturally support her."

"So, please remember to think through your words when speaking."

After she finished speaking, the old lady glanced at Feng Yiyi with a look of shock, which made Feng Yiyi's face turn pale and frightened.

When the wrangling is over, this matter is considered to be over.

In the end, Feng Yiyi was deprived of her pocket money for two months and was kept at home to copy the Te Ching thirty times as punishment.

As for Ms. Yao Fangling, she donated a set of expensive jewelry to apologize to Pei Anzhu on behalf of herself and her daughter.

With the support of the old lady of the Feng family and Feng Shenghua's words, Pei Anzhu, a young lady who was originally an inconspicuous wedding tool, also became valued in the Feng family.

Although this was not Pei Anzhu's original intention, she did not hesitate.

She only thinks that the Feng family is very, very interesting:
Each of them has a strong sense of separation.Others may not notice this sense of separation, but Pei Anzhu only feels that they are contradictory in some aspects:
The old lady of the Feng family——

It seems that he has given up his authority early, ignores the worldly world, and only focuses on taking care of his old age. He even doesn't even come to the main house often except for family banquets.

But in fact, her control over the Feng family has not diminished at all. Even the head of the family, Feng Shenghua, has to do everything based on her looks.

Just when Feng Shenghua spoke before, he had to look at the old lady at least three times in one sentence to judge what he should say and do based on the old lady's attitude towards Pei Anzhu.

The head of the family, Feng Shenghua——

He seems to be the head of the Feng family, controlling the inside and outside of the Feng family, and has a detached status. In fact, depending on the old lady's face, he does not have much autonomy.

More importantly, he educated his wife and daughter according to the ancestral precepts of the Feng family. He kept talking about benevolence, integrity, gentleness, courtesy and frugality. Although his appearance looked good, he was not such a person.

He is a typical person with a narrow heart, jealous appearance, dark mind, and unscrupulous means.

Apart from the fact that he has no life cause and effect in his hands for the time being, which is barely a bottom line, he and Pei Jinchang of the Pei family can be regarded as half-brothers.

Second young master Feng Jingrun——

Wealthy and prominent, the proud son of a wealthy family, a top young master who was born with a silver spoon in the eyes of outsiders, a rising star who supported his family after his elder brother became a vegetable.

It clearly looks like a hidden dragon coming from the east with purple energy, but it carries a strange demonic energy.

It can be said that one thought is heaven and the other thought is hell.

Then there are mother and daughter Yao Fangling and Feng Yiyi——

It stands to reason that they accept the ancestral precepts of the Feng family and should recognize the so-called benevolence, integrity, gentleness, courtesy and thrift, and lead by example.

As a family at the top of the pyramid, there is no need for them to look down on anyone. They receive far more benefits from being kind to others than they do by bullying others.

Unfortunately, as Feng Shenghua said, they look like nouveau riche.

Especially Feng Yiyi, if she really grew up following the ancestral training of the Feng family, how could she develop such a petty temperament?

Just weird.

And the strangest thing is that their faces are exactly the same. Both mother and daughter are kind-hearted, tolerant and kind-hearted. They are also destined to be rich and prosperous, and have smooth sailing.

But their faces are completely different from their true personalities.

If they were really broad-minded, gentle and kind, they would never say such derogatory and contemptuous words to Pei Anzhu.

The strange thing about them made Pei Anzhu feel that there seemed to be something changing their appearance, or covering up their true appearance.

If this is really the case, then the Feng family is in deeper water than she imagined.

Pei Anzhu looked around and found that the most normal person in the entire Feng family was actually the butler Feng Qing, who was a servant but could barely be regarded as half a master.

He is the adopted son of the old man, who was raised by the old man himself.

He has listened to the true ancestral precepts of the Feng family since he was a child. He is modest and prudent, and his words and deeds should be consistent. Judging from his treatment of others, he has truly engraved the requirements of his ancestral precepts into his bones.

Pei Anzhu followed everyone into the restaurant with great interest and took his seats in order.

I couldn’t help but think:
The Feng family is really interesting. She can't wait to meet the eldest young master Feng Jinglan now.

She had a hunch that Feng Jinglan's situation was definitely not ordinary.

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