Chapter 85 This Life
20 years ago, Zhao Yanshu had cultivated a physical body by relying on the ghost body, able to walk in the world without fear of the sun, and restrain the ghost energy, just like ordinary people.

As long as he doesn't meet someone with high abilities in the Taoist sect, he can completely pretend to be a human being and live a normal life in the world.

However, living in the world requires status and wealth.

Zhao Yanshu took a fancy to an ancient tomb, which was the tomb of a wealthy landowner more than 300 years ago, and there were many valuable funeral objects in it.

As long as he took out those funerary objects and secretly sold them on the black market, he could reap a lot of money and find a way to buy himself an identity.

With that in mind, he went to rob the grave.

Originally thought that he was a ghost, coming and going without a trace, and also a ghost king with high strength, so there would be no problems this trip.

But who knew that in the cemetery of the local rich man, there was actually a very powerful formation.

The entire cemetery was built according to the theory of yin and yang and eight trigrams, and a good feng shui was chosen. In addition to the owner of the tomb and a pile of funerary objects, it was also covered with talismans everywhere.

The talismans follow certain rules and form a talisman matrix.

More than 300 years ago, Taoism has not yet declined, and it is divided into different schools such as Quanzhen, Zhengyi, Maoshan, Qingyun, etc. A hundred flowers bloom, and the drawn talismans are naturally powerful.

This talisman array is designed to guard against tomb robbers, whether they are humans or ghosts.

If it is a human being, the talisman array captures the vitality of human beings and automatically transforms into a lost trace array, which will trap the intruder in the array. If they cannot break out of the array, they will be trapped in it for the rest of their lives.

If it is a ghost, the talisman array will capture the ghost energy, and it will be transformed into a soul arresting array, trapping the ghost inside, consuming ghost energy and strength day after day, until the ghost is gone.

Before entering the tomb, Zhao Yanshu released Lily of the Valley from the beads.

Because what they were going to was a cemetery with excellent Feng Shui, with strong Yin Qi, which was very helpful for Lily of the Valley to nourish the soul and improve the cultivation base.

Therefore, it was two ghosts who entered the tomb.

Ling Lan took a step ahead and strayed into the formation and was trapped inside and couldn't get out. Zhao Yanshu was a step slower and didn't get within the range of the formation, thus escaped unharmed.

The power of the soul arresting array cannot be underestimated.

Ling Lan only stayed inside for a short while before she felt the power of the ghost body slowly draining. Although the speed was not fast, it made people uncomfortable.

It's like a living person watching his own blood flow all over the ground.

Zhao Yanshu wanted to save Ling Lan, so he could only break through the formation from the outside. He exhausted what he had learned in 300 years, and it took him three full days to forcefully tear a hole in that formation.

Lily of the valley came out, but became extremely weak, and could only be stored in the bead but not come out.

Zhao Yanshu temporarily abandoned this cemetery.

He went to the black market, found some capable tomb robbers, Xu Yizhongli, led a group of people back, and started the second tomb robbery.

Fortunately, he is not particularly unlucky.

Among the group of tomb robbers, someone whose ancestors were members of the Taoist sect left behind an amulet. With the cover of this amulet, they emptied the funerary objects inside and divided them up.

After selling the funerary objects, Zhao Yanshu got rich and found someone to help him find an identity:

A native of the Dragon Country who returned from overseas.

He declared to the outside world that his ancestors had moved abroad with his family because of the war, and now that he has grown up, he hopes to return to the Dragon Kingdom and recognize his ancestors.

Twenty years ago, the country's household registration system was not so perfect, and there was no comprehensive Internet coverage. It was easier to fake, so he didn't reveal the truth.

After having an identity, Zhao Yanshu used the remaining money to run his own power in the country.

When he was a human, in order to be with Lily of the Valley, he abandoned his body and was willing to become a ghost; however, after being a ghost for a long time, and seeing the affluent life in the new era, he misses the days of being a human again.

He did all this in order to live in this world as a human being.

It is a pity that God did not wish.

Lily of the valley was too seriously injured in the local rich man's cemetery.

The soul body torn apart by the formation healed very slowly, and even with the help of the ghost king Zhao Yanshu, she still faintly showed signs of collapsing.

These years Zhao Yanshu has been trying to think of ways to stabilize Linglan's soul, but the results are not good.

Finally, he inquired about a forbidden technique: seizing the house.

In fact, seizing a house and reviving a dead body as people think are two different concepts.

The basis of resurrecting the soul from a dead body is the "corpse", which means that the owner of the body must be dead, leaving behind a body, and then a foreign soul will occupy the body and come back to life.

It must require that the original owner of the body has just died, the body still has a breath of vitality that has not dissipated, and the new soul is incomparably compatible with this body in order to succeed.

For example, Pei Anzhu, who came from another world, borrowed a dead body to return to the original owner.

But seizing the house is different.

The basis of seizing a house is "seizing", which means to seize and compete, that is to say, another soul must forcibly invade while the soul of the original owner of the body is still alive.

The invading soul suppresses and wears down the original soul in that body, until the original soul overflows and becomes the nourishment for the new soul.

Do not need to see whether the soul and body fit together.

As long as the original soul is getting weaker and weaker, the new invading soul will naturally merge with the body slowly until it is completely integrated.

After Zhao Yanshu found the forbidden technique of Duoshe, he began to choose the body of Duoshe.

At an accidental business gathering, he saw Qin Xiaoyu, who was the daughter of the Qin family. Her face and name were exactly the same as those in her previous life, which moved him.

In Zhao Yanshu's heart, Qin Xiaoyu was the chief culprit who prevented him from being with Linglan in his previous life.

If it wasn't for Qin Xiaoyu's insistence on marrying him, he wouldn't have made so many calculations for Ling Lan until finally costing Ling Lan's life in vain.

Therefore, Qin Xiaoyu owed him.

That being the case, the debts that were not repaid in the previous life should be repaid in this life.

Zhao Yanshu asked someone to inquire about Qin Xiaoyu's information, and when he learned that she came from a wealthy family and a noble status, he felt that it would be a good deal for Ling Lan to exchange such a background.

Ling Lan has never felt the love of her family, and has never had a good day. If she takes over Qin Xiaoyu's body, she can replace her and become the daughter of the Qin family.

The opportunity came soon, the Qin family wanted to choose a marriage partner for Qin Xiaoyu.

Therefore, Zhao Yanshu went to the university to apply for a job based on the classical literature such as the Four Books and Five Classics that he had read before, plus the knowledge and insights of the past 300 years, and became a university lecturer.

He returned from overseas with a rich fortune, a university job, a scholarly family, and no father or mother.

For the Qin family, this is undoubtedly a very suitable marriage partner. It can not only realize the expansion of assets and contacts, but also save the daughter from having to deal with her in-laws.

So, Zhao Yanshu and Qin Xiaoyu went on a blind date.

Even if a person is reincarnated, the things he likes in the depths of his soul will still not change, so Zhao Yanshu knows what kind of men Qin Xiaoyu likes.

Step by step, he weaved a huge net and engulfed Qin Xiaoyu.

Qin Xiaoyu really liked him very much, and the Qin family also recognized him as the future son-in-law, and he just showed his tenderness and meticulousness towards Qin Xiaoyu, which completely captured the hearts of the family.

But things didn't go so well.

After Zhao Yanshu and Qin Xiaoyu got together, he began to prepare for Linglan's seizure, and studied her horoscope, only to discover that she actually died young.

At the age of 23, there will be a death calamity.

The calamity of certain death is difficult to eliminate.

But how can this be?Qin Xiaoyu's body is the container he prepared for Lily of the Valley. He spent so much effort to get close to her. How could he let her die?
What's more, Qin Xiaoyu has to pay back the debt of killing Linglan in her previous life!

So, Zhao Yanshu used the forbidden technique again to change Qin Xiaoyu's fate against the sky——

As I said a long time ago, there is a price to pay for changing one's fate against the sky.

Zhao Yanshu played an empty glove white wolf, at most he had a little cultivation, but what the method of life extension really consumed was Qin Xiaoyu's own blessings and merits.

In other words, Qin Xiaoyu's blessings and merits would have allowed her to have a good pregnancy in her next life, which would be smooth and safe.

This is an opportunity she has accumulated for good in two lifetimes, and it is also Heaven's compensation for her two premature deaths.

But because of Zhao Yanshu's actions, she can live many more years in this life, but the blessings and merits have already been exhausted, and reincarnated in the next life may have a bad fate and bad luck.

Not only that, even if she lived a few more years in her life, she still couldn't please her.

Because her body is about to be taken away by Lily of the Valley, it will become a container to nourish Lily of the valley, so that Lily of the valley's soul will not collapse.

When Qin Xiaoyu's original lifespan was about to run out, Zhao Yanshu probably found the next suitable container for Linglan to take over.

Zhao Yanshu had already made plans——

Renew Qin Xiaoyu's life, marry Qin Xiaoyu, and suppress her with PUA after marriage, torture her spirit and soul, and make her vulnerable.

With the character of a good man he pretended to be before marriage, Qin Xiaoyu's parents would not suspect anything.

When he's ready, let Ling Lan enter Qin Xiaoyu's body to seize her body.

At that time, Qin Xiaoyu's spirit and soul were vulnerable to a single blow, and Ling Lan could suppress her almost effortlessly.

It's just that people are not as good as God.

In order to achieve his goal, Zhao Yanshu resorted to unscrupulous means and calculated 99 steps. He was only short of the last step, but he was defeated by the woman's intuition.

He thought that Qin Xiaoyu was already the prey in his palm and could not escape, so he did not deliberately restrain his malice towards her.

In the middle of the night, he always stared at Qin Xiaoyu, imagining how wonderful it would be if Ling Lan woke up from this body and stayed with him in the world.

Qin Xiaoyu sensed that something was wrong, and on the day of her wedding, she entered Pei Anzhu's live broadcast room, and attracted a truly capable Taoist.

Pei Anzhu saw through Zhao Yanshu's ghost body, saw through his disguise, exposed his scheming, and exposed the evils he did one by one to the public.

A 300-year grievance and hatred will finally come to an end today.

The story of Zhao Yanshu is over.

The ups and downs of the twists and turns, the ups and downs of the plot, everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked, and the three views were about to split:
——? ? ?What kind of animal is Zhao Yanshu?Specialize in personnel affairs?
——It can't be said that, at least he is still sincere to Lily of the Valley.

--I bother!Look at Miss Linglan's expression, do you want such sincerity?In her previous life, Ling Lan was willing to quit in order not to hurt Qin Xiaoyu. Do you think she is willing to occupy other people's bodies?
——It’s so far from the original score!How dare he say that Qin Xiaoyu owed him?
——Doggy man, if it wasn't for him, how could the two beautiful girls die so miserably?

——Fortunately, I was moved by the love between him and Qin Xiaoyu in the past life and present life, and I fell in love with him. Except for Lily of the Valley, other people's lives are fate?


The audience in the live broadcast room played to their strengths and almost scolded Zhao Yanshu out of Xiang.

Pei Anzhu knew that it was time for him to make a statement, so he leaned on the sofa and smiled ironically at Zhao Yanshu:
"Tsk tsk, Qin Xiaoyu is still miserable."

"In the previous life, you dragged down your marriage, ruined your reputation, and lost your life. In this life, you have to use up your merits, overdraw your blessings, and become a container for your beloved."

"How can she be sorry for you? The wool didn't catch a person, did it?"

As soon as these words came out, it was clear that she was going to stand up for Qin Xiaoyu.

After all, in this triangular dog-blood story, she was the only innocent victim. She was really wronged, even more wronged than Dou E in June Feixue.

As for Ling Lan, she is also innocent, purely dragged down by Zhao Yanshu, a selfish man.

But after she died, she escaped from the underworld and enjoyed a happy life for 300 years, and she could obtain a part of Zhao Yanshu's cultivation base without practicing.

In this way, she can be regarded as a vested interest to a certain extent.

After all, it's not certain how Zhao Yanshu's cultivation base came about, just because of his rubbish behavior, Pei Anzhu didn't believe that he cultivated step by step.

What kind of good thing can the exercises given by the evil way be?Don't you have to rely on human life to fill it?

Therefore, in this matter, Qin Xiaoyu is what Pei Anzhu loves most. If she hadn't happened to appear, Qin Xiaoyu might have been ruined forever.

Ling Lan also learned the truth of everything from Zhao Yanshu's narration.

For a while, she couldn't accept it:

"So you ordered those horse bandits to kidnap Sister Xiaoyu on the day of their wedding?"

"How can you be this kind of person?"

"I thought you had already figured it out when you agreed to marry Sister Xiaoyu, but I didn't expect you to be acting on the spot?"

"You keep saying that it's for me, where are you going to put me?"

Ling Lan is kind, otherwise she would not have chased the horse bandits to save Qin Xiaoyu. She is not willing at all. The continuation of her own life is at the cost of the lives of others.

What kind of possession, what kind of container, sounds extremely scary.

It turned out that the continuation of the relationship between humans and ghosts, and all the love that was incomparably beautiful in her eyes, were all based on Qin Xiaoyu's pain.

Torn off the veil of camouflage and became bloody.

Finally, Lily of the Valley spoke:

"Zhao Yanshu, I don't want to seize my home, let alone stay in the human world anymore. Maybe the collapse of my soul and body is the punishment given to me by God."

"I am willing to go back to the underworld. No matter what the consequences are, I will bear them all. Whether I am punished or reincarnated as a beast, it is my atonement to sister Xiaoyu."

Qin Xiaoyu raised her head slowly at this moment, looked at Zhao Yanshu and Ling Lan, and asked faintly:

"Then what should I do? Is atonement enough?"

"No matter how many punishments you receive, can you get back my lost merits and blessings? Can you offset the blood debt of being killed early in my previous life?"

"And this life..."

"Now there are all guests who come to the wedding outside. They are not celebrities in the business world, or ladies and ladies. Everyone has a head and face. Now that the wedding is gone, where do you want my Qin family's face to be? How can you let my parents live like this? Raise your head in front of many people?"

"Zhao Yanshu, you are really selfish and hateful!"

(End of this chapter)

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