
Chapter 11 Unknown World

Chapter 11 Unknown World

The dilapidation of this gas station was beyond Jiang Shan's imagination. Two refueling equipment stood alone on the side of the road. The outside of the machine was gray and covered with things like spider webs.

This level of desolation seems to have been abandoned for decades.

But the problem is, this kind of tanker has not been around for so long?

Jiang Shan felt shocked and confused.

I saw Zhang Zheng and the strong man walked over to check it, and said even more dejectedly: "The whole **** (corrosion) can't be used."

Seeing Zhang Zheng touching the oil gun of the machine through the gloves of the protective clothing, Jiang Shan saw an incredible scene at that moment... The entire oil gun was scattered from Zhang Zheng's palm like fly ash, and the scene was like It was a handful of ashes.

Jiang Shan thought that he would not be shocked anymore, but the scene in front of him was beyond Jiang Shan's common sense, and then there happened to be a breeze, and the oil gun that was obviously made of metal looked like tofu scum, ah Not like ashes, blown away.

Jiang Shan's eyes were dull, she was hallucinating again?what did she see
But Zhang Zheng, who touched the oil gun with his own hands, didn't seem to be shocked at all. He was just more frustrated: "I can't find a working one. Our car can't last a kilometer."

Jiang Shan was still digesting the phenomenon beyond the mere category in his mind. How could metal be turned into fly ash in an instant?
Even if the metal is rusted, it won't become fly ash?

Zhao Ying was still calm at this time: "This gas station has an underground warehouse, and they usually store spare materials in the underground warehouse."

As long as you can find the fuel pipe and the fuel gun, you can refuel the car.

But any strange place is full of unknowns.

Zhang Zheng seemed to have made up his mind, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go to the warehouse alone, Lao Gao, you stay here and guard the car."

Zhang Zheng called everyone to add the word "old" because he was younger than Wei Yuan and the strong man. He was a pure young man in his early twenties. Responsibility and loyalty.

Zhang Zheng subconsciously wiped his face. His face was covered by glass, and he only wiped it on the cover. But after this action, the expression on his face became more determined.

In any case, this car is their only means of transportation now, and it can no longer be lost.

"Hey, did you notice that girl has been looking at us?" Suddenly Zhao Ying tugged at the corner of Zhang Zheng's clothes.Zhang Zheng's decision was interrupted.

Zhang Zheng froze for a moment, turned his head, and saw that Jiang Shan had got off the car at some point, and was standing not far away, motionless, watching them.

During the few days in the car, Jiang Shan had to get out of the car from time to time to solve her physical emergencies, just like eating and drinking, and she couldn't be stopped.

"What did she look at, it made me feel hairy."

Zhao Ying swallowed her saliva: "Do you think she is really 'normal'?"

After a few days of close observation of Jiang Shan, I found that the girl was more taciturn than expected, she ate when she was hungry, slept when she was sleepy, booed when she got out of the car, and closed her eyes when she got in the car.Like a quiet and regular cat.

But the question is, how can it be so regular? !
The manic driver Zhang Zheng was already irritable, and he was even more upset when Jiang Shan was mentioned, and Jiang Shan even walked straight towards them.

"Damn, what does she want to do?" Seeing Jiang Shan approaching, both of them panicked.

However, Jiang Shan didn't go towards them at all. She stopped in front of the refueling machine. She raised her head and looked at the machine.

The entire tanker was covered with a layer of dark, rust-like substance. Jiang Shan stretched out his hand, as if wanting to touch it, then retracted it.

Zhao Ying watched Jiang Shan's actions in horror, not understanding why the little girl went crazy.

She was also afraid that Jiang Shan would approach her.

And Jiang Shan just stood in front of the refueling machine in a daze, still replaying the scene of the refueling gun turning into fly ash in his mind.

Zhang Zheng was already impatient with Jiang Shan, so he turned around and walked towards the iron door leading to the warehouse. The dark rust stains on the door were even deeper, and the lock on the door was twisted into a ridiculous shape at this moment.

On the wall next to it is written: The warehouse is an important place, no entry is allowed.

No one noticed that Wei Yuan had gotten down from the rear compartment, he slowly pushed the wheelchair and approached the dazed Jiang Shan.

Along the way, Jiang Shan didn't ask any questions, and she didn't even talk much, as if she was used to being so withdrawn.

Now Jiang Shan was standing in front of the refueling machine, obviously shocked by what she saw, but she still didn't ask, and Wei Yuan didn't take the initiative to answer questions.

His gaze on Jiang Shan was more like an observation.

With a "boom", Zhang Zheng fired a shot at the rusty warehouse door.

This voice made Wei Yuan and Jiang Shan all look over.

And Zhang Zheng put the gun back on his back with a cold face, and raised his foot to go in.


Everyone's scalp tightened.

For the first time in history, Jiang Shan spoke.

She called out to Zhang Zheng who was about to walk in, hello.

Zhao Ying has already shrunk far away, only showing two pairs of eyes to observe the outside.

Zhang Zheng looked at Jiang Shan, and touched his lower back again, "What, what are you doing?"

Jiang Shan slowly raised his finger, and at the same time Zhang Zheng's hand holding the handle of the gun on his waist became tighter and tighter...

Jiang Shan pointed to the line next to the warehouse door: "It says 'No Entry'."

Everyone: "???"

Zhang Zheng frowned tightly: "So?"

Jiang Shan looked at him and blinked his clear eyes.

Everyone including Wei Yuan was stunned.

Jiang Shan's appearance is very serious, and his big eyes and thick eyebrows are serious, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like he is deliberately cold and humorous.

Zhang Zheng said, "What the hell are you talking about..."

Wei Yuan lowered his eyebrows: "Zhang Zheng."

The second half of the swear words were swallowed back, but Zhang Zheng looked at Jiang Shan with extremely negative energy.

Not far away, Wei Yuan slowly pushed the wheelchair to Jiang Shan's side, looked at her thoughtfully and said, "Would you like to follow me into the warehouse?"

Jiang Shan was stunned when he heard the words, and subconsciously looked at Wei Yuan.

There was no emotion in Wei Yuan's eyes, it just gave the impression that he was seriously asking for Jiang Shan's opinion.

But the others were already dumbfounded when Wei Yuan said this, and looked at Wei Yuan in disbelief.

Jiang Shan didn't answer Wei Yuan's words for a long time, but Wei Yuan said slowly: "There is still more than 300 kilometers away from the city. Although we have spare oil, if we can't find a tool to refuel, everyone will be stuck here. .”

Just like Jiang Shan was trapped on the mountain.

Jiang Shan looked at them, they were wearing weird protective clothing and descended out of thin air, but they were driving a second-hand antique car, why didn't they call for rescue, why didn't they use a helicopter.

Jiang Shan still didn't ask a word, she just nodded slightly suddenly.

He agreed to Wei Yuan's question just now.

Wei Yuan's eyes flashed.He raised his head and said to the group of companions: "Then Ashan and I will go down, Zhang Zheng and you should stay outside."

(End of this chapter)

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