
Chapter 12 The Dark Warehouse

Chapter 12 The Dark Warehouse
Ah, Ah Shan?Everyone's jaws dropped in shock, Wei Yuan called out this title very easily and casually, not only Jiang Shan was dumbfounded, but everyone else was numb too.Called Ah Shan so soon?Does this mean that he has completely regarded Jiang Shan as a teammate?
Regardless of whether other people are happy or not, Wei Yuan has already driven to the door of the warehouse and took a look inside.The dark passage has a decaying atmosphere inside.

"The situation in the warehouse is unknown, it's best for me and Ah Shan to go down." Wei Yuan added.

The meaning of this sentence is unclear, and it seems that there is obviously another meaning.

But Zhang Zheng and the other two didn't think so, especially the man who was sitting in the passenger seat before obviously wanted to say something.

Zhao Ying jumped out before him and interrupted: "I think Wei Yuan is right."

Several rounds of silent exchanges took place in the eyes of several people again, especially Zhao Ying's winking.She glanced at Jiang Shan.

Unexpectedly, Wei Yuan would take the initiative to take Jiang Shan down to the warehouse.

At that moment, Zhao Ying didn't know whether it was luck or something else.

"Give me all your flashlights." Wei Yuan said.

Hearing the flashlight, Jiang Shan's heart skipped a beat.A few people quickly took out two flashlights from the car, plus Wei Yuan's own three old-fashioned flashlights.

Jiang Shan observed them without saying a word.

Wei Yuan, a disabled person without protective clothing, and Jiang Shan, a "survivor" with an unknown condition, this pair is really unusual.

Wei Yuan stopped at the door of the warehouse, keeping his eyes on the inside: "Ashan, come and help me."

There are several short steps in the passage, he has already seen that Wei Yuan can't go down directly.

Along the way, Wei Yuan hardly dragged his companions down. He himself seems to be used to living in a wheelchair, while others seem to be a little in awe of him. At least everyone seems to follow what he says even if they don't want to.

Although Jiang Shan didn't say a word, he had already guessed the five-member team in his heart. Wei Yuan, a handicapped person, seemed to be leading the five-member team instead.

Jiang Shan held the armrest behind Wei Yuan's wheelchair, and slowly followed him into the dark and deep warehouse.

She didn't look at the no entry sign at the door.

When the figures of Jiang Shan and Wei Yuan completely disappeared in the warehouse, Zhang Zhengcai turned his head, looked at his companion complicatedly and said, "Is that girl's 'brain' bad?"

What the hell was the ban on entry just now?

Jiang Shan, who walked into the warehouse with Wei Yuan, suddenly thought, maybe, she should at least remind the aunt who kindly took care of her.

Jiang Shan even felt in a daze that the aunt didn't want to go that night. If she had persuaded her more, she might have stayed in the hotel to rest like her.

In the warehouse, Jiang Shan pushed Wei Yuan into the depths, when a light flashed in front of his eyes, it turned out that Wei Yuan had turned on the flashlight.

To be honest, Jiang Shan still doesn't know what these people are afraid of. She can see the panic and avoidance of those people. Even she is not stupid. She can see their fear of unknown places, such as underground warehouses.

The reason why Jiang Shan is still willing to come down with Wei Yuan is because she also wants to find out.

The fear of the unknown is far deeper than the known.

So Jiang Shan wanted to know what happened behind all this.

In the past few days, Zhang Zheng and the others have observed that Jiang Shan has always been dumbfounded, and he doesn't look very smart.He even slowly let go of his guard against her, or in other words, felt that she was not that scary at all.

Only Zhao Ying, she always felt that Jiang Shan gave her a very creepy feeling, as long as she looked at that blank face that seemed to have no emotions, she felt creepy, the problem was that no one would face the current world Look, can you still be emotionless? !

It's hardly human, is it?
Zhao Ying thought about it and moved away from the warehouse automatically.

Wei Yuan's flashlight shone in one direction, and there seemed to be some substance floating in the air, blocking the light and sight, and the flashlight could only shine on a small area, which could only be distinguished with the naked eye: "That should be a box for sundries. "

Jiang Shan also saw some faint outlines in the corner. This kind of dark and cramped space already gave people an uneasy feeling. Look around and look around in the bright range.

Jiang Shan walked to the place that Wei Yuan said seemed to be the glove box, and just stretched out her hand, it felt that it should be the outline of the box, but her hand was empty, and there was nothing.

Jiang Shan was also surprised.

She did see something in this corner just now, her eyes won't lie to her, but in her hand...

Jiang Shan suddenly felt that it wasn't that she didn't have something in her hand. She seemed to have grasped something, but the thing was very light. She grabbed a handful of it in her hand, but through a layer of gloves, she seemed to have grasped nothing.

Jiang Shan's breathing was stagnant, and he subconsciously asked Wei Yuan to shine a flashlight.

But Wei Yuan didn't know why, when Jiang Shan's figure was fixed in the corner, he seemed to realize something all of a sudden, and suddenly extinguished the light of the flashlight.

This also made Jiang Shan lose the last chance to see the "thing" in the corner clearly.

"Some things... it's better not to look at them."

Wei Yuan's voice was deep.

Jiang Shan stood in the corner without moving for a long time, until Wei Yuan turned on the flashlight again, but deliberately shone the light on other places.

"Come here, let's search elsewhere."

There is no doubt in Wei Yuan's words, a bit like when he announced to other teammates in the tent to take Jiang Shan away.

Jiang Shan was silent, and she slowly walked towards the place where the light was, Wei Yuan's side.

Seeing Jiang Shan coming, Wei Yuan was also slightly relieved. The most urgent thing to do now is to find the refueling tools and get out of here.He shone the flashlight at the exact opposite place, "Let's go over there and have a look."

Wei Yuan didn't notice that one of Jiang Shan's hands was still clenched slightly, as if there was something in his palm.

There were several iron buckets at the base of the wall, and the light was dim, so we could only see roughly. Wei Yuan had the flashlight in his hand, and he quickly turned around some places, so Jiang Shan didn't even have time to see which side was still on. wearing something.

"This way." Wei Yuan continued to lead the direction.

Jiang Shan followed in silence the whole time, and didn't question Wei Yuan, so Wei Yuan didn't pay too much attention to Jiang Shan.

The light of the flashlight flickered twice, as if there was a bad connection, but Wei Yuan was very calm and composed, picked up another flashlight silently, pressed the switch to continue to shine on places that were not searched.

Finally, let him see a toolbox with identification symbols painted on it.

Wei Yuan's gaze finally flickered: "Ashan, bring that over here."

Jiang Shan didn't move for a while, and she couldn't keep her fisted posture when she went to get the toolbox, so Jiang Shan put her palms up, and at that moment, in the backlight of the flashlight, she let go of the fist she had clenched for a long time.

In the palm, a black substance floated up, which was light and soft. It was only at this moment that Jiang Shan was convinced that there was really something in his palm.

(End of this chapter)

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