Chapter 45 Pay the price

Li Yuanyuan's words, like thunder in the daytime, exploded in Meng Huan's ears.

Her face turned pale and red, red and green, but she still couldn't find the right words to fight back, so she could only say:
"As expected of being in the student union, with a mouth full of eloquence, I can't say no to you."

How can you say no?You are completely unreasonable, okay?

Everyone present, after hearing Meng Huan's ridiculous reasons, felt that their views were broken.

How can there be such a person in the world?
It is clearly her own problem, but she pushes all the faults on others, as if the whole world is sorry for her.

Liu Xinyi seemed to be still not reconciled, and asked again:
"What about Yuanyuan? How can she feel sorry for you? Hasn't she been good enough to you in the past four years? Because of your similar family background, she has taken good care of you in every way, and you even want to kill her?"

To a certain extent, Li Yuanyuan and Meng Huan were in the same boat.

Because they are all single-parent families.

Li Yuanyuan only has a father, while Meng Huan only has a mother.

From childhood to adulthood, due to the absence of family members, they suffered a lot of malice.

Because of this, Li Yuanyuan can empathize with Meng Huan's sudden little emotions and sensitive thoughts.

But Li Yuanyuan grew up with his father, who was also the driver of the Shen family. Because of the generosity of the Shen family, Li Yuanyuan also saw a lot of worldly experiences since she was a child.

In the friendship between her and Meng Huan, Li Yuanyuan has always been like a spiritual pillar.

And Meng Huan is Ling Xiaohua clinging to her body.

"She? A person who can't bring me any real benefits, but only feeds me chicken soup!"

Meng Huan has completely given up, and the four-year friendship has become worthless in her mouth:
"How could she understand my suffering and hardships? She only speaks big words and keeps telling me to be self-reliant, to be strong, and to make others dare not bully me."

"Do you think that I will be grateful to Dade because of her high-sounding words?"

"Li Yuanyuan is the most hypocritical among you. She treats me well on the surface, and she does it for you to see. In fact, she has robbed me of the opportunity to get the offer from Feng's Group?"

"Obviously I got the school recruitment brochure from Fengshi Group, but she saw it. So many big companies don't want to go, so they have to go to Fengshi Group to compete for the same position as me."

"What? Squeeze me down to show that she is capable?"

After finishing speaking, Meng Huan looked at Li Yuanyuan, as if asking her if she had anything to argue with.

Li Yuanyuan didn't make a sound, but Liu Xinyi said:

"However, Yuanyuan got the offer from Feng's Group not through a self-interview, but through internal recruitment. She received Feng's admission notice a month earlier than you."

"Meng Huan, during these summer vacations, when you went back to play, Yuanyuan was an intern at Feng's Group, and she has already proved her ability."

"The director of the department in charge of the company called her by name. She once shared this with us. I remember you were in the dormitory at the time, but I don't know why you didn't hear it."

Why else?
At the time, Meng Huan was wearing earphones, listening to music, and at the same time opened a "Tucao Weird Roommate" post on the Internet, venting her dissatisfaction.

She hated her three roommates.

He felt that they had robbed him of the opportunity and made him feel unsatisfactory everywhere, so he pretended to be friendly on the surface, but in fact he was full of complaints.

Because she was too involved, she ignored this important news, but attributed the reason why she failed the interview to Li Yuanyuan.

Meng Huan's face turned completely pale.

She can no longer say any sophistry, but even so, she is unrepentant:
"Even if I misunderstood, so what? I still hate you, I hate you so much that I want you to die!"

"That's right, I deliberately induced you to go to the Elephant Kingdom, and I also prepared the amulet for you, but what can you do to me? Could it be that you call the police?"

"Hehe, do you think the police will take care of such strange things?"

"I don't know why you are all right, but you made a blood contract with the ghost baby in the Elephant Kingdom Temple, saying that you will use your own essence, energy, and flesh to support the ghost baby. If they don't suck you dry, it won't happen Let it go!"

"Just wait to be entangled by ghost babies!"

At this moment, Meng Huan looked a little crazy.

She held a destructive mentality that she felt uncomfortable, and no one would want to feel better, so she wanted to drag all her roommates into hell.

Li Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing after hearing these words:

"Meng Huan, since we can appear in front of you well, why do you think we can't deal with those ghost babies?"

"Impossible!" Meng Huan vetoed, "This ghost baby was refined by the most brilliant head-subduing master in the Elephant Kingdom. How can you mere ordinary people solve it?"

After watching the play for a long time, Pei Anzhu knew it was her turn to play after hearing this.

She does not participate in the grievances of the four people in this dormitory, but she must take action to catch ghosts and exorcise evil spirits:

"They can't, but I can."

"Meng Huan, you don't think it's easy to form a blood pact with a ghost baby, do you? You want to harm someone, do you really think you won't pay any price?"

After finishing speaking, Pei Anzhu took out three amulets and a few ghost-suppressing charms from his pocket.

She threw the talisman into the air.

In the next second, the talisman ignited spontaneously, and the flame quickly attached to the amulet. I don't know what kind of fire it was. In just a short time, the amulet was burned to ashes.

The figures of three ghost babies appeared in mid-air.

Pei Anzhu's fingers fluttered, and his hands quickly formed seals——

First cut off the connection between the ghost baby and these girls, and then dispersed all the grievances and cultivation bases on the ghost baby.

The moment she finished these things, Meng Huan suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood.

The three ghost babies smelled the blood, as if they had found food, they flew towards Meng Huan.

They bit and gnawed on Meng Huan's body.

This biting and biting touched the soul. On the surface, Meng Huan didn't have any wounds on her body, but her soul was riddled with holes from the ghost baby's bite.

Pain into the bone marrow, I can't live, I can't die.

"Ah—" Meng Huan screamed, "Go away! Go away!"

Seeing Meng Huan's miserable state, no one sympathized with him.

Pei Anzhu said at this time:
"The blood contract to support the ghost baby is not only contracted by the victim, but also you, the murderer behind the scenes."

"When the ghost babies were refined, they were ignorant and only knew to eat according to their instincts. The blood pact is a way for them to eat."

"Now, the victim's channel has been cut off by me, and ghost babies need energy and flesh to support themselves. They can only follow their instincts and find you, the instigator."

"Meng Huan, there is a grievance and a debtor. In the next 81 days, I hope you can live happily in the pain of your soul being bitten."

At the same time that the ghost baby was devouring Meng Huan, in a temple in the Elephant Kingdom thousands of miles away, the lama named He Zhadi suddenly vomited blood.

He was in the basement of the Yin Temple at this time, and there were many small jars containing the ashes of babies in front of him.

Three of them, bang bang shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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