house life

Chapter 301

When summer came, Zhu Yun said to the man, "They won't come."

The man smiled bitterly and sighed: "The people in the town told me that they were originally planning to come, but when they got on the carriage, my mother twisted her foot and then she didn't come."

Zhu Yun looked at him: "Do you want to go back and see your mother?"

The man thought for a while and finally shook his head: "I still won't go, she will be angry when she sees me now.

I was worried that if something bad happened to her, it would be all my fault. "

Zhu Yun didn't want to see her mother-in-law for the same reason as men. If something happened to her mother-in-law, it would be all her fault.

From the day the family was separated, Zhu Yun had no intention of showing filial piety due to the unfeeling attitude of his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

When summer came, the Xu family came over to discuss with the Shu family the wedding dates of their children. The Xu family wanted to set the wedding date before the year before.

What the Shu family means is that Xu Shaozhang and Shu Ling are both young. If the Xu family is not in a hurry, the wedding date can be set in the winter of the next year.

The Xu family said that life would be better in the spring of the second year, and that the two children would be at the right age to get married.

The Shu family wanted to keep Shu Ling at home for the New Year. Seeing that the Xu family was sincere and thinking that Shu Dati and the others were at home, they also expressed that they could choose a spring day.

The Xu family chose three spring days, all of which were the earliest auspicious days in spring. The old man of the Shu family chose the middle date.

When the Xu family and the Shu family were discussing the wedding date, they also extended an invitation to the Shu family to a party.

In summer, the old man and his wife of the Shu family did not like to go out, so the Shu family declined the Xu family's invitation.

After the two families decided on the wedding date, Xu Shaozhang came to give gifts, and Shu Ling felt the changes in him.

When Xu Shaozhang and Shu Ling had the opportunity to be alone together, when he spoke with a blushing face, Shu Ling felt that he was the same person as before.

The two introduced each other what they had done recently. When Xu Shaozhang heard Shu Ling talk about going up the mountain to collect herbs, he was very excited and said: "You are so capable. I have never gone up the mountain to collect herbs."

Shu Ling immediately said: "In spring, there are many medicinal herbs on the mountain. Next spring, when we have the opportunity, we can go up the mountain to collect medicinal herbs."

Xu Shaozhang blushed even more when he thought that their wedding was in the spring. Shu Ling looked around and saw no one in the backyard.

She tentatively tapped Xu Shaozhang's face with her finger, and quickly withdrew her finger in his surprised eyes.

Shu Ling pretended that nothing happened and said to Xu Shaozhang: "There was dust on your face, but it will be gone now."

Xu Shaozhang reached out and touched his face and asked, "Is it really clean?"

Shu Ling nodded affirmatively, and the strange feeling between them suddenly disappeared.

Xu Shaozhang and Shu Ling mentioned the books they had read recently. He found that Shu Ling actually knew a little bit about them, and asked happily: "Do you want to read these books?"

Shu Ling immediately shook his head and said, "My fourth brother has read these books before, and now he still has handwritten copies of these books at home."

"The ones I use at home are also handwritten books. They are books copied by my cousins."

"Are your cousins ​​very knowledgeable?"

"I think their knowledge is very good, but none of them are too greedy for fame. They only focus on reading."

Shu Ling looked at him for a while and said, "I don't understand much, but I like reading and can support my family. I think it's good."

"They are all on errands, and they do an excellent job." Xu Shaozhang is very affectionate towards his cousins, so when he mentions them, his eyes are full of light.

The two of them just agreed to get married, so the treasures soon came looking for them.

Shu Ling looked at Xu Shaozhang, who was surrounded by Bao'ers, and saw that he was patiently answering Bao'ers' questions.

She nodded at Xu Shaozhang and walked to the front yard.

She now has a better impression of Xu Shaozhang and thinks he is someone she can get along well with.

Zhu Yun was very curious about the meeting between Shu Ling and Xu Shaozhang, and asked: "Ling'er, when you saw him, were you able to speak smoothly?"

Shu Ling listened to Zhu Yun's words and asked, "When you met your brother-in-law before, you couldn't say much."

"Ling'er, that happened so many years ago, I don't even remember it.

But I must be shy and I should be able to speak. "

Shu Ling smiled and said, "Sister Yun, did you and your brother-in-law fall in love at first sight?"

Zhu Yun thought it was true. If she hadn't been smitten by the man at the beginning, she wouldn't have forced herself to marry him despite knowing that the situation in her husband's family was inappropriate.

"Ling'er, ask your fourth brother to carefully inquire about the Xu family's situation. If there are difficult family members in his family, you should think more clearly about this marriage."

Shu Ling smiled and nodded. She understood what Zhu Yun meant. Her family had indeed made great efforts to inquire about the Xu family's situation.

Zhu Yun's marriage has an advantage for many families in Shuangjing Town. When marrying their daughter, they will carefully inquire about the temperament and behavior of their future in-laws.

Zhu Yun is busy with many things now. When she and Shu Ling have a few words, she rushes home.

Shu Ling never thought that Zhu Yun would become a turbulent woman one day. When she saw her leaving without looking back, she also walked back.

When her wedding date was set, her family members stopped her from going up the mountain, and her third sister-in-law also stopped going up the mountain.

Shu Ling came to the shop to find the shopkeeper's wife to take over the work. The shopkeeper's wife laughed at Shu Ling and said, "Ling'er, you are getting married next year. How are you preparing your wedding dress?"

Shu Ling said to the shopkeeper generously: "In two or three months, I will ask my aunt for advice on what style of wedding dress is most fashionable in the city now."

"Okay, in two or three months we will know the most fashionable styles in the city."

The shopkeeper readily agreed. The shop would also take over the job of making wedding dresses, but this work was usually done quietly.
Shu Ling had spent time in a shop. Even though it was a secret matter for the embroiderer in the shop to help people make wedding dresses, over time, she was able to know some things.

When Gao Xiaorui knew that Shu Ling was not in a hurry to prepare the wedding dress, she was anxious and said, "Ling'er, don't let your sisters come back to help you make the wedding dress when the time comes when you have too much work to do."

"Mom, I'm prepared. It's much easier to make a wedding dress in spring than in winter."

Shu Ling was happy that the wedding date was set in spring. At least the weather was neither hot nor cold and it was very convenient to do anything.

Seeing Shu Ling's attitude of not caring about everything and letting everything take its course, everyone in the Shu family felt a little anxious.

Wang Zhi asked Shu Ling privately: "Ling'er, what do you think of Mr. Xu?"

Shu Ling looked at her with a puzzled look on her face: "He and I have already set a wedding date, so I naturally think of him as my future husband."

Wang Zhi remembered that he was shy and blushed when he mentioned his fiancé, and compared with Shu Ling's current magnanimity, he suddenly had nothing to say.

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