house life

Chapter 119 Ask

Both Shu Ling and Liu Niuniu knew that their papermaking was successful, but they didn't know that they made two kinds of paper, one of which was of similar quality to the paper sold to scholars in the market.

This time, the Shu family and the Liu family did not act in a public manner, only the Zhu family was the most eye-catching, but because the Zhu family had a heart this time, people outside only thought that their family made the same paper as the previous one.

Zhu Dashan discussed with the old masters of the Shu family and the old Liu family. This matter can be hidden from most people in the town, but the news cannot be concealed from the village head.

They took an opportunity and quietly informed the chief.

And the chief of the village has been an official for so many years, so he knows the tricks inside, and he also took the opportunity to go to the three houses to read the paper.

He touched the two kinds of paper that had been made, and said to the elders of the three families: "In the future, the girls will also let them learn to read and read. The three of you are generous and friendly families, no wonder you have received this blessing."

After Zhu Yun saw the paper that could write with a pen, she didn't have much interest in making paper, so she turned to study charcoal fire.

Zhu Dashan and his son originally wanted Zhu Yun to turn over the book to find more and better papermaking methods, but seeing her interest diverted to other places, they could only try other things.

Hu Liu's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are happy, a little girl who is busy with such things every day, might as well settle down and learn what she should learn.

Zhu Zhen's marriage has taken shape. There is a young son of a small businessman in the city. When he visited a friend in Shuangjing Town, he accidentally saw Zhu Zhen with a beautiful face.

Both Zhu Mingli and Zhao Yu thought that this man was a bit frivolous and didn't want to pay attention to this matter, but Zhu Zhen nodded.

The two families quickly found an opportunity to meet people in the temple on the mountain. When Zhu Yun found out, it was Zhu Zhen who revealed the truth by herself.

Zhu Yun knew that this was a failed meeting, so he lost his curiosity about this matter.

But Zhu Zhen was full of words, and just wanted to find someone to talk about it, so she naturally pulled Zhu Yun away.

Because of this, Zhu Yun knew that a short, fat and strong boy, when he actually saw Zhu Zhen, he disliked her face to face. He disliked that Zhu Zhen's appearance was not beautiful enough.

Zhu Zhen was so angry that she still asked about the situation, sneered twice, and then encouraged: "I heard that she hasn't promised a marriage yet. If you are interested, you can ask your family to come and inquire about the news."

Zhu Yun suddenly became curious, Zhu Zhen was so shameless, would she still do such a good thing?
Zhu Zhen told the girl's identity. It turned out that Sister Hua's cousin met her and came up to tell her news about Sister Hua. She couldn't avoid it, so she listened to Sister Hua's news for a while.

Zhu Yun thought about the situation of Sister Hua's sisters, all of them were indeed beautiful, and they were very good at dressing themselves up.

Most of the time, the sisters of the Zhu family kept their faces plain. When it was New Year's Eve, at most, they printed their lips on red paper to add a touch of red.

Zhu Mingli and his wife took it easy, even if they heard that the family went to Sister Hua's house to propose marriage later, they were very at ease.

It is not a fault for men to like good colors, but it is not a good thing to be indulging in beautiful colors.

After Zhu Zhen survived this incident, she also appeared to be much more mature, and she no longer mentioned some nonsensical conditions.

Zhu Mingli and his wife think that such a Zhu Zhen can make them feel at ease to find a family with suitable conditions.

Sister Hua's cousin made a marriage arrangement, and once met Zhu Yun on the road, she was very happy and asked: "Mei Yun, how is your sister's marriage?"

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