chapter 43

Li Yuanyuan is worthy of being a cadre in the student union for four years.

She had a clear logic, and after a little recollection, she explained clearly what happened to them at the Elephant Country Yin Temple:

"...After we chased it, we didn't find the thief Meng Huan was talking about, but we didn't think much about it at the time, we just thought it was the thief who was familiar with the terrain and ran to a place where we couldn't see."

"Just when we were about to go back the same way, the lama in the temple came out and asked us if we wanted to go in and visit..."

Among the young girls, none of them had studied the difference between the Yin Temple and the Yang Temple, let alone some taboos in the temples of the Elephant Kingdom.

I just thought it was the same as the temples in many scenic spots in China, and you can visit it casually.

Under the warm hospitality of the Lama, they entered the door and saw Buddha statues of various shapes inside, all of which were strangely shaped, which made people lose their sanity and feel uncomfortable all over.

It stands to reason that in this case, they would not buy anything inside.

But he couldn't hold back that lama's eloquence was astonishing, his marketing skills were superb, coupled with some mysterious fortune-telling magic terms, he directly fooled a few girls who were not deeply involved in the world.

They believed that amulets could improve luck.

One by one, they took out the money readily, and hung the amulets devoutly on their bodies, taking care of them carefully, for fear of any mistakes.

Little did they know that what they bought for 3000 yuan would be their own lives.

"Thinking about it now, in fact, Meng Huan was the first to ask about buying amulets." Li Yuanyuan said again, "She started, and the lama followed the trend to promote it, but when it was finally time to pay, she also asked about it." Say no to buying."

Liu Xinyi also nodded:

"Indeed, I remembered it too. I remember she said that her wallet was stolen and she didn't have much money left. She wanted to keep the money to play with us for a while. After buying the amulet, she might not be able to buy other big ones. It’s like a national specialty.”

So, in the end, only the three of them bought the amulet.

But the whole thing didn't seem unusual at the time——

After all, buying things should follow the voluntary principle.

Meng Huan doesn't want to buy it, and everyone can't force her to buy it.

With his wallet stolen and his budget limited, Meng Huan wanted to save money to buy other specialties, which was actually reasonable.

It wasn't until this moment, after everyone had gone through life and death, and sat down to review the game, that they realized that Meng Huan's behavior at that time was actually unworthy of scrutiny.

No one can be sure whether she lost her wallet or not.

The so-called "catch the thief" was just that she herself jumped up with a cry of surprise, while the other three didn't even see the thief.

After the resumption, the tea room fell into silence again.

Seeing this, Li Yuanyuan couldn't help but sarcastically smiled, as if she was laughing that she didn't know people well, and had been a good girlfriend for four years with a person who harbored evil intentions:
"Fortunately, I didn't call Meng Huan before."

After Pei Anzhu rescued her, she contacted Liu Xinyi and Ma Jiajia immediately, but because Meng Huan didn't buy the amulet, she didn't contact them for the time being.

I just plan to wait until this matter is completely resolved before complaining to my best friend.

Who would have thought...

After all, Father Ma is a businessman. He has dealt with all kinds of people. He has seen a lot and made a decision right away:
"Now I'm just suspecting Meng Huan, but there's no solid evidence. It's not easy to report this kind of thing to the police. We have to find a way to get her to admit it. It's best to call her home."

It is safest to control people on their own territory.

What's more, with Master Pei around, no matter whether Meng Huan has any backup or not, there is no need to worry.

"I have an idea." Ma Jiajia said at this time, seeing everyone looking at her, she continued, "Call her directly and invite her to come to our house, just say that I am dying, and I want to see my best friend before I die .”

Regardless of whether the amulet was related to Meng Huan or not, before she was completely exposed, she would definitely follow her previous personality and come to see Ma Jiajia.

"I think it's feasible, Master Pei, what do you think?" Father Ma asked.

"You decide for yourself. I'm only responsible for catching ghosts and exorcising evil spirits. I'm not in a position to participate in other matters." Pei Anzhu said, "When I meet that classmate Meng Huan, if I'm sure there's something wrong with her, I'll take action. "

If Meng Huan really designed all of this, it at least shows that she has a certain level of understanding of the Yin Temple and Buddhist amulets in the Elephant Kingdom.

Even if she doesn't understand these things herself, there must be someone around her who understands them.

Thinking of using Yin Temple Buddha cards and ghost babies to harm people, he must not be a good person, and belongs to evil ways, so he is naturally in the ranks that Pei Anzhu wants to get rid of.

With Pei Anzhu's guarantee, everyone immediately felt relieved. After some discussion, they took action.

Ma Jiajia wanted to lie down in her bedroom and continue to pretend to be crazy. Li Yuanyuan and Liu Xinyi's family had to hide, so that Meng Huan could not see them alive and well.

As for Pei Anzhu, it doesn't matter, after all, Meng Huan has nothing to do with the original owner, so he won't suspect anything.

Next, Mother Ma made the call to Meng Huan.

Mother Ma doesn't have much acting skills, but she can't help but feel sad when she thinks about how her daughter went crazy and was almost sent to a mental hospital some time ago.

Her choking and crying successfully won Meng Huan's trust.

Meng Huan believed that Ma Jiajia was really going to die, so without further ado, he agreed to come to see her one last time, and arrived within two hours.

Mother Ma came out to meet Meng Huan and took her to Ma Jiajia's bedroom.

In the bedroom, Ma Jiajia was tied to the bed again. After more than two months of tossing and tossing, her body became thin and she looked like she was dying.

Seeing this, Ma Ma wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes:

"Huanhuan, it would be great if you could come. The four of you in the dormitory have a good relationship and are all Jiajia's good friends. I originally wanted Xinyi and Yuanyuan to come too, but they couldn't get through on the phone."

"Fortunately, there is still you, with you by Jiajia's side, I hope she will be better."

"Auntie, seeing Jiajia like this makes me feel bad." Meng Huan spoke softly, with a hint of sadness, as if he felt sorry for Ma Jiajia's fate, "Can I be alone with her?" ? I want to talk to her for a while."

"Okay, Auntie is going to prepare fruit for you." Mother Ma said, "But you just need to talk with her. Don't take off the bandages on her body just because you feel sorry for her. She will go crazy and deny her relatives, so be careful to hurt you." .”

"I see." Meng Huan nodded.

Soon, Ma Ma went out and closed the door behind her.

She went to the next room, where there was a huge electronic screen, which happened to be the picture in Ma Jiajia's room.

360-degree high-definition camera with no dead angle, even the micro-expressions at the corners of the mouth are invisible.

In Ma Jiajia's room, the hidden camera is working dutifully.

Meng Huan didn't know it, she looked at her roommate on the bed, and smiled slowly, that smile matched her gentle face, it was undoubtedly pretty.

But in this case, it can't help but make people shudder.

"Ma Jiajia, you still have today..."

Sure enough it was her.

(End of this chapter)

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