Qin Xiaoyu's face was full of despair.

She hated Zhao Yanshu, hated Linglan, hated fate for making her a victim of this bloody love, and even more hated the injustice of the heavens, and good people are not rewarded.

Pei Anzhu took a full look at the expressions of the two ghosts and one person in front of him, and almost made a judgment in his heart.

She took off the mini camera pinned to her collar, took out the Nuo God mask from her backpack and put it on, then took out her mobile phone, and said to the audience in the live broadcast room:
"I'm sorry, everyone, today's live broadcast will temporarily come to an end."

"Originally, the three hexagrams were calculated for each live broadcast, but today's incident happened suddenly, and the three hexagrams were obviously too late. The remaining two hexagrams will be added tomorrow."

"Now I'm going to deal with Zhao Yanshu's matter, see you tomorrow."

After saying this, Pei Anzhu left the live broadcast room without waiting for the audience to stay.

The audience saw that the screen suddenly went black, but they were still reluctant to let go, so everyone turned to Weibo and left a message under Pei Anzhu's registered "Qingzhu Xianjun" account:

——I really want to know how to deal with Zhao Yanshu!
——Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil, right?Immortal Qingzhu mentioned merit in several live broadcasts. If Qin Xiaoyu can't get the fairness he deserves, then this merit is worthless!
——Why can’t we watch the follow-up processing?
——The one upstairs is the new audience this time, right?Qingzhu Xianjun once explained it once before, saying that there are barriers between the Yin and Yang realms, and they basically do not interfere with each other. If this limit is exceeded, the living will be entangled with Yin Qi, which is not good for our health and life expectancy.

——The fourth floor is correct, so from that time on, even if Lord Qingzhu ended the live broadcast early, we would not have any complaints.


Of course, Pei Anzhu didn't know about these messages on Weibo for the time being.

After she packed up the live broadcast equipment and the mask, she let the two ghosts sit in a row on the sofa opposite her, and said:
"Now, let's talk about how to fix this."

Both girls looked expectant, and they desperately hoped for a way to get the best of both worlds.

But Zhao Yanshu was different, he spoke directly:

"First solve the problem of Linglan, Immortal Lord Qingzhu, you promised me that as long as I confess the matter clearly, you will help her."

Pei Anzhu put his five fingers together and grabbed it hard: "You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me."

Seeing Zhao Yanshu's painful expression, Ling Lan didn't feel the distress she had before, so she took the initiative to say:
"Let's help Elder Sister Xiaoyu get rid of her sorcery first, I don't care, even if the ghost body collapses, I deserve it."

Pei Anzhu nodded, looked at Qin Xiaoyu, and said:

"The dilemma you are facing now, there are two things."

"First, it is because you have the evil magic that defies the sky, and it is consuming your merits in this life and the blessings in the next life. If you want to dissolve the magic, I can do it, but after you dissolve it, you may soon Die, after all your life should have ended three years ago."

"If you still want to live, then it's fine if you don't dissolve this technique, but I can't guarantee how long you can live."

"Second, it's the wedding outside today. This is simple. I will put a forbidden spell on Zhao Yanshu to cooperate with you in holding the wedding and dealing with the guests, so that the Qin family will not lose face. After the wedding, you confess to your parents. Things can be resolved.”

"What do you think?"

Qin Xiaoyu was in business in her previous life, and she is a wealthy daughter in this life. She is actually quite decisive in her bones. After hearing what Jian Xiao said, she made a decision:
"The wedding will be done as you said. After all, the Qin family can't afford to lose face."

"As for extending my life, I choose to live. Since doing good deeds can accumulate merit and blessings, then in this limited life, if I do more good deeds, will it offset part of it?"

After hearing this, Ling Lan immediately asked:
"Can merits and blessings be transferred?"

"I don't know if I have any merits and blessings. If I have, can I give mine to Sister Xiaoyu?"

"If I don't have it, what should I do to accumulate merit and good fortune for her?"

After the words fell, before Pei Anzhu responded, Zhao Yanshu refused to agree:
"Lily of the valley! No!"

"You had a miserable life in your previous life. If you still transfer your merits and blessings to others, then you will have no hope in the next life!"

From Zhao Yanshu's words, Linglan heard the meaning behind the words:
"What you mean is that it can be transferred! Immortal Qingzhu, please help me! I am sorry for sister Xiaoyu, and I am willing to make amends."

Pei Anzhu shook his head, and said:

"You do want to make amends, but in the final analysis, this matter is Zhao Yanshu's fault, and you should not be made to bear the main responsibility. Even if the merits and blessings can really be transferred, it should be him."

"Zhao Yanshu, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't show affection. I'll give you one last chance."

"You are selfish and have done a lot of evil, so you should have no merit, but if you are willing to overdraw the blessings of several future lives and offset the consumption of life-sustaining magic for Qin Xiaoyu, then I will teach Lily of the valley the cultivation method of repairing the soul."

"Aren't you willing to give everything for Lily of the Valley?"

"You use the ups and downs and downfalls of at least five lifetimes in the future to exchange for Qin Xiaoyu's safe life in this life, and for Ling Lan to exchange for a soul-repairing cultivation technique."

"So, everyone is happy, what do you think?"

There is an injustice and a debtor. Zhao Yanshu was the initiator of the whole incident, and he deserved to pay the biggest price.

After Zhao Yanshu heard this, hesitation flashed across his face.

Seeing this, Pei Anzhu felt even more ironic——

This man kept saying that he was doing everything for Lily of the valley under the guise of "for Lily of the valley", but when it was his turn to sacrifice himself, he was unwilling.

He used to be willing to change from a human to a ghost, but because he knew that after becoming a ghost, he would not perish, but would be more free, which was not harmful to him.

But now, when it comes to his own interests, he hesitates and hesitates.

The moment Qin Xiaoyu came to the truth, she suddenly came to her senses, saw through the man's nature, and sneered when she saw this:
"Oh, I thought how great your love was!"

"You can do the thing of sending your fiancée to the horse bandit, but you don't want to overdraw your own blessing? With your great love, you have to sacrifice others?"

Ling Lan also looked at him with disappointed eyes.

Pei Anzhu said at this time:

"You'd better understand that if I ask you if you want to, I'm giving you one last chance to redeem your sins. If you insist on not agreeing, I'm not helpless."

"But if you let me do it, it won't be five lifetimes. You should think about it carefully."

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Yanshu couldn't wait to say: "I promise!"

He had seen Pei Anzhu's strength before, and the red line of the talisman array on his body still made him unable to move. This young woman is really capable of what she says.

In order not to fall into a more miserable situation, he could only agree.

Seeing this, Ling Lan sneered, seemingly without saying anything, but the contempt in it was about to overflow.

"Okay, let's sign this contract." After Pei Anzhu finished speaking, he took out a piece of yellow paper and wrote a contract on it.

The content is probably what she said, and it looks very casual.

But Zhao Yanshu, the 300-year ghost king, knew very well that this seemingly inconspicuous contract radiated a powerful energy.

That is the avenue of cause and effect, the law of heaven and earth.

He couldn't help thinking to himself:

Who is this Qingzhu Immortal?

He has wandered in the world for 300 years, and he has dealt with many Taoist sects, but whether it is Quanzhen or Zhengyi, whether it is Maoshan or Qingchengshan, it seems that there is no such a heaven-defying disciple.

To actually write a contract casually, with the power to destroy the world.

At this moment, he could no longer arouse any thoughts of resistance.

According to Pei Anzhu's request, Zhao Yanshu signed the contract. At the moment when his name was dropped, there seemed to be a line of cause and effect in the dark that completely bound his ghost body.

Before he fulfills the promise in the contract, this line of cause and effect will accompany him life after life.

No matter how many times he reincarnated, no matter where he was, Pei Anzhu could find him.

After the contract was signed, Pei Anzhu pinched a tactic with both hands, and then the contract floated in the air, spontaneously ignited without fire, and finally turned into ashes and disappeared.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the lounge:

"Miss Qin, Mr. Zhao, the ceremony is about to begin. We need to check the makeup and clothing again and make final preparations."

Qin Xiaoyu suddenly became nervous, and subconsciously looked at Pei Anzhu for help.

"It's okay, go." Pei Anzhu nodded, "I won't untie the talisman array on his body, but I will use a blindfold to make others invisible. He can't hurt you."

Perhaps it was Pei Anzhu's ability that gave Qin Xiaoyu confidence. She took a deep breath, stood up slowly, and said to Zhao Yanshu with a cold face:
"How did you pretend in the past, you'd better continue pretending on stage today, you owe me this!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Xiaoyu closed her eyes, then opened them quickly, and changed her face in the blink of an eye, smiling and full of tenderness.

It was as if she really wanted to marry the man she loved the most in her life.

It has to be said that at some point, women are born masters of acting.

The bride and groom of this wedding went out hand in hand, and there were only two people left in the rest room, Pei Anzhu and Ling Lan.

Pei Anzhu looked at Lily of the Valley, and said:

"Your soul body was seriously injured. It was severely injured by the talisman array drawn by a powerful metaphysician. It hurt your foundation at that time, leaving your soul body with a wound that will never heal."

"No matter how much cultivation Zhao Yanshudu gave you, this injury is like an upside-down funnel, with less inflow and more outflow, which will cause those cultivation bases to be lost quickly without knowing it."

"Even if you cultivate by yourself, your cultivation base will not be able to block that gap. Over time, your soul will become weaker and weaker until your soul flies away."

Ling Lan seemed to have known about her situation a long time ago, a flash of sadness flashed in her eyes, and it was fleeting, then she raised her head again and said with a smile:

"I know, it's what I deserve."

"Originally, I was supposed to wait for reincarnation in the underworld, but I was summoned back to the world. After 300 years of happy and carefree life, I was still with the one I love."

"Since you have benefited, you have to pay the price."

"Immortal Lord Qingzhu, I don't need you to teach me the cultivation method of repairing the soul. I only hope to help sister Xiaoyu. This is what I owe her."

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