Fang Yuwan didn't mind that she couldn't jump in line.

In fact, she is a very fond of fans. When she learned that the fans in front of her took up the quota to help her delay, she even offered to reimburse the fans.

Of course, fans rejected it.

In the next half hour, millions of viewers in the live broadcast room witnessed such things as [Wanwan’s little wife], [Wanwan my wife], [Wanwan my husband], [Wanwan’s leg pendant], etc. Fans, please go to Pei Anzhu for fortune telling in order of priority.

Fortunately, these latter fans are all working professionals, or freelancers with income, or they are just rich girls, so they are not in the same situation as the first girl.

Pei Anzhu pointed out the various problems they encountered based on their faces.

Fans like Fang Yuwan were initially dubious about Pei Anzhu's ability. After experiencing [Wanwan's Little Fan Girl]'s self-report, they became more confident in Pei Anzhu's abilities.

It wasn't until Pei Anzhu told them about their experiences in the first half of their lives through their faces, and pointed out the difficulties they were currently facing, that they were convinced.

Thank you Fang Yuwan, thank you [You Nei].

After the millions of fans they brought witnessed Pei Anzhu's power, one more person was added to their watch list.

Half an hour later, a total of seven fans had their hexagrams calculated.

Fang Yuwan took the initiative to initiate the video connection, and Pei Anzhu clicked to connect. At this moment, a person with the nickname "You Nei" also appeared and applied to join.

After Pei Anzhu agreed, the live broadcast room became a multi-person video mode.

The entire computer screen was divided into four——

On the far left is the fans' message board, and on the right is the live broadcast of three people. Pei Anzhu is on top, and Fang Yuwan and Youni are side by side at the bottom, forming a "pin" shape.

Fang Yuwan has been interacting with the audience in the live broadcast room for a long time, and everyone is used to it, but [Youni] has just arrived.

Her arrival directly brought this matter to a climax:

——Holy shit! See you soon!

——The fans of Fang Yuwan and You Nei are so fiercely divided, I thought they would never meet again, but I didn’t expect to be in the same frame in this way!

——Qingzhu Immortal Lord yyds! Can bring the two ends of the conflict together!

——No, this is a fierce man who dares to tear apart a ghost with his bare hands!

——Fang Yuwan and Youni are in the same frame. They are hotly searched on Weibo, and now a large number of fans and melon-eaters are coming.


The next second after this netizen reminded him, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room skyrocketed again.

Within two minutes, it reached five million.

At this moment, the parties involved are gathered together and fans are flocking to witness the final outcome of this bloody war on Weibo.

"Hello, Miss Fang, hello, Miss You, I am Qingzhu Immortal Lord."

Pei Anzhu looked at the camera, nodded slightly at the two of them, and said:

"Let me introduce myself formally. I am a metaphysics anchor who specializes in divination, exorcism, and ghost hunting. I may not have as many fans as you two, but I have never made any mistakes since I started."

"I think that whether you are a fan or you two, since you have come to my live broadcast room and asked me to make a decision, you must have a certain understanding of me and trust my ability."

"I hereby solemnly explain to you two and the audience in the live broadcast room——"

"First of all, I have not taken money from anyone, and I will not do anything to slander or whitewash."

"Secondly, fans from all parties are asked to stay calm and rational while watching the live broadcast, speak rationally, communicate in a civilized manner, and avoid getting excited."

"Finally, before the truth and conclusion emerge, I hope you will not take it out of context or act impulsively because of any of my words."

"Miss Fang and Miss You are both public figures, and they should be able to lead by example; and their fans should also follow their examples, what do you think?" Pei Anzhu's solemn statement directly led to the live broadcast. The audience was stunned.

Especially her own fans, who have followed the live broadcast ten times, and have never seen Qingzhu Immortal looking so serious before.

However, all old fans know that Qingzhu Immortal Lord hates sunspots and trolls who are full of shit.

When there were not many fans in the beginning, she was the one who personally attacked the trolls. Later, everyone got used to her style and learned to behave in her live broadcast room.

Therefore, the old fans popularized Pei Anzhu's glorious deeds to the new viewers.

If you don’t want to be scolded by the anchor and make you doubt your life, please remember to speak normally and don’t insult others or make random arguments.

You Nei was the first to express his stance and said:

"I stand by my original calculation results. Even if you change my previous calculation results of Fang Yuwan today, or even completely contradict them, I will only think that you are a person seeking fame and reputation, nothing more."

The implication is that she will not have any objections to Pei Anzhu and will also restrict the behavior of fans.

The worst case scenario is that I won’t have any contact with Fang Yuwan in the future, cut off contacts and markets in the entertainment industry, and just focus on making DouYi videos.

Fang Yuwan rolled her eyes angrily, and said without caring about her public image:

"I believe in Qingzhu Immortal. She has given fortune-telling to several of my fans before. Every one of them is very accurate, and her advice and enlightenment to them are very good."

"I don't think Qingzhu Immortal Lord is someone who deliberately throws dirty water on others for the sake of traffic."

The two people have clear attitudes.

You Nei is tough and insistent on her own abilities; Fang Yuwan is smooth and smooth, which is the usual way of communication for people in the entertainment industry.

But it seemed to the audience that they had already acquiesced to a fact——

Pei Anzhu will stand by Fang Yuwan.

Otherwise, why would You say that? Otherwise, why would Fang Yuwan have such faith in her?

Just when everyone acquiesced in this result, Pei Anzhu spoke. She did not tell the result immediately, but spoke in a roundabout way:

"Miss Fang Yuwan, you are a public figure. Do you mind if I talk about your past in the live broadcast room?"

"Of course I don't mind. My past experience has been exposed for a long time, and I often use it to motivate fans. Is there anything I can't say?" Fang Yuwan shrugged, indifferent.

Pei Anzhu nodded and said:

"Okay, Miss Fang Yuwan, judging from your appearance, your parents died when you were young and you grew up in an orphanage. You had a very hard life as a child."

"But life didn't crush you. You fought for yourself the opportunity to go to school, and you were always among the top honors students in school."

"You have goals, hard work, and plans. Your original plan was to get into a good university and then work to make money to give back to the orphanage. However, something unexpected happened during your sophomore year."

"The director of the orphanage was seriously ill and had no money for treatment. You dropped out of school and entered the entertainment industry to work hard. You made a name for yourself with your beautiful appearance, hard-working character, and talented acting skills."

"You got an audition opportunity for a big production. During this audition, you met the investor of the show, your current husband, Ji Yunxiao."

"I don't know if I'm right?"

Not everyone in the live broadcast room is a fan of Fang Yuwan, and not everyone knows about her past, so they are very serious when listening to Pei Anzhu's story.

Everyone is proud of this girl.

She was a real grassroots counterattack, and with a burst of entrepreneurship, she changed her life from a miserable little cabbage to a cool heroine.

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