Chapter 46
"Master Pei, what will happen to Meng Huan after 81 days?" Li Yuanyuan looked at Meng Huan who had fainted from the pain, and asked.

Pei Anzhu looked calm and said indifferently:

"What happens to her is up to her."

"After 81 days, these three ghost babies will be taken away by the ghosts, into the underworld, into the underworld, judged for their merits and demerits, and then washed out of their charms, and reincarnated."

"As for Meng Huan, if she can survive the soul-devouring pain, she will be able to return to normal after the ghost baby leaves; if she can't, then this will be the end of her life."

This is Meng Huan's fate.

From the moment she had evil thoughts towards her roommates, she was doomed to suffer the consequences.

Father Liu sighed after hearing this:
"Why bother? People don't have enough hearts, that's all."

Meng Huan just couldn't see through it, she only saw that her roommates were better than her and robbed her of opportunities, but she never thought of contentment and happiness——

Ma Jiajia, Liu Xinyi and Li Yuanyuan.

One is a rich second generation; one has bright academic prospects; the other is a future executive reserve who is highly valued by his boss.

As long as Meng Huan knows how to hug her thigh, no matter which path she chooses in the future, she doesn't have to worry about connections.

But now, it happened to be completely ruined by himself.

"Master Pei, she fainted, what should I do next?" Mother Ma asked.

"I'll send her home." Pei Anzhu said, "There are still secrets about her that haven't been discovered, such as how did she know about evil things like the Elephant Kingdom Temple and amulets? If it can't be thoroughly investigated , maybe there will be future troubles."

Professional things are left to professional people to do.

Pei Anzhu is a Taoist master, so the follow-up matter is naturally not something ordinary people like them can get involved in, so Father Ma directly handed over a bank card and a document:
"Master Pei, there are 300 million in the card, not much money, but it is all the liquidity I can take out now, thank you for saving the three children."

"As for this document, it is a transfer letter for a house located near Songcheng University. It is a high-end single-family apartment. As long as you sign it, I will send someone to go through the formalities and transfer the house to your name. "

"I hope that Master Pei will not be disgusted, and can form a good relationship with the Ma family."

For the Ma family, 300 million is nothing, but the working capital is indeed not much, because most of the money has been invested in projects.

But Father Ma felt that 300 million was too little for a master, so he added another house.

The Ma family expressed their sincerity, and Pei Anzhu accepted his "labor fee" without being hypocritical, and then said:

"I will prepare some more talismans for you to protect your body and drive away evil spirits. Wearing them next to your body will ensure your safety and allow them to recover faster."

Father Ma laughed when he heard this.

Master Pei's willingness to accept the money and the house shows that she is willing to form a good relationship with the Ma family.

If the Ma family encounters this kind of thing again in the future, they will be blessed by a master with strong abilities.

As long as the Ma family is doing well, Master Pei will never sit idly by.

Seeing that the Ma family was so generous when they made a move, Liu's parents were a little embarrassed, but they still took out their bank cards and handed them to Pei Anzhu:
"Master Pei, our family's conditions are not as good as the Ma's, but this is also our heart."

Pei Anzhu took the money from Ma's family and was willing to show Father Ma a face, so he pushed the bank card back with a smile and said:
"It's enough for me to take Mr. Ma's money. He just said that he thanked me for saving the three children, so I will acquiesce that he paid me to save the three of them."

"You can remember this kind of favor on Mr. Ma."

This is what father Ma just said about forming a good relationship.

One sum of money, one suite.

Not only did he make friends with a master of metaphysics, but he also caught Liu Xinyi, a future academic talent, and Li Yuanyuan, a future business elite.

Li Yuanyuan is about to join the Feng family, and has a father who works as a driver for the Shen family. This connection is not a loss to the Ma family.

As for Liu Xinyi, although she has no connections in the business world, she does have academic contacts. Maybe the Ma family will be able to use them in finding technical guidance and consultants when developing new products in the future.

The most important thing is that Liu Xinyi and Li Yuanyuan are sincere, pure and kind people, and they are good friends of their daughter.

Even if it is to pave the way for their daughter, the Ma family is willing to pay the money.

Sure enough, after Pei Anzhu said this, both the Liu family and Li Yuanyuan gave Father Ma a grateful look, and they took note of this kindness.

Afterwards, Pei Anzhu drew a lot of talismans for everyone, explained how to use them, and prepared to leave.

"Master Pei, do you want me to accompany you to Meng Huan's house?" Li Yuanyuan asked.

Pei Anzhu shook his head:

"No, just tell me the address, and I'll go by myself."

"You have just woken up not long ago, and your body hasn't fully recovered, so stay here and rest well, and then return to Yuncheng by yourself when you feel better."

"What about you?" Li Yuanyuan asked.

"I'll go back to Pingcheng directly after I completely settle this matter." Pei Anzhu said, "So, I won't be with you when I leave."

The crisis has been resolved, and Li Yuanyuan is surrounded by trustworthy people, so nothing will happen again.

After finishing speaking, Pei Anzhu picked up Meng Huan who was on the ground and walked out of Ma's villa.

Father Ma arranged for a driver to take Pei Anzhu to his destination, which was Meng Huan's home——

Meng Huan lived with other people for four years anyway, and before today, they had always pretended to have a good relationship. The few of them visited each other.

So the driver of the Ma family knew where Meng Huan lived.

When she was in Ma's house, Pei Anzhu had been listening to Meng Huan's complaints against her roommates, so she probably understood her character, she was a girl with a little low self-esteem and very selfish.

She thought that Meng Huan's family conditions should not be very good for this kind of personality, so he suffered a lot of unfair treatment since he was a child.

But when she arrived at her destination, she found that she was wrong.

Meng Huan's home is a large flat in the bustling area of ​​Songcheng City Center. Although the decoration is not luxurious, it is exquisite everywhere.

Whether it is rented or bought, it proves that Meng Huan's family is in good condition.

After all, it is not an ordinary person who can afford to rent a flat in a prosperous area.

It was Meng Huan's mother who opened the door. She was surprised to see her unconscious daughter being helped back by a strange girl.

She beckoned Pei Anzhu to go in, supported Meng Huan on the other side, and asked:

"Little girl, who are you?"

"Didn't Huanhuan go to a classmate's house today? How could she be sent back in a coma?"

Pei Anzhu put Meng Huan on the sofa and turned to look at Meng Huan's mother.

This woman looks thin and boneless, her body is very thin, she looks like she is not in good health, like a woman who has been working for a long time and is malnourished.

However, what she wears is all high-end goods, which shows that she is worth a lot of money, and she doesn't look like a person who earns a living by hard work.

It's very divided.

More importantly, this woman has a bloody aura on her body.

She took her life.

For Pei Anzhu, looking at someone's face can tell the difference between life and death, so she replied with a smile:
"Auntie, what's wrong with Meng Huan, can't you see?"

"Even if you can't see it, the ghost next to you has already told you."

(End of this chapter)

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