Many netizens say that Fang Yuwan is a breath of fresh air in the entertainment industry.

She is not from a major, but she has good acting skills; she has not graduated from college, but she can still be called a top student; she is hardworking and hardworking enough to achieve her current status at a young age.

The most important thing is that she was lucky enough to meet Ji Yunxiao.

For fans, Fang Yuwan's existence is an inspirational legend and a positive energy idol who is determined to make progress.

After she became famous, her past was revealed and she inspired many people.

Now that she heard the story about herself, Fang Yuwan was already numb. The pain in the past had already turned into a medal imprinted on her body.

She shrugged and smiled:

"What Master Pei said is correct. I think my fans know these things very well. But I don't understand, does this have anything to do with our theme today?"

"It has a relationship." Pei Anzhu said, "The relationship lies with your husband."

When Fang Yuwan heard this, her expression changed slightly:

"What do you mean?"

At this time, [Youni] also sat up straight, because she knew that when Pei Anzhu mentioned Ji Yunxiao, he was about to get to the point.

Pei Anzhu looked at Fang Yuwan and explained:

"When you met Ji Yunxiao, you thought it was an ordinary encounter, but he claimed to have fallen in love with you at first sight and spent a long time pursuing you, making you understand his sincerity."

"He impressed you with his actions, and even proposed to marry you many times. But before, you were focused on your career and thought marriage would have an impact, so you postponed it."

"Until this time, Miss You gave you a fortune, and you were so angry that you pulled him to get the certificate and became his legitimate wife."

"And this incident is the fulfillment of Miss You's prediction."

After the words fell, Fang Yuwan was stunned. She carefully tested:


The audience in the live broadcast room also exploded, asking questions:

——Fulfillment? What does it mean?

——Did I hear it wrong? What did Qingzhu Immortal Lord say come true? Is she standing there?

——I don’t quite understand. When Fang Yuwan was not married, it didn’t come true. In other words, she was not a concubine, but it happened after she got the certificate?

——But isn’t it legal once you get the certificate? Why are you still a mistress?

——For the first time, I found that my brain capacity is not enough. I cried to death. Qingzhu Immortal Lord, please explain!

——Fulfillment equals fact. Is Fang Yuwan really a mistress?


[Youni] was also shocked by this sudden change, and she asked in surprise:

"So Qingzhu Immortal Lord agrees with my divination results?"

"I agree." Pei Anzhu nodded, "Your divination results are correct. Miss Fang is indeed destined to become a concubine, but please note that a concubine is not the same as a mistress."

Fang Yuwan wanted to leave with a bad face again, but her intuition drove her to find out the matter, so she asked:

"Qingzhu Immortal Lord, can you please explain it in detail?"

Pei Anzhu pondered his thoughts for a while, and when he spoke again, he explained in more detail:

"Concubine is not the same as mistress. Please don't equate these two words. Fang Yuwan has never been a mistress. She has only had one boyfriend from the beginning to the end, Ji Yunxiao."

"Concubines were a legal existence in ancient times. Any family with the conditions would have multiple concubines."

"And concubines in ancient times did not have names and status. They also had betrothal gifts or dowries, as well as marriage certificates and files. At that time, it was reasonable and legal."

"We are now in Fang Yuwan's perspective." "She was given a betrothal gift by Ji Yunxiao, and she got married in an honorable manner, and she has a marriage certificate stamped and certified by the state. She seems to be a legal wife, but don't forget, there are also concubines in ancient times. these things."

Fang Yuwan was not very convinced, she argued:

"So, Qingzhu Immortal Lord means that Ji Yunxiao has married a wife before, and I am just the second wife of his wife? Not to mention that the country does not allow bigamy, just talk about Ji Yunxiao's marriage history, which can be found by the civil affairs system of."

"He has never been married. I am more certain than anyone else that I am his only, legal, and first wife."

"No matter what you and Youni say, I don't agree with that conclusion."

Not only did Fang Yuwan disagree, but so did the audience.

In today's information society, Ji Yunxiao can find out if he wants to conceal his marriage history, unless he has not received a marriage certificate. But if he has not received a marriage certificate before, how could Fang Yuwan be a concubine?

Pei Anzhu smiled slowly, and then said something creepy:

"If it's just a living person, then he does only have you as his wife, but what if he counts the dead?"

After the words fell, the whole place was silent.

On the other hand, Youni's eyes lit up. She took out the tarot cards and waved them around, chanting as she did so:

"The God of Death...right position...The Hanged Man..."

"That's it! That's it!"

"I said why I couldn't calculate it before, but it turned out to be like this! Qingzhu Immortal Lord really woke up the dreamer with one word. Yes, her concubine's fate must be counted as a dead person!"

Fang Yuwan stood up suddenly, her face extremely ugly:

"The more you talk, the more absurd it becomes. What is a living person and what is a dead person? Can Ji Yunxiao marry a dead person?"

"Why not?" You Neini seemed to have been connected to the Ren and Du channels at this moment, and she suddenly felt confident, "He can definitely follow the ancient rituals and write a marriage letter to another woman, tell the ancestors, and worship heaven and earth. Judging from the procedures, , this is the wife he is marrying!"

In other words, Ji Yunxiao can marry one according to ancient rituals and another according to current laws.

Even in modern society, there are still many places that only recognize weddings but not marriage certificates. Even if the law recognizes it, if there is no wedding and no drinking tea, it is not considered a marriage.

Therefore, it is feasible to marry a wife according to ancient rituals.

And Fang Yuwan was the one who remarried.

Although both of them had legitimate names, according to the order of entry, she undoubtedly took the status of "concubine".

But she wasn't supposed to be a "concubine" in the first place. She got this status because of You Nei's hexagram. She got so angry that she took the initiative to drag Ji Yunxiao to get the certificate.

From this perspective, it was her receipt of the certificate that fulfilled the hexagram of Youni.

After being popularized by two fortune-telling bloggers, Fang Yuwan's face turned pale. They said so categorically. Could it be that Ji Yunxiao really married a wife and she was dead?

Thinking of this, Fang Yuwan calmed down and said:

"Okay, even if what you said is true, even if all the ancient rituals and laws make sense, but even if Yun Xiao really married a wife before, she is already dead."

"You said it yourself, she is a dead person, and it has basically no impact on me. We can still organize weddings, and we also have legally recognized documents."

"In the end, the only one who can live in this world and be by Ji Yunxiao's side as a legitimate wife is me!"

Pei Anzhu sighed and looked at Fang Yuwan with a look that could be called pity:

"That's right, it's just you. It's you now, and it will be you in the future. But after a while, I don't know whether you are still in your skin or not?"

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