These words were so shocking that Fang Yuwan was speechless for a moment.

Before she dropped out of school, Fang Yuwan was a top student, a top student who was able to get into top universities; she was also a leader in the entertainment industry, a popular celebrity with both acting skills and traffic.

As smart as she is, it's impossible not to understand what Pei Anzhu means, but just because she understands, she seems a little unbelievable.

But Youni couldn't bear it and immediately said to Pei Anzhu:

"Qingzhu Immortal Lord, you are a man of great ability. You can see things at a glance that I cannot calculate. You must be able to help her break this destiny, right?"

"It's also my fault. If I hadn't calculated that hexagram, I wouldn't have inspired her to take this step."

Things in this world are inherently ever-changing.

Is it because You Nei figured out this hexagram that Fang Yuwan was so excited that she took the initiative to get the certificate from Ji Yunxiao and fulfilled the hexagram?

Or was it because Fang Yuwan would definitely marry Ji Yunxiao one day in the future that made You Nei figure out this prediction in advance?

Who can tell who is the cause and who is the effect?

Pei Anzhu told You Nei not to blame herself, and then said:

"I can help her break this destiny, but the question now is whether she is willing to let me help."

"How could she be unwilling?" You Neini was stunned, "If she continues this marriage, sooner or later she will be in trouble!"

Hearing this, Pei Anzhu smiled lightly:

"When a disaster is imminent, you have to experience it when it comes. It's not just the two of us who can scare a determined person out of his wits with just a few words."

"For some people, the dangers that never come are not worth the immediate benefits."

"Marrying Ji Yunxiao will bring many benefits to Miss Fang: fame, status, identity, resources, wealth... Countless things will come to her in droves because of her status as Mrs. Ji."

"It is not easy for a person who has worked hard to get to where he is today to give up these things, so Miss Fang, you can think about it again."

Youni is a straightforward person, just like she calculated Fang Yuwan's fate and said it in front of so many viewers in the live broadcast room.

She shouted to Fang Yuwan across the screen:

"Although I'm not a good practitioner, I can see that the person that Master Ji married first is not someone to be trifled with. If you don't stop your losses in time, it will definitely be a bad omen in the future."

"Miss Fang, let's put aside the discord between the two of us. Don't get rebellious and refuse to listen just because I'm the one who advised you."

"I sincerely hope you are well. You are a good actor. Your presence is an inspiration to fans. I hope you can listen."

After saying these words, Youni faced the screen again and said to all the viewers in the live broadcast room:

"Today, I want to use the platform of Qingzhu Immortal Lord's live broadcast room to say something."

"First of all, I want to apologize to Ms. Fang, and also to the celebrity artists who have been guests in my live broadcast room before and were offended by my fast-talking."

"My personality has been like this since I was a child. I can't learn to speak tactfully and I don't care about your status. It's my fault. I will work hard to cultivate my shortcomings in the future."

"Secondly, this war between my fans and Miss Fang's fans spread from Douyin to Weibo, then to Dolphin Live, and finally was resolved in Qingzhu Xianjun's live broadcast room."

"Qingzhu Immortal Lord's affirmation of the hexagrams has put the final word on this matter. From this, I can also see that I am not good at learning and I cannot practice well."

"So starting from today, I will quit the live broadcast on Douyi platform and go abroad to learn astrology, numerology and tarot divination again. The date of my return is uncertain."

"Finally, I hope that my fans, as well as everyone present in the live broadcast room, or others who have heard of me or liked me, will have smooth sailing in the future."

"Goodbye everyone."

After saying this, Youni didn't give everyone time to react, so he hung up the video and exited the live broadcast room.

Because of what she said before leaving, her fans were like fire cooking oil, frying one after another.

Hundreds of thousands of fans also left the live broadcast room one after another as You Nei left. They wanted to try to save You Nei or say goodbye to You Nei.      After all, You Nene is going abroad and may not continue to update videos in the future.

This is bad news for fans.

Pei Anzhu sighed——

I hope You Nei’s fans will not put the blame on her for the other party’s choice to study abroad. What if the fans think that she attacked You Nei and made the other party choose to leave?

Sure enough, things will not be resolved so smoothly.

Shortly after You Nei left, Fang Yuwan also said in front of everyone in the live broadcast room:

"Qingzhu Immortal Lord, I'm sorry, I believe in my husband."

"I have been with him for three years, and I can clearly feel his care and love for me. No matter whether he has married a wife before or whether he is not easy to deal with, I will stand by his side unswervingly."

"Thank you and You Nei for your advice to me, but I firmly choose the path I want to take."

After saying this, Fang Yuwan also said goodbye to the audience and left the live broadcast room.

The two main protagonists of this Weibo war have left, and most of their fans have also left. The rest are netizens who are eating melons, and new fans who are interested in Pei Anzhu.

From this perspective, Pei Anzhu is also grateful to the two parties involved for bringing unprecedented attention to her live broadcast room.

Look, one live broadcast has gained 300,000 followers, which is really unprecedented.

At this point, the war between Fang Yuwan and You Nei came to an end. Pei Anzhu saw that it was still early, so he said to the audience in the live broadcast room:

"The number of fortune-tellings today has been exceeded. According to my past practice, it should be almost over, but the fortune-telling tells me that I still have a destined person today."

"So, there is one last hexagram today."

Seeing that Pei Anzhu would not cut off the live broadcast immediately, the audience started chatting enthusiastically in the live broadcast room.

They talked about Fang Yuwan, You, Ji Yunxiao, a wealthy young man, the disaster that Fang Yuwan might face soon, and the destined person who hadn't appeared yet.

About ten minutes passed, and the reward special effect of the sea view villa appeared on the screen again.

The next second, the other party couldn't wait to pop up the video connection.

Pei Anzhu connected, and a young man in his mid-twenties appeared on the screen. His nickname was [Eat egg fried rice if the confession is successful].

Seeing this nickname, Pei Anzhu was silent for a moment, and even the audience in the live broadcast room started to cheer for fun:

——Hahahaha brother, have you eaten egg fried rice today?

——Hahahahaha Brother, tell me the truth, do you like egg fried rice so much that you came up with such a bad idea?

——If the confession is successful, eat fried rice with eggs, and if the confession fails, eat scrambled eggs. Now: labor and management slap an egg on your face! ! Hahahahaha! ! !

——This guy is quite handsome, and he seems to be a humorous person, so it’s not like he can’t catch girls!

——Upstairs, you have overlooked one thing: financial resources!


Seeing the audience making fun of him in the live broadcast room, the "Egg Fried Rice" brothers were not angry. They just showed a helpless expression and shrugged:

"You can laugh as much as you want, but if you get angry, I will lose."

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