This joyful atmosphere seemed to dilute the seriousness and fear of the previous scene.

As the audience in the live broadcast room laughed "hahahahaha", Pei Anzhu looked at the "egg fried rice" brother and asked with a smile:

"It seems that you are the one I'm waiting for. What do you want to do?"

[If the confession is successful, eat egg fried rice] Hearing this, he scratched his head, with a confused expression on his face, and then said:

"I don't know what I want to do."

Everyone:? ? ?

"Okay, let me ask another question. Did something happen to you and you need someone to answer your questions?" Pei Anzhu asked again.

Brother Egg Fried Rice sighed:

"Qingzhu Immortal Lord, originally I had no intention of asking anyone to tell my fortune, but my mother insisted on forcing me to come, saying that you are very powerful and reliable, so she insisted on asking me."

Pei Anzhu listened to his words and nodded.

She was indeed unfamiliar with the ID of Dan Fried Rice, and seeing that she was not in the other party's follow list, she could tell that he had just entered today.

Seeing that Pei Anzhu was not unhappy, the egg fried rice brothers began to complain:

"My mother has to force me to ask about marriage."

"I'm obviously only twenty-five years old, but she insists on saying that I'm twenty-seven or eighty-years-old. I'm not too young to find a girlfriend. I'm not in a hurry to let her have grandchildren."

"I originally thought that I didn't have anyone I liked, so I promised my mother to go on a blind date to see if I could meet someone suitable."

The experience of the egg-fried rice brothers resonated with most of the viewers in the live broadcast room:

——Holy crap, this familiar urge to get married!

——Who knows? My family, I am only 22 and I have just graduated, and they are urging me to get married!

——When you are in school: Puppy love is not allowed. After graduation: Not married yet?

——Hahahaha, it makes me laugh so hard. My parents probably think that we can find someone whenever we want. They keep an eye on you when you are in school and forbid you to fall in love. They want to have children as soon as you graduate.

——Egg Fried Rice, my friend, twenty-five years old is not too old. At this age, aren’t boys in the stage of struggling for their careers?

——After looking at Egg Fried Rice’s IP address, their age is calculated as fictitious.

——You can’t live up to this much even if you are young, right?


Brother Egg Fried Rice saw everyone's discussion and couldn't help but interrupt and explain:

"The way we calculate age here is very strange. We also include the eight or nine months in the mother's belly, which is rounded up to one year."

"Therefore, a newborn baby is considered one year old in our lifetime."

"We also have the rule of turning one year older, which means that if you cross a new year, you will be one year older."

"Suppose a child is born on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. By the first day of the first lunar month, his actual age is only a two-day-old baby, but here, he is considered two years old."

Pei Anzhu:......

Everyone in the live broadcast room:...

Therefore, [eat egg fried rice if the confession is successful] Brother, his actual age is twenty-five and a half years old, and the normal age is twenty-six. According to the local custom of pretending to be two years old, he is twenty-eight this year.

After listening to his words, everyone couldn't help but sigh that they had learned a lot.

Pei Anzhu brought the topic back at the right time:

"So you went on a blind date. What you are going to talk about today is related to your blind date?"

Brother Egg Fried Rice nodded and said:

"There's a weird thing. Every time I go on a blind date, various accidents always happen."

"What kind of accident?" Pei Anzhu was curious. The audience was also curious, but this brother was also a real person, and he told the blood and tears of his blind date without any hesitation:

"It was my first blind date. As soon as I went out, I fell down the stairs and fell flat on my face. My nose was bruised and my face was swollen."

"I was thinking about not going, but my mother told me that she had made an appointment with someone and asked me to meet him. Then I went and scared the girl."

"The second time, I was thinking about getting a haircut, styling it properly, and meeting a girl, but the barber, for some reason, shook his hand and shaved off a certain part of my hair. "

"With such a big area, no hairstyle can save it. I had no choice but to shave my head. As a result, the girl said that I looked like a prisoner in a labor camp and passed again."

"The third time, I don't know why my tire burst. I wanted to take a taxi, but the tire burst again. It happened several times in a row."

"When I gave up taking a taxi and chose to take the subway to reach my destination, the girl couldn't wait any longer and left first. She said that I had no sense of time and was so late for the appointment."

"For the fourth time, I don't know why the buttocks of my pants were stained with red paint. It really embarrassed me..."


Audience: Hahahahaha! ! ! !

This egg-fried rice brother was really miserable. He went on a total of seven blind dates, and all seven times had problems, and none of them were successful.

Once or twice was okay, but three or four times were considered coincidences, but the result was like this seven times. His mother suspected that he did it on purpose, to avoid blind dates and marriage, and he came up with an excuse.

By the eighth time, his mother followed him in person.

Then, as he was walking on the road, a man rushed out and bumped into him. The man had a poster and glue in his hand, but the glue spilled out and splashed on the ground.

Brother Egg Fried Rice didn't pay attention. He stepped on it and his shoes were firmly stuck to the ground.

Then after a series of wrangling, compensation, and buying new shoes, he was late again without any surprise.

This time someone else bumped into him, but he didn't do it on purpose. His mother could see it clearly.

Because it happened like this every time, his mother thought it was evil, so she asked him to ask online to find out what was going on.

At this moment, another face squeezed into the lens of the Dan Fried Rice brothers. The eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Dan Fried Rice, but he was older. It should be his mother.

Sure enough, this aunt introduced herself as soon as she opened her mouth:

"I am his mother, Qingzhu Immortal Lord. Please tell me, is he not destined yet? Shouldn't I be urging him to go on a blind date and get married? Why does something go wrong every time?"

After hearing this, Pei Anzhu smiled and said:

"These things have nothing to do with your son, and they have nothing to do with you. You hope that he will fall in love, get married and have children, which is your expectation as a mother, and his willingness to get to know and contact girls proves that he is not avoiding this matter. "

"It's just that your son's fate with other girls has been ruined."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. Even Brother Dan Fried Rice himself imagined a drama of love and resentment and asked:

"Being ruined? Who would have nothing to do but ruin my blind date with others?"

"Is it my parents' enemies who want to see our family die? Or is it someone who has a crush on me, who wants me but doesn't get it, hates me because of love, and wants me to experience the pain of not getting love?"

"Otherwise I wouldn't understand why this happens to me every time."

Looking at the two expectant faces on the screen, Pei Anzhu didn't hesitate and asked directly:

"Have you been to any cemetery half a year ago?"

Brother Egg Fried Rice thought about it for a while, then nodded and said:

"I have been there. When I was attending a class reunion half a year ago, I heard that one of our high school classmates passed away. We had a good time and made an appointment to go to his grave."

"What's wrong? He wants to harm me? This shouldn't be the case. We had a good relationship when he was alive. There was no enmity in the past and no enmity in the recent past. It was not me who killed him. How could he want to have sex with me?"

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