Meng Chao opened his eyes and saw a beautiful young girl in front of him.

In his memory, he should have been confronting the drug dealer boss a second ago, trying to prove that he had not betrayed.

Then this girl is most likely sent by the drug dealer boss to test him.

His vigilance against strangers suddenly took over. He didn't have time to look at his surroundings. He relied on his body's fighting instinct to quickly attack Pei Anzhu's neck.

The neck is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body.

In Meng Chao's view, if a thin and frail woman was strangled by his neck, it was equivalent to her life being strangled and she would not be able to stir up any trouble.

It's no wonder that Meng Chao made a fuss out of a molehill. During those years when he was an undercover agent in Southeast Asia, anyone who looked weak and innocent could not let down his guard.

Maybe any woman or child passing by can be a murderer who can give you a fatal blow.

But Pei Anzhu didn't give him a chance to succeed. He grabbed his wrist directly, relieved his strength, and said:
"Meng Chao, you have returned to China."

Meng Chao is his own name, but in Southeast Asia, no one knows his name is Meng Chao, everyone calls him Youte.

The moment he heard his name, Meng Chao calmed down.

He looked around and saw acquaintances standing in a row in the corner, including uncles and elders at home, old friends, and bosses...

Meng Chao withdrew his hand, his face full of confusion: "Why am I back? Where is my mission?"

The person in charge of the anti-narcotics department stepped forward and explained the matter briefly before saying:
"Thanks to Master Pei this time, otherwise you wouldn't have woken up so quickly, and you would have been in peak condition as soon as you woke up, without any need for additional rest."

"Meng Chao, if your physical condition allows, I would like to ask you to return to the team now and hand over to us the information you have been undercover for five years."

"You know, if you are delayed by one second, thousands of families may be destroyed."

Meng Chao jumped up from the bed and saluted his superior: "Meng Chao applied to return to the team!"

After finishing speaking, he saluted Pei Anzhu again:

"Master Pei, I'm sorry that I offended you just now. Please don't be offended. Thank you for saving my life. When I complete this task, I will thank you properly."

"No need. Your successful completion of the mission is the best thank you to me." Pei Anzhu said.

This is true——

If Meng Chao's mission is successful, it means that the drug trading chain in Southeast Asia has been destroyed, at least part of it, and it also means that things that should have been circulated on the market have been confiscated.

Without these things, many families and many people will avoid tragedy.

This is also a meritorious deed for Pei Anzhu.

She needs merit far more than worldly money such as gold, silver, and jewelry.

Meng Chao was shocked by Pei Anzhu's pattern. He saluted again and quickly left with his boss. Now was the time to race against time and wits with the drug dealers.

The remaining people in the ward surrounded Pei Anzhu and hesitated several times.

In fact, Pei Anzhu felt their emotions when he was guiding Meng Chao's soul, so before they could speak, he took the initiative to take out the glass bottle containing the elixir and handed it to Meng Xiuwen:
"This is made from the medicinal materials you provided. I have made nine pills in total, and I have used one for Meng Chao. There are eight pills left, so give them all to you."

"The function of this pill is to strengthen the body, replenish qi and blood, increase the vitality of body functions, nourish the body and become healthier. It is suitable for everyone." "However, its effect is limited after all, and it will affect different people." The effects are also different. Meng Chao has good effects because he is less than 30 years old and his body is in its best period. Others may not have such effects."

"Your Meng family provided the raw materials, and the things should be yours. As for how to distribute them, or who to use them, you decide for yourself."

The effect of this elixir on Meng Chao was so good that they had some expectations.

But it doesn't matter. When they actually use it, they will know that she is not lying. The effect of this elixir is limited after all.

The interests are touching people's hearts. Pei Anzhu made it clear in front of these forces, so that others will not have any thoughts about her in the future for a little pill.

She didn't want to cause trouble, so she left the matter to the Meng family.

For the sake of saving Meng Chao, she believed that the Meng family would handle this matter well.

After they thoroughly study the effect of this elixir, they will find that even with so many expensive medicinal materials, its effect is always limited.

This way, no one will have unrealistic illusions.

The people present were all people who had been around the vanity fair for a long time, and they all understood what Pei Anzhu meant, but the awkward emotions just swept away, and soon everyone started to thank Pei Anzhu.

Finally, the confidential secretary next to the top leader said:
"Master Pei has contributed a lot to the successful resolution of the Meng Dynasty matter. The leader said that after the matter in Southeast Asia is completely over, Master Pei will be given the reward he deserves."

"As for what Master Pei needs during this period, I would like to ask the comrades from the Abnormality Bureau to cooperate."

Guo Qinglang nodded and agreed:

"This is as it should be. Our Abnormality Bureau relies on Master Pei's ability to exist. Without her, our department would not exist. We will naturally cooperate well with Master Pei."

After the greetings were over, everyone was about to leave. Before leaving, Meng Xiuwen said to Pei Anzhu:
"National rewards belong to the state, but the Meng Dynasty belongs to the Meng family, and the entire Meng family will never forget Master Pei's kindness. I have also prepared some gifts in the past two days and sent them to the Yi Tiao Bureau and asked them to deliver them to you. I believe you Will like it.”

"Then thank you Major General Meng." Pei Anzhu nodded in thanks.

After seeing everyone off, Pei Anzhu followed Bureau Guo and Officer Du to the Foreign Affairs Bureau to see what the gift Meng Xiuwen had prepared.

Officer Du directly took Pei Anzhu to a room. There was a red wooden box in the room. The box was large enough to hold an adult.

"This is..." Pei Anzhu was curious.

"We don't know what it is. Major General Meng sent someone to deliver it last night. Because it's a gift for you, we can't open it without permission." Officer Du shrugged.

Upon hearing this, Pei Anzhu stepped forward and opened the lid.

But I saw that there were books inside, old and new ones piled together, filling the whole box. If you smell it carefully, you can feel the aroma of ancient ink coming to your nostrils.

"So many books?" Director Guo was also surprised.

He flipped through it casually, only to find that these were Taoist books, and he suddenly realized:
"I remembered that the Meng family has been a general for generations. When the world was in chaos, their ancestors once led troops to suppress bandits everywhere and captured a lot of things."

"Some things were sent to the treasury, and some things were of little use, so the Meng family kept them for themselves as a memorial to their ancestors' military exploits. These books should have been collected at that time."

"Xuanmen has been in decline for a long time, and the inheritance has been discontinued. This should be part of the reason." (End of Chapter)

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