house life

Chapter 321 Pale

There were more people in the family, so Shu Xianming found a sunny day and sent his wife and children home. When Gao Xiaorui saw Qibaoer, her son and daughter were completely gone in her eyes, only her good grandson.

It was a holiday in school, and the Dabaoer brothers took their younger brothers to play in the front and backyard, which made the atmosphere in the Shu family even more lively.

When the old man of the Shu family wanted to go out of the courtyard, his brother Dabaoer was protecting him, so there was no need for Shu Ling to follow him.

Shu Ling took the opportunity to go to the school to talk to Zhu Yun, but the man Zhu Yun took his two children to avoid it.

Shu Ling was a little embarrassed and said to Zhu Yun: "Sister Yun, I came too suddenly."

Zhu Yun glared at her angrily: "You came here in broad daylight, what happened suddenly?

He was originally going to take his two children to study in the front yard. When you came, he happened to take the two children away. "

The relationship between Zhu Yun and his wife is much better now than before. When Zhu Yun mentioned men, he no longer had that flat tone.

Shu Ling felt relieved and asked Zhu Yun about her New Year arrangements.

Zhu Yun said with a smile: "During the Chinese New Year, we will go there to pay New Year greetings. Then there will be nothing else."

Zhu Yun was not very close to her sisters. She later provided a way for the family to make a living, which made the sisters' status in their natal family far inferior to that of Zhu Yun.

Zhu Yun would not mention these things to Shu Ling. If Liu Hao was not married yet, or if Liu Hao got married and the two could still meet each other, she would probably mention this concern to Liu Hao.

Shu Ling mentioned things at home and smiled and told interesting stories about the babies in the family.

Zhu Yun said with some envy: "There are so many families in the town, and there are many families with good reputations, but only a few families live in harmony with each other."

Shu Ling said with a smile: "My grandparents are very wise people. My eldest aunt, second aunt, and my mother are all generous and generous. Our elders don't care about giving, and we juniors naturally don't care." .”

Zhu Yun agreed with Shu Ling. The reason why everyone in the Zhu family gets along well now is because his grandparents are the head of the family and can hold a bowl of water flat enough.

Zhu Yun whispered to Shu Ling: "The shopkeeper's aunt has already chosen the person to take over. She told me that she is old and the family does not want her to work too hard."

Shu Ling looked at Zhu Yun in surprise and said in a low voice, "Is there something wrong with the host's wife?"

Zhu Yun sighed: "My wife was ill a few days ago, and her daughter-in-law helped manage the store for a few days.

I will take another look. If the embroidery shop in the city accepts the embroidery patterns and offers a high price, I will send the patterns to the city next year. "

"My dumplings are still learning the craft in the shop. If the shopkeeper's aunt stops taking care of things, I'm a little worried that the people doing the work may not be mentally stable."

"Those who are particularly top-notch will naturally look for other ways out. Ordinary people will stay and continue working as long as there is business in the shop."

Shu Ling nodded after listening to Zhu Yun's words. The family had never thought of Tuanzi learning to be an embroiderer. They just thought that Tuanzi would have the opportunity to learn the skills and make friends with similar age.

"My second sister-in-law is very sensitive. If she knew these things, she would probably think of more things."

Shu Ling and Zhu Yun raised their worries. Zhu Yun knew something about the Shu family.

"The shopkeeper's aunt has been running the store for so many years. Even if the person in charge has changed, she will not be replaced easily this time.

Moreover, the shopkeeper's aunt originally worked as a steward in the store for so many years just for the sake of the owner's wife.

After the new year, there will be at least two or three months for the shopkeeper's aunt to take good care of the people who will take over. "Shu Ling understands what Zhu Yun means. There will be no change in manpower in the store in the past few months.

By the time there was a change in manpower in the store, Shu Ling had already gotten married and started a new life.

Zhu Yun looked at Shu Ling and smiled: "How are you preparing your dowry?"

Shu Ling smiled and said, "That's almost it."

When Shu Ling left, Zhu Yun reluctantly saw her out of the courtyard.

When the man Zhu Yun came back with his two children, he saw Zhu Yun already sorting out the drawings. He smiled and said a few words to Zhu Yun.

Zhu Yun was in a better mood again. He talked to the man about some arrangements for the New Year, and his family saved some money. Before the New Year, he happened to pay off some debts.

The man felt that although his family was in debt, his life was progressing.

Zhu Yun discussed with the man what gifts Shu Ling would give when she got married.

"I have lived in this world for so many years, and I have thought about it carefully. I only have two friends, Liu Hao and Shu Ling."

The man laughed after hearing her words: "After we have paid off the debt, you will be in the mood to make one or two close friends."

"It's different too."

The man didn't think there was anything particularly different. After he became a master at Shuangjing Town School, he had the opportunity to interact with people in the town and met two or three eloquent people.

"It's different for us men to make friends than you do. Yun'er, I still want you to have a few more friends that you can talk to in one place."

Zhu Yun understood the man's good intentions and looked at him with a bright smile: "Okay. When I have the chance, I will also go out and talk to more people."

On the way home, Shu Ling met the new daughter-in-law of the Lin family in Dongtou. The two stopped to greet each other. Then they couldn't find a suitable topic to talk about, so they quickly said goodbye to each other and left.

After Shu Ling returned home, she told the story of meeting the Lin family's new daughter-in-law, and said to Yang: "I originally came to talk to her, but it turned out that she was a very down-to-earth person. Then we each had our own things, so we just No more words."

Yang thought for a while and quickly remembered the Lin family's new daughter-in-law.

She smiled and clapped her hands and said, "Your Grandma Liu told me that she and the new daughter-in-law next door were married at about the same time.

The new daughter-in-law next door has a lively temperament. With her around, your Grandma Liu doesn't want to go out. She just stays at home and listens to the laughter of other people in the distance.

The new daughter-in-law of the Lin family has a quiet and honest temperament and is not difficult to get along with. Even if everyone says a few words to her, she can end the conversation with one sentence. "

Shu Lingxin nodded with the same feeling: "I am not asking her out of politeness, how is Grandpa Lin and Grandma Lin doing well recently?
She said she was always fine. If I was worried, I could go to her house to visit Grandpa Lin and Grandma Lin. "

"Hahaha, this kid is a solid person."

Yang couldn't help laughing, and Shu Ling looked at Yang with a helpless expression: "Grandma, she has been married for a long time, and our two families hardly move around.

I will get married next year, and she is not ignorant of the rules. I can only tell her that I have something to do, and then leave quickly.

I was really afraid that she would ask me again later, when I went to her house to visit Grandpa Lin and Grandma Lin. "

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