
Chapter 10 Cancer

Chapter 10 Cancer
Jiang Shan could only huddle in a corner, the rear compartment and the driver's cab were completely isolated, and could only see each other through the extremely thick glass windows, and it seemed that he couldn't even hear the voice.

Just waiting for the car to start—Jiang Shan realized that he was still naive.

The driver didn't know if he used to drive bumper karts, and he didn't have the slightest sense of traffic safety. He could run over a big stone on the ground, and he didn't care if the wheels were almost blown away.

Jiang Shan didn't expect that he escaped all kinds of "stimuli" during the trip, even the crazy swing of this broken truck.

Looking at Wei Yuan again, he held the crossbar of the rear car with his hand, and stuck the wheelchair between the two oil drums, as if he was used to this kind of life-threatening bumps.

Although Jiang Shan was dizzy from the shock, she found that she did not vomit miraculously. It seemed that she hadn't felt nausea for a long time.

The truck didn't stop until dark, and Jiang Shan saw the red moon outside the open carriage.

She heard that the red moon can only be seen in the last days, but she later found out that it was because of the color-changing glass of the car windows.

At this time, Jiang Shan's stomach suddenly let out an inappropriate growl.

The truck made a loud noise, as if the engine had been overwhelmed and was struggling to breathe its last breath.

Only Wei Yuan, who was also in the back compartment, heard the stomach growl, and he slowly raised his eyes to look at Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan remained motionless, but turned her face to one side to cover her expression.

Wei Yuan turned the wheelchair, turned towards the corner, then touched his hand somewhere, then retracted, and there was something extra in his hand.

He pushed the wheelchair to Jiang Shan's side, and handed the things in front of her: "Eat this."

Jiang Shan looked up and saw that it was a vacuum-packed sandwich. She slowly raised her hands. Now her hands were wrapped in protective gloves, and the blackened fingers could no longer be seen.

Jiang Shan took the sandwich, and it felt as hard as a brick through the gloves. The plastic film tightly wrapped the food inside, but a section of the food was still slightly black.

Are you sure it hasn't expired?

Wei Yuan said: "Now there is only this kind of food, let's make do with it."

At this time, Jiang Shan didn't understand what it meant to make do with the representative, but she had to take off her headgear when eating. Didn't these people avoid her like snakes and scorpions?

In the driver's cab, the girl named Zhao Ying kept looking quietly through the glass to the rear compartment. She observed that Jiang Shan took the food with panic in her eyes.

The others noticed it too, and Qi Shushu turned his head to look here.

Wei Yuan shook his head at them, looking at something, and finally Wei Yuan said: "Pull up the window protection curtain, and nothing will happen." Besides, the return journey will take at least ten days and a half months. It is impossible not to let Jiang Eat well.

The others were obviously unwilling, but they had to follow Wei Yuan's orders. They saw that Zhao Ying gritted her teeth and stretched out her hand to pull down a dark curtain, which immediately covered the only glass window in the driver's cab.

Jiang Shan: "..."

Wei Yuan looked at Jiang Shan again, and said softly, "Take off the hood."

Jiang Shan looked at Wei Yuan, who didn't even wear protective clothing, dared to stay in the same space with her, and even didn't shy away from contacting her.

Jiang Shan pulled down the zipper of the protective suit, and forcefully took off the heavy glass hood.

Jiang Shan was really hungry. After taking off the hood, he immediately tore open the packaging bag and bit down.

The sandwich was salty and hard, but it didn't affect Jiang Shan's comfort, as if she hadn't eaten such delicious food for a long time?

A suspected moldy sandwich?
Jiang Shan took a deep breath, and when he came back to his senses, he looked at the empty plastic bag in his hand in surprise. Wei Yuan looked at her silently, and there was a trace of inquiry in those eyes.

Jiang Shan pursed his thin lips, and before Wei Yuan could speak, he took the initiative to lift the hood at his feet and put it on again.

Jiang Shan, who was full, leaned his back completely against the wall of the car. The bumps of the car were beyond imagination, and the driver was obviously driving with all his strength. He drove crazily on the accelerator, as if he was anxious to get rid of something behind him.

Jiang Shan hugged the backpack in his arms tightly, subconsciously wanting to grab some of his own things to resist the vague uneasiness flowing in the air.

She raised her head and looked at the mountains and fields that had disappeared before her eyes, only some outlines of ravines could be seen.

Wei Yuan has been observing her, every detail of Jiang Shan's expression fell into his eyes, until Jiang Shan suddenly turned his face and looked directly at him.

Wei Yuan didn't feel any embarrassment or panic, he just asked slowly: "Are you sick? What is it?"

Jiang Shan looked at him, turned his face away for a long time, and wrote lightly: "Cancer."

Wei Yuan: "..."

Wei Yuan obviously couldn't ask what kind of cancer it was, usually the word cancer had enough meanings.

Wei Yuan fell silent again.

Jiang Shan closed his eyes, regardless of whether he was really sleeping or not, the meaning of refusing to communicate was very obvious.Now Jiang Shan is tired and confused, and she is still very unfamiliar with people like Wei Yuan, so she doesn't want to have too many conversations.

Wei Yuan silently looked away.

Jiang Shan fell asleep in a daze, was jolted awake again, and then the cycle continued. The weather outside was either gray or pitch black, and finally Jiang Shan couldn't tell how long it had passed.


In the cab, someone cursed: "Damn, it's out of gas again."

Jiang Shan finally felt that the car slowed down, and finally stopped panting wobbly.Seeming to vaguely understand why there are so many oil drums in the rear compartment, the tall and strong co-pilot got out of the car, came to the rear compartment with a solemn expression and looked at Wei Yuan.

"There's a situation where our backup line is broken." Without the line there's no way to refuel.

"Fuck, what a fucking leak in the house happens to be raining all night." Someone cursed again.

Wei Yuan was still the only one who remained calm, "Don't panic, let Zhao Ying open the map and take a look."

Zhao Ying in the back row of the cab was digging in her backpack, and an old rolled up map was spread out, Jiang Shan looked at them, what do you mean, did you get lost or something?
Isn't it enough to turn on the phone's GPS?Now that the global communication satellite is positioning, Jiang Shan suddenly realized that from the very beginning until now, she didn't seem to have seen these people using their mobile phones.

Jiang Shan saw that the roll of map that Zhao Ying opened had worn out edges, and it didn't seem to be an ordinary paper, much like the kind of parchment often shown on TV.

Zhao Ying said, "There is a gas station 500 meters ahead."

This sentence seemed to ignite a glimmer of hope for others, "No matter what, let's go and have a look first."

Jiang Shan saw that the oil pipe they threw away was said to be broken. It was densely covered with black substances, as if rusted, but can plastic pipes rust?

Before Jiang Shan recalled it, the car continued to wobble and drove forward, at a much slower speed than before, and finally moved 500 meters a little bit.

Jiang Shan saw an abandoned gas station on the side of the road.

(End of this chapter)

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