Chapter 42
Pei Anzhu's words were not groundless.

She can see the past and the future through everyone's face, and of course she can also see that Li Yuanyuan, Liu Xinyi, and Ma Jiajia have a similar causal line.

This causal line reveals an ominous darkness, which is the root cause of their unreasonable disaster this time.

Liu Xinyi woke up two hours later.

It was already afternoon, and after she woke up, the Liu family and the Ma family discussed it, and immediately went through the discharge procedures for the two children.

The hospital can't live anymore.

This matter has gone beyond the scope of medicine, and they obviously believed Pei Anzhu more than the hospital suggested that they send their daughter to the highest scientific research institute and mental hospital.

Of course, Ma Jiajia was calm and Liu Xinyi woke up, which surprised the doctors here.

They were very interested in this inexplicable special case, but no matter how they asked, the two families remained silent and did not confess to Pei Anzhu.

The doctor couldn't ask anything, and couldn't stop them from leaving the hospital, so they could only let them go.

When he came to the parking lot, Father Ma said to everyone:
"All three children have accidents. According to what Master Pei said, there is a villain. Before this matter is clarified, we'd better not separate, or go to our house first."

"Master Pei and Yuanyuan have no other relatives or friends when they come to Songcheng. As a landlord, I naturally want to entertain them well."

"And brother Liu, let's bring his wife and children with him."

"The home is spacious, there is a guest room to live in, and a nanny who cooks is hired, who can cook nutritious meals and support the health of several children."

This made sense, and the Liu family was not hypocritical, so they agreed——

Originally, when the children were in college, the two families had an intersection.

Although they are of different classes, they are both kind and kind. They think it is fate that the children can live together in the dormitory. For the sake of the children's popularity, the parents of both families are also knowledgeable and reasonable.

Now that they have the friendship of living in the same hospital and sharing weal and woe, the relationship between the two families has gone a step further, and there is really no need to be polite.

So the group got into two cars and headed towards Ma's house.

Ma's family lives in the wealthy area of ​​Songcheng, and their home is also a luxury house worth over 2000 million yuan. The three-storey villa has a total of more than [-] square meters including the upper and lower floors and the yard.

It is rare for such a wealthy family not to be domineering and impetuous, and the daughters they raise are not arrogant and self-willed, but can get along well with their roommates.

It can be seen that the family style of the Ma family is very good.

Ma's family has servants. After arriving, Mother Ma immediately ordered the servants to prepare the guest room. The inside and outside of the house were well organized and thoughtful, so that the guests could live comfortably.

As for herself, she led everyone to the tea room.

After everyone was seated, she poured boiling water for the children and made tea for the adults, then took out Ma Jiajia's amulet and handed it to Pei Anzhu:
"This is the amulet that Jia Jia brought back. She suddenly went crazy and went crazy. We were afraid that the rope around her neck would strangle her, so we took it off for her and kept it at home."

"Master Pei, please destroy this evil thing, and don't let it harm anyone again."

Liu Xinyi's amulet was already given to Pei Anzhu.

At that time, she just woke up in the hospital. When she heard about the amulet, she tore it off her neck without hesitation, avoiding it.

At this time, the three amulets are in Pei Anzhu's hands, and the ghost baby has also been subdued. The girls have survived the danger of their lives. She is relieved and nodded with a smile:
"Don't worry, this thing is in my hands, and I won't let it have another chance to do evil."

"It's just that the crisis on the three students has not been completely resolved. To untie the bell, you need to tie the bell. Find the person who harmed you, so that you can be done once and for all."

When Mother Liu heard this, she immediately responded:

"Yes, think about it, who have you offended? How could someone harm you in such a vicious way?"

Li Yuanyuan, Ma Jiajia, and Liu Xinyi looked at each other for a while, and after a long time, unable to remember, Liu Xinyi said:

"We really didn't offend anyone. When we were in school, our dormitory was famous for being popular. The girls on the entire floor were close to us."

"That's right, we're not the kind to cause trouble." Ma Jiajia also nodded, "Whether it's in the classroom or in the dormitory, we don't even have conflicts with others. How can we offend others?"

Liu Xinyi counted with her fingers:

"Jiajia has a bright and generous personality and is willing to help others. She will do her best to help anyone in the class who asks her. Everyone likes her very much. If she is not afraid of trouble and does not want to run for class president, I am afraid that no one in the class will disagree."

"Yuanyuan is a cadre of the student union. She has strong working ability. She has presided over many school activities and won many benefits for everyone. Everyone admires her very much and is full of praise when she mentions it."

"Although I am not as outgoing as Jiajia, nor as capable as Yuanyuan, my grades in professional courses are not bad, and I have consistently ranked first in my major all year round. Many students ask me to highlight key points, ask for notes and handouts, and I will give them to them. "

"Oh, by the way, there is also Huanhuan. She is introverted and gentle. She is a character who will never quarrel with others. She is also very kind. She often feeds the stray cats in the school..."

From what it sounds like, the four of them are all very nice, and they really don't seem to have the temperament to make enemies with others.

It's even less likely to forge such a death feud and be killed.

For a while, the tea room fell into silence, as if the whole thing had reached a deadlock.

But at this time, Pei Anzhu noticed that Li Yuanyuan's expression was different:
"Did you think of something?"

Everyone's eyes were on Li Yuanyuan, she got nervous, and then said:

"I can't remember who we had a deep hatred with, but I can provide another clue."

"What clue?" Ma Jiajia asked.

"This graduation trip, our original plan was to travel around the Northwest of China." Li Yuanyuan said, "Do you still remember who recommended us to go to the Elephant Country? Did you go down that remote alley and walk into that gloomy temple?"

After the words fell, Liu Xinyi and Ma Jiajia fell silent.

The parents were in a hurry, and Mother Ma asked excitedly:

"Who is it? Who is it? What do you say?"

The faces of the three girls were solemn, and their eyes were full of doubts. They seemed to have thought of the answer in their minds, but they couldn't believe it.

"It's...Meng Huan." Li Yuanyuan saw that they didn't speak, so she replied, "Half a month before the graduation trip, Meng Huan shared travel strategies from various places in the dormitory group every day, and the one who posted the most was Elephant Country. "

Ma Jiajia's throat tightened, and she also said:
"When we were shopping in Elephant Country, we were walking along the main road. It was also Meng Huan who was surprised and ran into the alley after a man who was said to be a thief."

"We saw her running away, worried about what might happen to her, and followed her after her."

Then, I came across Yin Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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