house life

Chapter 300

Shu Ling knew Shu Xianxiang's fatherly thoughts: "Tuanzi is happy to go to the shop to learn needlework."

"Ling'er, if she doesn't have any talent in this area, I don't want her to work too hard."

"Second brother, you and second sister-in-law should have a good discussion about the future of Tuanzi."

"I don't want to upset your second sister-in-law. I want to hear your opinion?"

"Second brother, I think the way my parents taught me is particularly good.

But you and my second sister-in-law have different temperaments from my parents, and my temperament is different from that of Tuanzi.

The fourth brother said that the teachers in the school are all capable people, and the students they meet have different temperaments.

A good teacher will teach his students differently.

If you are still in a dilemma, you can go to the school and ask the teachers if they have any good methods. "

Shu Ling knew Lin Mei's temperament and did not dare to discuss all Tuanzi matters with Shu Xianxiang.

Shu Ling turned around and spoke to Gao Xiaorui. Gao Xiaorui sighed after hearing this: "Your second brother is usually smart, but when it comes to matters involving your second sister-in-law, he seems a bit clumsy."

Lin Mei was raising her baby at home, and the babies no longer made any noise at home. They took the initiative to avoid playing outside.

Liu Hao got married, and Shu Ling lost a partner. She and Zhu Yun became closer. Zhu Yun would take the initiative to ask Shu Ling for his opinion on any good designs he drew.

Zhu Yun quietly told Shu Ling that the design that Shu Ling was unwilling to embroider was spotted by a passing merchant and he bought it at a high price.

Therefore, the hostess gave 50 taels of silver to Zhu Yun. The only requirement was that Zhu Yun could not draw the same pattern again.

After Zhu Yun got the money, he asked the man for the list of debts and decided to pay off part of the debts quickly before his parents-in-law knew about it.

The man had no time to go out, so Zhu Yun sent the two children back to his parents' home and told them about the situation.

After hearing this, Zhu Dashan immediately arranged for Zhu Mingli and his son to accompany Zhu Yun out. He told Zhu Yun: "Yun'er, you said that their clan leader is fair in dealing with things. If you come to visit with two bags of fruit, whose money should you pay back first? You also Ask the clan leader for his opinion."

When Zhu Yun and Zhu Mingli and his son went there, they did not disturb any unnecessary people.

When they left, Zhu Yun asked the patriarch to give his father-in-law and mother-in-law a bag of fruit as a token of filial piety.

Zhu Yun's father-in-law and mother-in-law heard the news and rushed to the clan leader's home. What they saw was the clan leader and his clan members who were all smiling.

Zhu Yun and his wife are paying off our debts one after another. We used to think that it would take many years for the couple to pay off their debts.

Now that Zhu Yun had the ability, he could draw a picture and be appreciated by others. He didn't even stay overnight after earning money, so he hurried over to repay the money of several families who were in need at home.

Zhu Mingli and his son prepared many packages of fruits. Zhu Mingli told the patriarch that these were given by the Zhu family to the people who borrowed the money. Because everyone borrowed the money, Zhu Yun could live well now.

When Zhu Yun's father-in-law and mother-in-law came over, everyone's expressions changed slightly, but soon everyone started talking about other things.

The patriarch watched the couple come in and motioned to the old wife to give the fruit to them.

The patriarch's wife smiled and gave Zhu Yun's mother-in-law a bag of fruit, saying that it was Zhu Yun and his wife's wish.

The face of the mother-in-law changed, and she immediately refused to accept the gift.

The patriarch's wife asked: "Can you really make the decision not to accept this bag of fruit?"

Eunuch Zhu Yun said in a loud voice: "I won't accept it." The clan elder's wife said to the clan members in the yard: "Everyone has heard that the couple will not accept the fruits sent by their son and daughter-in-law.

Mrs. Wang, you have many children at home, take the fruit back and give it to the children to taste. "

Mrs. Wang came up to take the fruit and said to Granny Zhu Yun: "Such a good thing, remember to call me next time."

Mother-in-law Zhu Yun was very angry and cursed: "That bitch is here and she doesn't even dare to come to see us at home.

If you eat the things she gives you, you won't be afraid of spoiling your stomach. "

Mrs. Wang was unhappy at the moment: "Of course she doesn't dare to go to your house to see you. She has a destiny to see you, and I don't know if she will have a destiny to leave your yard.

Her mother-in-law's family is a good and conscientious family, and they gave her fruits bought in the city.Good things, but bad-hearted people will have bad stomachs after eating them. "

The patriarch asked Eunuch Zhu Yun angrily: "Are you here for anything?"

"I heard that she brought money back?"

"She's not bringing back money. She's here to pay off part of her debt. There are still many families whose debts have not been paid off. Do you want to help them pay it off?"

Zhu Yun's father-in-law and his mother-in-law did not dare to offend the patriarch, so they could only say very unhappy: "How much money can he earn as a wife?

His in-law's family has money, why are they so kind this time to help pay back some of the money?

His in-laws really meant it and should pay back all the money they owed. "

The people in the clan looked at Zhu Yun's father-in-law and his mother-in-law, and felt that they could not have much contact with this family in the future. They were getting more and more disorganized in their affairs.

The clan leader and his wife were silent, and the people in the clan were not going to talk much. Everyone laughed and talked about other things.

"Shuangjing Town is still raising people. Mrs. Zhu's face looks much better now, and she looks like she will live a long life."

Zhu Yun's father-in-law and his mother-in-law soon found out how much money Zhu Yun had repaid. After knowing the origin of the money, the old couple patted the table at home for a long time.

“Bitch, she used to coax us, saying she couldn’t earn a few coppers, but now she can earn dozens of taels of silver just by drawing a picture.

Let's go to Shuangjing Town and settle the accounts with the unfilial son. "

Naturally, the sons were willing to follow him, but Zhu Yun's sisters-in-law felt a lot colder. Their parents-in-law said that their lives were not as good as Zhu Yun's. If anything happened to them, their men would abandon them.

The family members advised them to accumulate blessings for their children and grandchildren, instead of losing all the blessings accumulated by their ancestors in one fell swoop and robbing their children and grandchildren to use them first.

Mother-in-law Zhu Yun saw her silent daughter-in-law and pointed at her eldest daughter-in-law: "Why don't you go get ready?"

The eldest daughter-in-law took a step back, lowered her head and said, "Mom, there are old banyan trees in Shuangjing Town, so we'd better not go."

When the mother-in-law was so angry that she picked up the cup and smashed it over. The eldest daughter-in-law didn't dare to retreat, so she could only let her smash it over. She didn't dare to let her mother-in-law smash the cup.

The eldest daughter-in-law refused to go. Her sons were concerned about their mother and said that when their uncle came back, they would talk to their grandparents and uncle together.

Zhu Yun's father-in-law and his mother-in-law yelled for a long time. Except for their sons who were willing to accompany them, everyone else said they had to be busy with things and would go to Shuangjing Town to find an explanation next time they had the opportunity.

Zhu Yun and his wife are ready and waiting for people to come to Shuangjing Town to cause trouble.

As a result, I waited and waited, and later I heard that the man's parents were coming to make trouble, but their daughters-in-law persuaded him that there was an old banyan tree in Shuangjing Town, so it was best not to make trouble.

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