Chapter 34
The red fox nodded in satisfaction:

After deciding on the names, Pei Anzhu drew up a contract, wrote the names of Chi Yan and Shen Qinghe on it, and took two drops of blood from their fingertips respectively.

Blood fell into the contract paper, a ray of light flashed, and the contract was established.

The matter of the Shen family has been completely resolved.

Shen Qinghe was very grateful, and offered to invite Pei Anzhu to dinner, and arranged a table in the high-end restaurant under the Shen family, but Pei Anzhu refused:

"You don't need to eat. I have other important things to do, so I can't stay any longer."

Hearing this, Shen Qinghe didn't force her anymore, but asked for her bank card account number before Pei Anzhu left, and ordered her assistant to send her a sum of money, and explained:
"Master Pei helped my Shen family resolve the curse, relieve the predicament, and prevent my Shen family from being destroyed, and even go one step further. There is no way to repay my great kindness."

"Small care, it's not a respect, please accept it with a smile from Master Pei."

"Mr. Shen is polite, then I will take my leave first." Pei Anzhu finished speaking and left Shen's house.

Shen Qinghe didn't ask her where she was going, but still sent a driver to take her off, and told the driver that no matter if she was going to the station, the airport, or other places, she must provide good service.

Pei Anzhu did not reject Shen Qinghe's kindness.

Although she is barely rich now, but the province should spend money, and there is a free car ride, so she doesn't need to be hypocritical:

"Please, take me to the West Lane of Shui School on Xuanwu Street."

Cui Yun's home is located in the West Lane of Shui School on Xuanwu Street.

Cui Yun also lives in Yuncheng.

Earlier in Pingcheng, when he signed a contract with Pei Anzhu, he had mentioned his home address.

Pei Anzhu thought, she has come all the time, and after settling the matters of the Shen family, it would be better to take care of the promise to Cui Yun by the way.

I promised before that I would change the feng shui of Cui Yun's family.

Pei Anzhu called Cui Yun in the car and informed him in advance that he would come, so as not to rush to the door and cause trouble to others.

The driver concentrated on driving the car without looking sideways.

But the space in the car is so big, Pei Anzhu's voice on the phone still fell into his ears.

He thought of his employer's respectful appearance to Pei Anzhu, and saw that Pei Anzhu was so busy with his business, he felt a slight movement in his heart, and finally couldn't hold back, and said:

"Master Pei, I know you are an expert and don't take it lightly, but I just ask you for a talisman, is that okay?"

"Of course, I'm not as rich as Mr. Shen, but Mr. Shen is generous and his salary is not low. I also saved some. I wonder if 20 is enough?"

As the driver of the Shen family who has worked for many years, he actually knows a lot of information.

For example, when Shen Qinghe asked his assistant to send money to Pei Anzhu, it turned out to be a full 1000 million. This amount of money was nothing to the Shen family, but to him as a driver, it was a huge sum of money.

He didn't know how much Pei Anzhu sold for a talisman.

But he followed the whole process today, and saw with his own eyes that the young Master Pei had subdued a two-tailed fox who talked about people.

A fox demon with a cultivation base of 500 years has no power to fight back in her hands.

It shows that she is highly skilled.

After hearing what the driver said, Pei Anzhu raised his head to look at his face, he was honest, honest and law-abiding, and asked:

"What kind of talisman do you want?"

"Is there any talisman that blesses the body?" the driver asked.

"I see your face, you are in good health, free from illness and pain, what do you want a health talisman for?" Pei Anzhu asked a little more.

Hearing this, the driver sighed and said:
"Actually, I asked for my daughter."

"Some time ago, my daughter graduated from college and went on a graduation trip with her roommate. She went out to play, but after she came back, she was dizzy and vomited, and she was very thin."

"We took her to the hospital for an examination. The doctor said that she might be acclimatized, and she ate something unclean outside, and she will be fine after a while of recuperation."

"But it's been several months, and she hasn't recovered. She obviously got an offer from a big company, but due to physical reasons, she couldn't join the job for a long time, and she also lost this opportunity."

"Her mother died young, and I was just such a daughter. I worked so hard to raise her up. Seeing her sick made me feel sad, but I couldn't be with her all the time."

"I can only ask Master Pei for a health talisman, I hope she can get better."

My daughter is currently unable to work because of her physical condition, and the family's income depends entirely on the driver.

The Shen family is generous, and he is Mr. Shen's confidant driver for more than ten years, so he can't leave easily, so he can't take good care of his daughter wholeheartedly.

After hearing what the driver said, Pei Anzhu was a little puzzled:

If it's just the acclimatization, it should be enough to come back and rest for a few days. How could it be possible that it hasn't recovered after several months, and you still feel dizzy and vomit all the time?
Don't tell me it's a problem that can't be found out in medicine and needs to be solved by metaphysical means, right?

Thinking of this, Pei Anzhu said:
"Why don't you leave me a contact information, and I'll visit your house when I finish what I'm doing, okay?"

"Five arts of metaphysics, fortune-telling of mountain doctors, I can also do some medical skills."

"I'll go to your house first and show it to your daughter. I may be able to see the disease that Western medicine can't see. If it's really not possible, I'll draw a talisman for her. How about it?"

Hearing this, the driver was overjoyed at first, and then said:

"But Master Pei, I can't afford that much money."

The Shen family asked her to help. It was a million dollar start. As a driver, he didn't know if he could earn so much money in his lifetime.

"How can money measure your love for girls?" Pei Anzhu said with a smile, "Let's not talk about the price yet. Let's talk about it after I go to see the specific situation."

The driver breathed a sigh of relief, thanked Pei Anzhu immediately, and exchanged phone numbers with Pei Anzhu.

"What's your last name?" Pei Anzhu asked while saving the number.

"Miangui's surname is Li." The driver said, "My name is Li Guokun."

Pei Anzhu nodded, saved the name, and then added a bracket after it. The note said "the driver of Shen's family".

She has a hunch that with the expansion and development of her business, there will be more and more people in the address book in the future, so it is better to make a note.

Li Guokun didn't expect that the master of metaphysics, who was honored by Mr. Shen as a guest, turned out to be such a good-tempered person, without the slightest airs or arrogance, and he was also polite and polite to people like him.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Pei Anzhu was the best at "looking at the dishes".

If there is a good person who is honest, responsible, and kind-hearted, she will naturally speak well, be gentle and polite; if there are such unscrupulous people who are treacherous and vicious, she will not be polite.

Usually, she can tell a person's character at a glance.

More than an hour later, Pei Anzhu arrived at the entrance of Shuixiao West Alley on Xuanwu Street. She got out of the car, thanked the driver, and walked into the alley.

Pei Anzhu arrived at Shen's house in the morning, went to the Eastern Suburb site at noon, and formed a contract for the Shen family's family fairy in the evening. By the time it was over, it was already very late.

It's seven o'clock in the evening.

Cui Yun left work early and was waiting for her to arrive at home.

(End of this chapter)

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