Chapter 35 They Look So Much Similar (Revised)
Not long after Pei Anzhu left Shen's house, Shen Qinghe answered a phone call.

The call was from his assistant:
"Mr. Shen, there is a business reception at Xianyou Palace at [-] o'clock tonight, which is organized by the Feng family. Most of the families in Yuncheng chose to attend because of the Feng family's face."

"I asked you several times before, but you didn't give a definite answer. You said that you will see it later, but there is not much time before the reception. What do you mean..."

After hearing this, Shen Qinghe immediately remembered——

Not long ago, the assistant did tell him about it.

It is said that the second young master of the Feng family has returned from his studies and is ready to take over the family business. This reception was prepared by the Feng family to pave the way for the second young master to expand his network.

The Feng family is a veritable top wealthy family, a famous family that has stood for 200 years.

Not only in Yuncheng, but even in the whole country, he is a proper overlord of the business world, an uncrowned king, with a shocking accumulation of assets.

Therefore, whenever the Feng family holds a reception, it will definitely attract many business people.

Although the Shen family is not bad, the Shen family has only been established for a hundred years, and although it is also known as a wealthy family, in terms of background, it is not as good as the Feng family.

The Feng family sent an invitation letter, and it stands to reason that Shen Qinghe should have gone without hesitation, but at that time he was plagued by the curse of the fox fairy and was haunted by nightmares.

He was worried that he would hallucinate at the reception, lose his composure in front of celebrities in the business world, or let his competitors notice the clues, so he put the invitation aside and ignored it.


Now that the curse has been lifted and the fox fairy has become a family fairy, then the reception is naturally going to be held.

"Have someone bring the dress over." Shen Qinghe ordered.

"I'll do it right away." The assistant promised.

With Shen Qinghe's status in Yuncheng, it is not necessary to be stuck in the scene, and it doesn't matter if it is delayed.

Therefore, there is still time for him and his wife to make some preparations.

He was simple, mainly Mrs. Shen, who needed to change her dress and had to do styling. No matter how efficient the assistant was, it took almost two hours for this whole process.

Shen Qinghe arrived at Xianyou Palace with his wife, and stepped on the red carpet into the banquet hall.

There were people coming and going in the hall, their clothes fragrant and their temples shadowed, and their cups of wine were intertwined. Almost all the famous and respectable families in Yuncheng came, and of course there were also many wealthy businessmen from other places.

Mrs. Shen took Shen Qinghe's arm and accompanied him to say hello to acquaintances.

There were not many people who needed Shen Qinghe to take the initiative to say hello, and it was over in a while. At this time, a couple walked towards them:
"President Shen, long time no see."

The person who spoke was named Pei, and he was Pei Jinchang, the head of the Pei family, one of the richest people in Yuncheng.

Compared with the Shen family, the Pei family's rise time is shorter. It has only been 60 or [-] years since it made its fortune, and it has not exceeded three generations so far.

Although it is also called a rich and upstart, compared with a hundred-year-old family, it can only be regarded as an upstart.

However, Pei Jinchang has some tricks. He married the daughter of the Zhou family, one of the century-old prominent families, and achieved a strong alliance and resource reorganization. In recent years, the momentum of development has been rapid.

Shen Qinghe and Pei Jinchang are not the same people.

But hypocrisy is common in the business field. Even if there are conflicts of interest and market competition behind the scenes, as long as there is no deep hatred and complete tearing of face, there is still harmony on the surface.

So Shen Qinghe nodded at him and greeted him: "Boss Pei."

"Mr. Shen came just in time. I just mentioned to Mr. Liu and the others about the joint development of Qiyun Mountain. Mr. Shen, you are the leader of the real estate industry in Yuncheng..."

Pei Jinchang took Shen Qinghe to chat about the project, and only Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Pei were left in place.

In order to avoid embarrassment, the two started chatting about women's clothes, bags and jewelry, and started a unique "Madam Diplomacy".

Mrs. Shen was chatting, and suddenly felt that Mrs. Pei looked familiar——

Her facial features are somewhat similar to that of Master Pei who came to Shen's house during the day to solve the curse of the fox fairy, but their temperaments are completely different.

Mrs. Pei's name is Zhou Yalan.

She has exquisite makeup, a good figure, decent clothes, and elegant manners. Even in middle age, she doesn't seem to have left many traces of time on her face.

A pair of eyes seem to be misty, like a dodder flower that has been pampered in a greenhouse.

That's right, as the daughter of a wealthy family, she grew up under the pampering of her father and brother since she was a child.

Later, when he met Pei Jinchang, in order to gain the support of the Zhou family, he naturally wanted to hold the little princess Zhou Yalan in his palm.

Because of this, even though Zhou Yalan has been married for decades, she still lives in the ivory tower carefully built by her father, brother and husband, carefree.

This naive and almost stupid temperament prevented Mrs. Shen from immediately associating her with Pei Anzhu.

If we say that Mrs. Pei is a dodder flower that is carefully cared for.

Then Pei Anzhu is just like her name, she is a tall and tough green bamboo, indifferent and proud, she would rather bend than bend, but also hide her edge.

Such two people with completely different temperaments, if Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Pei hadn't chatted long enough and observed them carefully enough, they really wouldn't be able to find that they looked alike.

Master Pei is also surnamed Pei, does she have anything to do with the Pei family?

No one knows Mrs. Shen's thoughts for the time being, but at this time, Pei Anzhu has successfully entered Cui Yun's home.

Cui Yun's wife is named Han Yuhong.

She works in the same company as Cui Yun, but the department is different. She works in the technology department and is responsible for system maintenance and server operation.

Out of science and engineering thinking, she usually thinks logically and is rational. She doesn't really believe in metaphysics.

Not long ago, Cui Yun came back from a business trip in Pingcheng, and said that the live broadcast platform had signed a metaphysics anchor, and she would come to change the Feng Shui at home, but she just laughed it off and didn't care.

Until later, Cui Yun took her to watch the second live broadcast of [Green Bamboo Immortal].

She watched the scene where the opponent beat the ghost online, and immediately opened the door to a new world, and her three views were violently impacted.

Later, after searching all the information about [Green Bamboo Immortal Lord] on Weibo, she finally believed that this is a big boss with real skills.

So, when Pei Anzhu rang the doorbell, she couldn't wait to open the door:

"Master Pei, please come in."

Although she had been reminded by her husband in advance that this Master Pei was not too old, she was still shocked by his young face.

Feeling the other party's enthusiasm, Pei Anzhu nodded:
"Hello Madam Cui, I am here to change the Feng Shui of your house at the request of Mr. Cui."

"I've heard Lao Cui mention this matter before." Han Yuhong said, "To be honest, I've always been troubled by our family's inability to save money, and now I have a solution."

When people reach middle age, there are old and young, and it is really anxious not to have any savings.

"Leave it to me." Pei Anzhu smiled, "Take me to your house now, okay? I need to see the overall layout of your house before I can start to change Feng Shui."

"No problem, please follow me." Han Yuhong said, and led Pei Anzhu inside.

(End of this chapter)

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