Pei Anzhu flipped through the books in the box and suddenly smiled:

"This is really a surprise!"

"What do you mean?" Officer Du asked hurriedly, "Are these books very precious to Master Pei?"

Pei Anzhu looked at him with a smile and asked:

"Officer Du still remembers that we met Master Zhao at the Zhou family's manor villa in the past, and he once told us about the Taoist past, right?"

"He said that Shu Yunguan's classics were once divided into five parts of fortune telling by mountain doctors. Those who survived the war took them out to try to find inheritance from other places."

Officer Du nodded and recalled:
  "Of course I remember it. It was the first time I had such a systematic and comprehensive understanding of the history of Xuanmen."

"I still remember that the Zhao family got the classics related to 'life magic'. Last time we went to Zhaojia Village, we had already got all the classics back."

"That's right." Pei Anzhu nodded, "In the box sent by Major General Meng, some of Shu Yunguan's lost books are found. The title pages of these books also have Shu Yunguan's logo printed on them."

Officer Du and Director Guo were surprised when they heard this:
  "So coincidentally?"

"It's such a coincidence." Pei Anzhu chuckled, "So I just said, this is an unexpected surprise? I thought I would need to spend more time to find these classics, but I didn't expect the second part to appear like this .”

That's right, what Meng Xiuwen sent was the "mountain" technique among the five Xuanmen techniques.

Shanshu is actually the art of Kanyu, including topography, Feng Shui and other techniques. It is mostly used to show people the Feng Shui of Yang and Yin houses.

To a certain extent, mountain magic can also be used to set up formations. After all, formations can also reasonably take advantage of terrain to achieve the desired goal at some point.

It is no longer possible to study where this part of the classics came from.

But Pei Anzhu can also roughly guess the process. It must be that Shu Yunguan's disciples left with the classics and failed in their search for inheritance.

Later, by mistake, the classics fell into the hands of grass bandits, and were obtained by the ancestors of the Meng family who suppressed the bandits.

These classics have been in the Meng family's warehouse for hundreds of years, not seeing the light of day and covered in dust, but now they meet the destined person who knows the goods.

Meng Xiuwen's thank you gift was really sent to Pei Anzhu's heart.

When Bureau Guo saw this, he immediately smiled:
  "Okay, this one is called winning with one stone."

"Meng Chao was saved. The country did not lose any clues about the Southeast Asian drug trafficking organization. Master Pei obtained the Shu Yunguan classics. It is really destiny."

"Then I will transport this box back." Pei Anzhu said, "After the next live broadcast, I will find a time to send all these books to Shu Yunguan."

These are Shuyunguan's classics, and they should go back to where they belong.

The people from the Strange Bureau helped carry the box of books into the car. After saying goodbye to Bureau Guo and Officer Du, Pei Anzhu left here and headed to Feng's house.

Just like before, she put the box into the storage ring on the way.

This is the safest and most secure place.

No one can open it except her.

After returning to the Feng family, Pei Anzhu continued to live the same low-key life as before. She calculated that the next live broadcast would be in four days, and posted a preview on Weibo.

While waiting for the live broadcast, Pei Anzhu meditated and practiced as usual, and gradually felt that the heavenly way had merit and virtue added to his body.

It must be that Meng Chao's anti-drug operation has been progressing smoothly. Time flies by, and in a blink of an eye, the time for the tenth live broadcast has arrived. Pei Anzhu made full preparations, put on the Nuo god mask, and opened the live broadcast room as scheduled:

——The eldest lady is coming, get out of the way!

——Come, come, Qingzhu Immortal is on time as always!
  ——I went to Gaoqiao Village on a business trip two days ago and found that the country was moving very quickly. Master Song’s incense temple has been more than half built, and the cemetery passages have also been opened, but they are surrounded by people to prevent people from entering. Otherwise, I I still want to go to the cemetery and have a look!
  ——emmm I can only say that you are not so lucky! I am an archaeological intern in a unit under the Cultural Relics Bureau. You can’t imagine how happy I am now!

--what? What? Is there anything we don’t know about?

——Archaeology, please explain clearly!
  The archeology netizen hid for a while, probably asking his employer if he could tell me. He probably got a positive answer, so he came out quickly and talked a lot:
  I am an archeology dog, and I was lucky enough to participate in the excavation of Master Song’s tomb in Gaoqiao Village. I have to say that compared to before, I am so happy now.

In the past, when we excavated ancient tombs, we suffered hardships in deep mountains and old forests. We were careful not to miss any corner, for fear of missing some information.

In the past, I had to rack my brains to look up classics and documents to find the provenance and source of those cultural relics, and make sure there were no omissions or mistakes, which made my hair turn white.

But now! ! !

Every time we excavate a cultural relic, Mr. Song personally comes to explain its historical origin to us. He can explain to you clearly what happened more than [-] years ago!
  What could be more true than what the person involved tells it personally?

Oh my god, my teacher and Mr. Song have become close friends for eight years now. They are like an old brother and they pester Mr. Song every day! But Mr. Song still has errands in the underworld. He can't stay on the ground all the time. My teacher is so anxious that he wants to die on the spot. Go down to find him! ! !

After she finished speaking, the barrage was filled with "hahahahahaha", which made everyone so happy that they could hardly find the answer.

Pei Anzhu couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene.

She really didn't expect that Mr. Song was so unwilling to be left alone that all the ghost servants had gone to the underworld, so he found a bunch of archaeological professors in the human world, and they were quite familiar with them.

Pei Anzhu was not worried that Mr. Song would harm humans. He had committed the evil four hundred years ago, so there was no need to wait until now.

However, after all, people and ghosts have different paths, so she opened her mouth and said to the archeology girl:

"This classmate, please send me a private message later with an address where I can receive the goods, and I will give each member of your archaeological team an amulet."

"Although Mr. Song has no ill intentions towards you, and even gets along well with you, after all, you belong to the two realms of yin and yang. The yin energy and ghost energy in him will always have an impact on you."

"Especially your teachers and their old professors are older and their body resistance is already weak. If this continues for a long time, it will be harmful to their health and life span."

"So, it will be good for you to have an amulet with you."

The archeology girl immediately swiped several gifts on the screen, and then kept saying thank you to Pei Anzhu.

The girl's salary is not particularly high, and she cannot give high-level rewards, but some flowers and jewelry are enough.

Without waiting for Pei Anzhu to stop her, she handed out more than a dozen bouquets of flowers, which made the audience in the live broadcast room extremely happy.

Among the special effects of more than a dozen bouquets, there is a special effect of a sea view villa sandwiched in between.

Pei Anzhu took a closer look and saw that it was not the archeology girl, but a netizen with the ID name [Mingyue Taqingfeng], who was the first destined person today.

When the audience saw the special effects of the sea view villa, they all calmed down and left the rest of their time to this [Mingyue Stepping on the Breeze].

The other party initiated a video call, and Pei Anzhu chose to accept it.

The moment the other party's face appeared on the screen, Pei Anzhu's eyes flashed with shock, as if something was beyond her expectation.

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