Because of the previous wrangling, this family dinner was very embarrassing.

Yao Fangling and Feng Yiyi were silent throughout the whole process, while Feng Shenghua and Feng Jingrun chatted about company affairs and occasionally asked the old lady for her opinion.

Pei Anzhu was like an outsider, eating the exquisite food on the dinner table and silently watching the Feng family's performance of whitewashing peace.

After the meal, the old lady said she wanted to see Feng Jinglan:
"An Zhu is the daughter-in-law of Jing Lan, so she should be allowed to meet Jing Lan."

"What mom said is true." Yao Fangling agreed and added:

"Ever since Jing Lan was unconscious in a car accident three years ago, the doctor has been saying that he needs to rest, so we placed him in the quietest courtyard. It will take some effort to get there now."

"Mom is old and she just had lunch. She shouldn't be too tired. Why not just rest here. I'll take An Zhu over to take a look."

The old lady glanced at her and did not object, but nodded:

"Go ahead and let her talk to Jing Lan for a while. I don't know if Jing Lan can hear her, but what if? If he knew he had such a beautiful wife, he might wake up when he gets excited."

"Yes, we are all looking forward to him waking up." Yao Fangling agreed.

After a while, Yao Fangling and Pei Anzhu left the main house and headed towards the yard where Feng Jinglan was resting——

Judging from the position in the yard, Feng Jinglan really doesn't look like the former heir of the Feng family.

On the surface it is the quietest, but in fact it is the most remote.

In the entire Fengjia mountain, this courtyard is the most remote and desolate. It is not as exquisite as the main house at all, and it does not even have basic living facilities.

Of course, Feng Jinglan is currently in a vegetative state and he does not need any living facilities.

He only needs medical equipment to maintain his normal nutrition and body functions.

Therefore, in this courtyard, there was only one clean room with a bed and some medical equipment, and Feng Jinglan was lying on that bed.

As for the other rooms, they were empty and dirty, and they hadn't been cleaned for who knows how long.

It stands to reason that the Feng family is not the kind of family that is nouveau riche, nor does it treat its descendants only based on their utilization value. When Feng Jinglan cannot wake up, he will be thrown aside to fend for himself.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that the Feng family really doesn't take Feng Jinglan to heart.

It's like giving him a place to live and giving him a chance to live is the greatest gift.

Yao Fangling seemed not to have expected that the place where Feng Jinglan lived would be like this. Her face stiffened for a moment, and then she explained:
"It seems that the servants at home were too careless. His father and I were busy and entrusted Jinglan to professional escorts and medical staff, but I didn't expect that they would not do anything for money..."

Probably because she thought this reason was too ridiculous, Yao Fangling couldn't continue talking.

Doesn't it depend on the attitude of the master whether the servant is interested or not?

If Yao Fangling and Feng Shenghua paid more attention to their son and came over every now and then to take a look, this place would definitely not be so cold and lonely.

Pei Anzhu did not comment much on this:
Feng Jinglan is a member of the Feng family, the son of Feng Shenghua and Yao Fangling. She doesn't even care about her parents. What qualifications does she, a tool wife with no emotions, have to meddle in others' affairs?
Anyway, she just went to take a look.

If the root cause of Feng Jinglan's coma could be found and he could be cured, she would not be living up to her status as a "happy" wife.

If Feng Jinglan really wakes up, he will settle the accounts with the Feng family by himself, and she won't have to worry about it as an outsider.

Yao Fangling took Pei Anzhu into Feng Jinglan's room.

At this time, the two servants responsible for taking care of Feng Jinglan also came over. When they saw Madam coming, they were a little scared, for fear that Madam would blame them.

After all, it was indeed them who neglected their duties and did not stay in front of the eldest young master at all times.But this is not their fault. After all, the eldest young master has been lying in bed for three years with no sign of waking up. Even if they keep guard in the room, it will not help.

"How are you doing, young master?" Yao Fangling didn't mean to embarrass them and just asked.

"It's still the same." One of the servants replied, "We observe the data on the instruments every day, and there is almost no change. We have also tried talking to the eldest young master, and he seems to have no reaction to the outside world."

"I know, you can go out first." Yao Fangling waved her hand.

The two servants left quickly, and then Yao Fangling said to Pei Anzhu:
"You have also seen that Jinglan has been lying like this for three years. When he first had an accident, I felt like the sky was about to collapse. The Feng family was also on the verge of collapse."

"Thankfully Jingrun came back from abroad and took over this mess."

"At first I also held out hope, always feeling that Jinglan would wake up one day, but I kept looking forward to it day after day, and all I got was bad news. Later, in order to prevent myself from being too immersed in grief, I decided to I just forced myself not to hear the news about Jinglan."

"If there is no news, that means he is still alive. If he wakes up one day, it will be great news to me."

As soon as I heard this, I knew it was very hypocritical, and it was just to whitewash myself.

Pei Anzhu only glanced at her and then focused all his attention on Feng Jinglan——

At first glance, this is a handsome man.

Even though he had been lying in bed for three years, relying on nutrient solution to survive, even if his body was thin, it could not hide his god-like eyebrows and that angular face, which was made by nature for a noble man.

At second glance, I saw that this was a man with an excellent destiny.

This is the most noble face that Pei Anzhu has encountered in his two lifetimes. He should have been born in a wealthy family, with a prominent family background. He has had a smooth life since he was a child, and will be rich throughout his life.

If it were in ancient times, this would be the fate of an emperor who ruled the world, and he would be a prosperous emperor and a pioneering king. If it were in modern times, he would also be a proud son of heaven who is rich and powerful.

Even Feng Jingrun, who has the appearance of a hidden dragon from the east, is slightly inferior to him.

But he was lying here, unconscious and unknown, as if his originally smooth destiny had been cut in the middle for no reason.

At the third glance, this is a man with two souls.

That's right, there are two souls in Feng Jinglan's body, one black and one white, like a yin and yang in a Pisces disk, intertwined and entangled with each other.

The two souls are evenly matched, one is ebbing and the other is ebbing, fighting each other.

Pei Anzhu clearly saw that the dark soul was wrapped in demonic energy.

really interesting!
No one in the family is normal, and Feng Jinglan, who is said to be unconscious due to a car accident, has the most complicated condition.

He couldn't wake up, not because of the car accident and turning into a vegetative state, but because of those two souls.

Feng Jinglan's two souls were tearing apart inside his body, fighting for control of his body. Whoever pushed the other down first would be able to dominate——

The black soul is an outsider, relying on some heretical skills to invade forcefully.

It's like... seizing a body.

The white soul is the original soul of the body, and it is highly compatible with this body. In addition, Feng Jinglan himself has an amazingly strong willpower, so even an ordinary person can still compete with the black soul full of demonic energy. .

He will not wake up until the winner is determined between the black and white souls.

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