Chapter 56
The audience in the live broadcast room was sprayed and fell silent.

They belatedly realized that the meaning of what Immortal Qingzhu said seemed to be that [Lo Niang Shanshan] hadn't done anything bad?
Then why are you haunted by ghosts?
Pei Anzhu didn't show off, she said to [Lo Niang Shanshan]:
"Get out of the way, and I'll help you ask the ghost next to you."

[lo Niang Shanshan] Hearing this, she couldn't help rubbing her arms, feeling a gust of wind around her, and her skin pimples all over her body.

She stepped back with a pale face.

From the view of the audience in the live broadcast room, it was she who had withdrawn from the camera and could only see half of her body.

But in Pei Anzhu's view, the one standing in front of the camera is a female ghost:
"Tell me, why are you pestering her?"

"Before she was with you, there was no karmic entanglement, and she was not the murderer who caused your death. Even if you have obsessions in your heart and turn into a ghost, you shouldn't be entangled with her."

The female ghost poked her head in front of the camera, sometimes looking around and sometimes behind her:
"Can you really see me? Isn't it a fake master of Liren Design?"

"Don't doubt, I can see you." Pei Anzhu said, proving that she can not only see ghosts, but also talk to ghosts without hindrance.

The female ghost's eyes lit up, and she immediately became excited:

"Ahh! Great! Finally someone can see me!"

"Master, I didn't mean to pester Shanshan, I'm still a fan of her, and I'm also a lover of Lolita clothing. It was only after watching Shanshan's video that I fell into the trap."

"The reason why I follow Shanshan is because the Lolita skirt she was wearing was originally my thing. I wore it before I died. I became a ghost because of my obsession. I can't go anywhere else." , as long as this dress is where I am!"

After hearing the female ghost's explanation, Pei Anzhu frowned involuntarily.

The clothes were dead objects, and it wasn't a magic weapon or treasure that had opened the spiritual wisdom. She didn't recognize it, but the clothes had an owner.

But the clothes of the deceased, which should have been sealed together with the deceased, or simply burned, how could they be left outside and worn by others?

The thought flashed by, Pei Anzhu turned to ask [Lo Niang Shanshan]:
"How did you get this Lolita dress on you?"

[lo Niang Shanshan] Hearing this, although she doesn't know the relationship between clothes and being haunted by ghosts, she still answers truthfully:
"I bought it second-hand from an online shop."

"This dress is from my favorite designer. She previously designed a series of steampunk styles. There are a total of seven pieces."

"As a lo girl, I really want to collect all the skirts in this series."

"So, when she sold it publicly, besides buying it myself, I asked others to help me buy it, and I also asked around who bought it but didn't want it, so I can sell it second-hand."

"I found this skirt in a second-hand store two months ago."

"At that time, I had a collection addiction, and I had to buy it, so I placed the order without hesitation. After waiting for three days, the dress arrived in my hands."

Pei Anzhu nodded upon hearing this:
"Then think about it carefully, did the strange things around you happen after you bought this dress?"

[Lo Niang Shanshan] frowned and thought for a while, then nodded:

"seems like it."

"So, does the ghost haunting me have anything to do with this dress?"

"Yeah." Pei Anzhu said, "According to what she said, this dress was worn before she died. At that time, she was going to attend a comic exhibition in this dress. Unexpectedly, there was a car accident on the way and she was sent to the hospital. Afterwards, the rescue failed and she died, and when she regains consciousness, she will be at your home."

"Man exhibition? Car accident?" [Lo Niang Shanshan] seemed to think of something, "Is it the one on Yucheng Central Street two months ago?"

After hearing this, the female ghost nodded repeatedly.

The time and place are all right, [Lo Niang Shanshan] feels a little disappointed:

"I've also heard about this car accident before. It is said that because of the crowd, a child accidentally ran into the middle of the road. A young lady stepped forward to save him, but she had an accident."

"Is it this female ghost sister who is pestering me?"

The female ghost continued to nod, she did die because of saving people.

However, the memory of the female ghost stays at the moment when she was hit while saving someone, and when she became conscious again after becoming a ghost, she was already at [Lo Niang Shanshan]'s house.

As for what happened in the middle, how her clothes were hung up and sold second-hand, she didn't know.

Pei Anzhu checked the information on both sides, and then said:

"Give me the address of that second-hand online shop, and I will always find out why the female ghost is obsessed with it. After this matter is resolved, I can send her to reincarnation."

Soon, [lo Niang Shanshan] sent the store address.

Pei Anzhu clicked on the webpage and looked carefully, but saw that this shop was very strange——

It is not like other shops, there are many products, and now there are no sold products displayed on the page, only a brooch and a horn comb.

However, in its past transaction records, it can be found that it sells a variety of commodities:
There are clothes, shoes, jewelry, watches, second-hand big-name lipsticks, perfumes, and more.

More importantly, the time for these products to be put on the shelves is not fixed, sometimes a few items a day, sometimes only once a few months.

It's like, this is the owner of the online store, and he opened a store in the Buddhist department.

Whenever there are second-hand goods, they will be put on the shelves, and there is no need to worry about it, as if everything is random.

[Lo Niang Shanshan]'s Lolita skirt is also included in the transaction record.

clothes of the dead...

Pei Anzhu stared at the screen with scorching eyes, and then pinched her fingers to calculate. She basically understood the cause and effect of this matter, so she said:

"[Lo Niang Shanshan], I suggest you call the police too."

"What reason should I call the police?" [Lo Niang Shanshan] looked puzzled.

"Just say that someone stole the deceased's belongings and sold them." Pei Anzhu said, "The dress on you is the best evidence."

After the voice fell, the audience in the live broadcast room was shocked:

—Stealing the property of the dead?Is it tomb robbery?Now that cremation and cemeteries are popular, is there anyone who can't think of going to the tomb?
——I always feel that things are not easy.

——Immortal Lord Qingzhu, we were wrong, we shouldn’t jump to conclusions without knowing the truth, please tell us what’s going on?
——Did the female ghost's family lose her clothes, and then they were picked up and sold?


Everyone has their own guesses on the barrage.

Pei Anzhu always spoke directly without going around in circles, so he opened his mouth and said:

"Not only the skirt on [Lo Niang Shanshan], but also all the products sold in this online shop belong to the deceased."

"Whether it's clothes, shoes, jewelry, lipsticks, perfumes, or watches, all these things have one thing in common, that is, they are easy to carry around."

"Think about it, under what circumstances can you obtain the belongings carried by the deceased?"

(End of this chapter)

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