house life

Chapter 118 Practice.

In spring, when the spring flowers bloom, Liu Niuniu has the official name Liu Hao.

Just in case something happened, the Liu family decided not to announce Liu Niuniu's name to the outside world, but to record Liu Hao's name in the genealogy.

After Mr. Liu consulted the old man and his wife of the Liu family, he recorded Liu Hao under their husband and wife's name.

Mrs. Liu was worried that Liu Niuniu's parents would come to make trouble afterwards.

Boss Liu sneered: "My father is awake now, if they dare to make trouble, we will directly ask the village chief to decide right from wrong."

Mrs. Liu feels at ease now, and if you cover a stone for a long time, you will cover the heat.

What's more, it takes a long time to take care of a person, how can I be willing to let go of this person?

Now that she can raise Liu Niuniu in a legitimate way, she feels much more at ease.

Ever since Liu Hao knew that she was under the name of her uncle and aunt, she was full of ecstasy, hugging the old lady of the Liu family and crying loudly: "Grandmother, I don't have to worry about my parents betraying me."

The old lady of the Liu family was heartbroken that such a good granddaughter could not meet a good pair of parents.

She worked hard for most of her life, and finally had to face her unfilial children and grandchildren.

Liu Niuniu whispered her name to Shu Ling: "When there is no one, you can call me Liu."

After Shu Ling looked around, she leaned into her ear: "Hello Liu, shall we go to Sister Yun's house today?"

"Go." Liu Niuniu said loudly, she is now full of courage

Zhu Yun's family will take out the things in the ditch today, and the Liu family and Shu's family will also decide to take out the things placed in the ditch in the evening.

Shu Ling whispered to Liu Hao, "Our backyard is ready, how about yours?"

"Our family is also ready. My uncle has gone to Zhu's house today to see and do things."

Shu Ling and Liu Hao originally planned to go to Zhu's house early in the morning, but just to avoid suspicion, the Shu family and Liu family decided to let them go to Zhu's house later in the evening.

When Shu Ling and Liu Niuniu arrived, the Zhu family's backyard had already been prepared, and several stoves were cooking.

Boss Liu also went out through the back door at this time. When he left, he told Liu Niuniu to go home early.

Liu Niuniu took the opportunity to tell Zhu Yun that she had an official name.

After hearing this, Zhu Yun looked at her with some guilt: "You could have had your own name earlier, but I was ignorant at that time, and gossiped with others."

Liu Hao nodded with a smile: "Sister Yun, we now know how good you are."

Shu Ling also nodded, she also believed that Zhu Yun had good intentions at that time, and she got her current name.

Shu Ling and Liu Niuniu quickly left Zhu's courtyard. On the way, they met a curious person: "Linger, Liu Niuniu, where are you from?"

"Let's go play with Sister Xunyun, she won't be free for a while, let's go home now."

"She's getting old now, so naturally she doesn't have time to play around with you little girls."

Shu Ling and Liu Niuniu didn't speak, and they ran away with smiles on their faces.

At night, the Shu family and the Liu family went to the ditch to get things together, and a fire started to cook in the backyard of the two families.

They listened to the experience imparted by the Zhu family. They kept a low fire and did not need anyone to watch the night. After a few days of cooking, they could almost turn off the fire.

A few days later, the Shu family's paper took shape, and the Liu family's paper was in a similar situation. The two families secretly had fun.

Good news soon came from the Zhu family. This time they made paper that could write on. The children of their family would not need to spend too much money to buy paper for practicing calligraphy.

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