Chapter 55

After Pei Anzhu received Cheng Jiao's address, he made an appointment with him to meet.

Today's second predestined person hasn't come yet, and the live broadcast room is discussing the case just now:
——Holy shit, I can't imagine that there are such terrible people in the world!
--What the hell!That man lives next door to my third grandfather's house!horrible!
—Upstairs, tell the story you know!
——My third grandfather just called my parents and said that a young man next door was caught by the police for killing cats and dogs!He also said that the young man usually looked gentle and polite, but he did not expect to be so cruel!
--Oh My God!Fortunately, he only abused cats and dogs. If he still kills, your relatives will be in danger!

——I know this man, his name is Liu Dong, and he is my former colleague, but he was fired last month. It is said that he went to the leader's house to deliver documents and accidentally kicked the leader's pet cat.When my colleagues and I heard this reason at first, we didn’t believe it. We thought it was because he had offended the leader and deliberately made things difficult for him to wear small shoes. Now it seems that it may be true!

——Tsk tsk, knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing your heart!


Everyone lamented the cruelty of the sadist, felt sorry for what happened to the young Cheng Jiao, and some people quietly looked forward to the next lucky person who came to fortune-telling.

But this time they didn't have to wait long.

About half an hour later, colorful lights flashed on the screen again, and soon someone initiated a request for a video link.

Pei Anzhu clicked on the connection, and the face of the second predestined person appeared on the screen immediately.

She is a young girl in her early twenties, and her ID is [lo Niang Shanshan].

She is petite, wearing a limited-edition Lolita skirt, with a big bow of the same color on her head, exquisite makeup, and a pair of big eyes that flutter, looking very cute.

If it wasn't for Pei Anzhu's ability to look at faces, he would probably have thought this girl was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw [Lo Niang Shanshan], and there were exclamations one after another:
——Wow, it’s Miss Lo, I’ve studied the little skirts on her, and a set costs more than 2000!
—Another wicked rich man!

——Why do I feel that this predestined person looks familiar?Look at her ID, is she the Lolita blogger on the short video?

——If you don’t understand, just ask, what is Miss Lo?Wouldn't it be strange to dress so exaggeratedly?

- Upstairs, you don't have to understand, but you can't disrespect.

——You can dress freely these days, as long as you don’t rub the edges to expose the color, you don’t care what people wear?What's more, Lolita clothing is a kind of culture, just like the Hanfu of our Dragon Kingdom!
——I flicked and searched, and there really is such a blogger with the same ID!


[lo Niang Shanshan] Unexpectedly, before she had time to speak, she was recognized by someone.

She blushed for a while, and her expression couldn't help being cramped.

"Excuse me, what do you want to be?" Pei Anzhu looked at [Lo Niang Shanshan] for a while and asked.

[Lo Niang Shanshan] pursed her lips:
"Immortal Lord Qingzhu, I actually have nothing to worry about, it's just that something unusual has happened to me recently, I don't know if it's my illusion."

"I saw a video of you beating ghosts on the Internet, and thought you were very powerful, so I came to you for help."

Hearing this, Pei Anzhu laughed immediately, and asked:
"Did you often feel cold in the past two months? No matter where you go, it seems that there is a cold wind blowing at you, but the wind is very uncomfortable?"

"Yes, that's the feeling!" [Lo Niang Shanshan] heard this, her eyes lit up, and she nodded.

"Do you still feel that you have been depressed and in a bad state recently, and your things and decorations at home will change places inexplicably?"

"That's right, especially some of my little skirts and hair accessories. I clearly remembered to put them away, but when I saw them later, they were still in a mess!" [Lo Niang Shanshan] nodded affirmatively.

"Are you still unlucky recently? You often encounter some small accidents? For example, falling on the ground, dropping a glass and breaking it, etc.?"

"Yes, yes, you are right!" [Lo Niang Shanshan] hurriedly asked, "Immortal Qingzhu, so these are really not my illusions, right?"

Actually [lo Niang Shanshan] was skeptical about some of the results, otherwise she wouldn't have come to the metaphysics studio for help.

Pei Anzhu didn't hold back, and gave her an affirmative answer:
"It's not an illusion, you're just haunted by a ghost."

"She is a young female ghost, about the same age as you. She has been haunting you for about two months. Since she just died not long ago, her energy is not too big, so the damage she caused to you is limited."

"If you can't deal with it in time, the longer you spend with her, the Yin Qi will enter your body, which will cause harm to your body, and even more seriously, it may endanger your life."

[lo Niang Shanshan] her face immediately turned pale with fright, she asked tremblingly:

" could a ghost haunt me?"

"I think I have lived in my twenties, and I have never done anything bad. I occasionally rescue stray animals and donate to beggars. I also donated ten Populus euphratica trees in the deserted area of ​​Northwest China."

"Although it is not a great merit, but I have never done anything wrong. I don't know how I offended this... Miss Ghost."

As she spoke, 【Lo Niang Shanshan】began to cry.

It could be seen that she was really scared.

The audience in the live broadcast room had different opinions:

——Is there a special haunted by ghosts today?The last person with predestined relationship, the golden retriever died and turned into a ghost to follow him, but this person with predestined relationship also followed a ghost?

——Miss Sister looks so beautiful when she cries!

——I don't believe [lo Niang Shanshan] didn't do anything wrong, if she really had a clear conscience, how could she be haunted by ghosts?She must have killed someone but didn't want to admit it, right?

——I agree with the upstairs, she has done so many good deeds, does she also know that she has done something wrong, and wants to make up for it?
——Have the face to ask for help?Hurry up and admit how you killed someone else!Immortal Qingzhu is not a vegetarian, and when she exposes you, you will not only be dead, but you will also like to mention a pair of "silver bracelets"!
——I have already taken out my mobile phone and pressed the alarm number. I will call the police when Immortal Qingzhu reveals the truth.


[Lo Niang Shanshan] Looking at the barrage, she cried even more aggrieved, she waved her hands again and again:
"No, I really haven't hurt anyone."

"Don't talk nonsense, I can swear that I have never done anything bad in my life, if there is even half a lie, I will die!"

Pei Anzhu looked at the words on the bullet screen, and frowned, feeling a sense of gloom.

She hasn't been a troll for a long time, these people seem to have forgotten her rules?
So she sank into her dantian and said:

"Shut up for me!"

"I haven't even spoken yet. Why are you so excited? Are you the police? You have been convicted without any evidence?"

"Do you know what is 'unknown whole picture, no comment'?"

"One by one looks like the brain is completely underdeveloped, and the cerebellum is not fully developed. How about showing off IQ here? The pits in the brain can catch up with the Maria Trench!"

"In my live broadcast room, you should either talk about the facts, or learn to shut up, and don't talk nonsense here with your brains full of water!"

(End of this chapter)

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