house life

Chapter 320

Zhou Damei looked at Shu Datie worriedly: "Have you discussed a solution?"

"There is no good solution yet. Let's wait until after the New Year to see the situation."

Shu Datie and Zhou Damei said that although the caravan has too many people now, the leader of the caravan is very capable and has avoided many disasters when walking outside.

Shu Datie told Zhou Damei about the interesting things he encountered on the road. When he saw Zhou Damei finally smiled, he said to her: "Actually, there are advantages to having more people. Don't worry about my affairs outside."

Zhou Damei nodded and said, "In two years, you won't be traveling far away. My parents are getting older. You stay at home, which makes me feel at ease."

Shu Dati nodded: "I'll follow them for another year next year. We'll see what happens next year. They probably won't need me to follow them on their long journeys."

Shu Datie didn't tell Zhou Damei. He just considered that he was old and wanted to act steadily in everything, so he didn't want to make any big changes for the time being.

Zhou Damei heard Shu Dati gave a clear answer and said very happily: "I will tell my parents this good news tomorrow. They will be very happy."

"Okay, you go talk to your parents."

Shu Datie saw Zhou Damei's smiling face and decided at that moment that he would not travel far away in the next year.

The next day, Zhou Damei and his wife told the old man of the Shu family about Shu Datie's decision. The old man of the Shu family agreed very much: "Boss, we should let go and let the children do things earlier."

When Shu Ertie heard about Shu Datie's decision, he thought for a while and said, "My eldest brother won't be traveling far away in the next year, so I will follow them for another year or two to see what's going on."

After Shu Ertie came back, he asked Mo Xiao about some conditions at home. She told her that after Shu Xianxi took a big exam next year, he had already decided that no matter what the final result was, he would not continue studying.

After Shu Ertie returned home, Shu Xianzhi also quietly told Shu Ertie that after he took a big exam next year, he would not continue studying regardless of the result.

Shu Ertie said with some regret: "If you were on the list, you are not very old, and your family can support you in studying for a few more years."

Shu Xianzhi shook his head vigorously: "Dad, I know it in my heart. I want to take a big exam. If I can win, it must be because I am very lucky."

Mo Xiao didn't know about Shu Xianzhi's decision. She had always hoped that her child could study for a few more years and have a good future.

Shu Ertie asked Shu Xianzhi: "Do you want me to help you speak for you in front of your mother?"

"Dad, there is no need. I will stop studying after taking the college entrance examination next year. I will find work outside myself. Once I have a job, I will tell my mother my decision."

Shu Ertie reminded Shu Xianzhi: "Your mother will not work as a handyman in your uncle's shop next year. She will have a lot of free time to care about you."

"Don't be afraid. My fifth sister-in-law has a child. My mother will take care of her nephew next year. She can't control too many things of mine."

Shu Xianzhi was very happy that the arrival of Shu Xianli's child had solved a lot of trouble for him.

Shu Xianzhi and Shu Ertie said: "Next autumn, among our generation of brothers, only Qidi will continue to study. I think if he studies hard for a few years, he should have a chance to obtain a meritorious degree."

On the one hand, Shu Ertie attaches great importance to children's reading, but on the other hand, he feels that if the children are really unwilling to read, there is no need to force them to continue.

During the holiday, Shu Xianming came back from the city.

When he saw Shu Datie and Shu Ertie, he was very happy and said: "I haven't met my father in the past two days. If I know that the eldest uncle and the second uncle are coming back, I will definitely bring the child to the eldest uncle and the second uncle. .”

Shu Datie and Shu Ertie listened to his words and hurriedly said: "The child is young, so don't bring him back casually. During the Chinese New Year, we will go to the city to pick up your family and bring them back. We will take our own carriage and wrap him in quilts." Carrying the child can also make people feel more at ease.”

Shu Xianming and brother Shu Dati spoke, and then went to see brother Shu Xianfang and listened to what their brothers said about some things on the road.

He and brother Shu Xianfang said: "There was some chaos in the city a while ago, and I'm worried that there will be no peace outside the city either.

When you are away from home, making money is a trivial matter. As long as people have nothing to do, it is a good thing. "

Shu Xianfang looked at him with a smile: "You rushed back in a hurry, had lunch and then rushed back again, don't you think it's hard?"

"Brother, if I don't come back for the holidays, I won't be at peace in my heart.

You are back. If there is heavy snow during the next vacation, I will not come back. "

Shu Xianfang smiled and said, "If you rush back during the heavy snow, your grandparents will scold you."

In the afternoon, when Shu Xianming left, Shu Xianfang wanted to drive him into the city in a carriage, but Shu Xianming refused directly.

"Brother, there is a carriage entering the city at the entrance of the town. I have made an appointment with someone. You don't need to pull our carriage out to give me a ride."

After Shu Xianming left, Shu Ertie said to Shu Datie: "Our child has a good character. He is worried that there are not many people at home, so he rushes home during the holidays to take a look at the situation."

Shu Dati said with a happy face: "In a few years, when the babies grow up, our family will be even more lively."

The old man and his wife of the Shu family were sitting aside and listening to their brother's conversation. Just when they were listening to something interesting, Shu Ertie turned around and asked, "Mom, dad, have you got any plans for Xi'er's marriage?"

"Yes, Xi'er's marriage has been planned. We will see each other next spring. If it comes to fruition, the marriage and wedding date should be decided soon."

Yang was very happy to answer that the family that Wang Po helped connect with Shu Xianxi this time was the woman's family who heard about the Shu family and took the initiative to seek help from Wang Po.

Mrs. Wang also quietly asked someone to inquire about the conditions of the woman's family, and then she came to mention the matter to the Shu family.

The old man and his wife of the Shu family naturally followed the wishes of their children and grandchildren. Shu Santie and Gao Xiaorui were very satisfied with the conditions of the woman's family.

Gao Xiaorui asked Shu Xianxi privately what he meant. He didn't object to seeing each other, but the weather was bad now. He had to prepare for next year's big exam and didn't want to get sick at this time.

Gao Xiaorui explained Shu Xianxi's intention tactfully, and Mrs. Wang told the woman's family about the situation, and then the woman's family also agreed that there was no need to rush at this moment because they were destined.

Both families feel that there is no need to rush at this moment, so they will wait until next spring to discuss future matters.

Shu Ertie said with emotion: "After Xi'er's marriage was finalized, Zhi'er and Qi'er are not young anymore, and they have to get married one after another.

These days go by so fast. Ling'er will get married next spring. "

Shu Datie looked at the expressions on the faces of the old man and his wife of the Shu family. Shu Datie smiled and said to the old man and his wife of the Shu family: "Ling'er is married in the city. With her temperament, she will go back to her parents' home when she has time."

The eyebrows of the old man and his wife of the Shu family suddenly relaxed. Yang smiled and said, "We won't get used to her habit of returning to her parents' home."

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